Spain Mondragon Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Spain Mondragon Industrial Park is located in Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Qiandeng Town), covers an area of about 372 acres, as of now there are 33 enterprises in the park ****, including Fuliwang Precision Mechatronics (China) Company Limited, East China Sea Taitong Warehousing (Kunshan) Company Limited, Kadiva Medical Devices (Kunshan) Company Limited and so on.

Enterprises in Spain's Mondragon Industrial Park have 15.2% in the specialized equipment manufacturing industry and 12.1% in the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital exceeding 10 million dollars include Fuliwang Precision Electromechanical (China) Co., Ltd, Donghai Taitong Warehousing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd, Kadiva Medical Devices (Kunshan) Co., Ltd, Suzhou Qiuyeyi Machinery Co., Ltd and Kunshan Liangye Electric Co.

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