1. German soldiers in the fight for victory, must abide by the principle of chivalrous warfare. Brutality and unnecessary destruction are not desirable.
2. Soldiers must wear uniforms or special, easily recognizable insignia. It is forbidden to go into battle in civilian clothes or without similar insignia.
3. It is forbidden to execute surrendered enemies, including partisans and spies. They will be dealt with by the courts in accordance with the law.
4. It is forbidden to humiliate and abuse prisoners of war. Weapons, maps and all kinds of records will be removed from prisoners of war, but it is not allowed to touch their personal belongings.
5. It is prohibited to use dum-dum bullets and to convert bullets into dum-dum bullets.
6. The Red Cross is sacrosanct. Humanitarian treatment must be given to the wounded enemy, and medical personnel and army chaplains are expected to provide aid to the wounded enemy.
7. It is forbidden to harm civilians or for soldiers to loot or vandalize. Landmarks of historical significance and buildings used for religious, artistic, scientific or charitable purposes are to be given special protection. Actions such as requisitioning the services of residents may only be carried out with orders from a superior and must be compensated.
8. It is forbidden to enter the Neutral Zone, nor for aircraft to fly over it, nor to fire on it, nor to use it as a target or instrument in all acts of war or military operations.
9. If a German soldier is captured and asked his name and rank, he must answer truthfully. Under no circumstances is it permitted to reveal the name of the unit to which he is attached or to give any information about the German military, political and economic situation. Neither coercion nor inducement is permitted.
10.Disobedience must be punished. When the enemy violates principles 1 through 8, he must report it to his superiors. Retaliatory action may be carried out only when directed by a superior.