Do radio signals affect the body?

Of course it is harmful!

Enough research has been done on microwaves to date to show that the effects that accumulate when exposed to microwaves or other electromagnetic field rays for long periods of time are more than a person can tolerate. As a result, some countries have set standards for the amount of microwaves allowed in the environment. In the former Soviet Union, the maximum amount is 0.1 milliwatts per square centimeter; in the United States, it is 10 milliwatts per square centimeter. Scientists have carried out long-term studies on the electric field generated by high-voltage lines and found that people who work for a long time under high-voltage lines may make the blood, the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system abnormal, and some young people feel that their sexual function is reduced. The United States of America, a surgeon in New York State, Robbie Burke will be some of the rats placed in the electric field for a long time, found that some of them appeared to be tumors, some suffered from red eye. All of these rats had pathological changes in the number of blood cells, proteins and fats. If a human being is exposed to an electric field at a fixed frequency, changes in the values of blood lipids are also found. In Germany, thousands of babies die every year from unknown causes. The German electrical engineer Ig?n? Ergelt found that most of these deaths occurred close to electrified railroad lines, radio broadcasting or relay stations, and near radar or high-voltage


Why do electromagnetic waves affect human health? It turns out that gas molecules are able to ionize into positive and negative ions. Originally, they maintain an equal ratio in the atmosphere, but various factors can change this ratio. Such as atmospheric pollution, metal structure, electrical appliances, motors and other reasons, are a large number of "swallow" the negative ions. Experiments have shown that negative ions play an important role in human health. If an animal is placed in an atmosphere that is depleted of negative ions, it will die within 2-8 days. In addition, oxygen can only exist in red blood cells by negative ions. Therefore, negative ions play a role in the oxygen we need to breathe, in the proliferation of viruses and bacteria, and in the electromagnetic level in the human organism. The biochemistry of the atmospheric ionization phenomenon has made it clear that a reduction in the number of negative ions can have a harmful effect on the human organism. Electromagnetic waves are the biggest enemy of negative ions.

According to experts, a variety of household appliances, hospital monitoring instruments, mobile communication equipment and other electrical devices, as long as they are in the operation of the use of state, there will be electromagnetic radiation around.

Electromagnetic radiation is harmful to the human body, mainly due to the water molecules in the body by electromagnetic radiation friction, causing the body to warm up, thus affecting the normal work of the organs in the body; in addition, the organs and tissues of the human body there is a weak, stable and orderly electromagnetic field, once the outside world electromagnetic radiation interference in the equilibrium state of the human body that is destroyed, the human body The human body will also suffer damage. Particularly noteworthy is that if the human body in the failure to repair the damage caused by electromagnetic radiation in a timely manner, once again subjected to electromagnetic radiation, the harm is even greater.

In fact, the transmitter tower on the human body is far less harmful than some of our side such as computers, cell phones, television and many electrical (electronic) products. Radiation on the impact of pregnant women is more serious, because we know that she is not just a person, but also in the gestation of a new life,

So, in order to minimize the impact of radiation should be done to protect the family daily protection measures, you can try to avoid the damage of home appliances radiation. Experts put forward specific practices:

1. Select regular manufacturers of brand-name appliances. Generally large brands of home appliances radiation have gone through the relevant national departments of the rigorous testing, can ensure safety.

2. The use of various appliances, should maintain a certain safety distance. To stay away from the microwave oven at least 1 meter away, the distance between the TV and people should be 4 to 5 meters, and the lamp distance should be 2 to 3 meters. Do not use the electrical appliances, be sure to turn off the power.

3. Do not place household appliances too centralized. In particular, television sets, computers, refrigerators, etc. should not be centrally placed in the bedroom;

4. Shorten the use of electrical appliances. A variety of household appliances should be avoided for a long time to operate and enable at the same time, do not hang the phone on the chest when answering the cell phone;

5. Conditions can wear anti-radiation clothing, the use of computers, TV radiation screen.

In order to prevent (reduce) radiation damage to the human body, we should pay attention to:

1. Try to avoid radiation source pollution.

2. Do not place household appliances too centrally, or often used together, so as not to expose themselves to the hazards of overdose radiation. Especially the TV, computer, refrigerator and other appliances should not be placed in the bedroom.

3. All kinds of household appliances, office equipment, cell phones and so on should try to avoid prolonged operation. Such as television, computers and other electrical appliances need to be used for a long time, it should be noted that at least once every hour to leave, look into the distance or close your eyes in order to reduce eye fatigue and the impact of radiation.

4. When the appliances are suspended, it is best not to leave them in standby mode, because this time can produce a weak electromagnetic field, a long time will also produce radiation accumulation.

5. The use of various electrical appliances, should maintain a certain safety distance. Such as eyes away from the distance of the TV screen, generally about 5 times the width of the screen; microwave ovens to leave at least 1 meter away after opening, pregnant women and children should try to stay away from microwave ovens; cell phone use, should try to make the head and cell phone antenna distance away from some of the best use of separate headset and microphone to answer the phone.

6. Consumers who have been exposed to excessive doses of electromagnetic radiation for a long time should pay attention to the following self-protection measures:

①People who live and work near high-voltage lines, substations, radio stations, television stations, radar stations, electromagnetic wave towers, patients with pacemakers, people who often use electronic instruments, medical equipment, office automation equipment, and people who live in the automated environment of modern electrical appliances. Modern electrical automation in the environment of the crowd, especially the weaker resistance of pregnant women, children, the elderly and the sick, the conditions should be equipped with shielding clothing for electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiation will maximize the blocking of the body outside.

②Television, computers and other electrical equipment with a display screen can be installed electromagnetic radiation protection screen, the user can also wear anti-radiation glasses to prevent the screen radiation electromagnetic waves directly on the human body.

③ cell phone contact instantaneous release of electromagnetic radiation is the largest, it is best to ring the phone after a second or two seconds or the phone between the two ringtone and then answer the phone.

④The radiation generated by the screen of the TV, computer and other electrical appliances will lead to dry and dehydrated human skin, accelerate skin aging, and seriously lead to skin cancer, so wash your face after using the above electrical appliances in a timely manner.

⑤ Eat more carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes, greens, seaweed, cabbage, lean meat, animal liver and other foods rich in vitamins A, C and protein, in order to help regulate the body's electromagnetic field disorders, and strengthen the body's ability to resist electromagnetic radiation.