People work in front of the computer for a long time, what is the harm to the human body?

Mobile phones, TVs, computers, microwave ovens and other appliances commonly used in the work of the people will be more or less radiation, with the development of the economy and people's living standards, radiation and people's work and life more and more closely related. At the "Advanced Seminar on Radiation Hazards and Prevention" held recently, senior Chinese experts in the field of radiation pointed out that while radiation brings great benefits to human society, it also poses potential hazards. It is imperative to widely publicize and popularize the knowledge of radiation protection so that people can correctly understand radiation and its sources and hazards, continuously improve the awareness of environmental protection of all people, and strengthen self-protection and health care. According to experts, there are three common radiation hazards: First, nuclear radiation hazards. Such as cobalt 60, γ-rays, χ-rays and so on. With nuclear energy and nuclear technology in industrial and agricultural production, health care, scientific research and national defense in a large number of applications, irradiated by more and more people, the harm of radiation can not be ignored. Prolonged exposure to radiation will make the human body produce discomfort, serious organs and systems can cause damage to the human body, leading to a variety of diseases, such as: leukemia, aplastic anemia, various tumors, fundus lesions, reproductive system diseases, premature aging and so on. The second is the harm of cosmic radiation. The intensity of cosmic radiation increases with altitude and latitude. Modern jet airliners in 10 to 20 kilometers flight altitude, the intensity of cosmic radiation is nearly 100 times the sea level, long-term exposure to cosmic radiation, some indicators reflecting radiation damage (such as the body of the lymphocyte micronucleus rate) changes, indicating that health has been affected. Third, electromagnetic radiation harm. Electromagnetic pollution has been recognized as ranked in the atmospheric pollution, water pollution, noise pollution after the fourth major public hazard. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment will be included in the electromagnetic radiation must control one of the main pollutants. Electromagnetic radiation includes both electrical equipment such as television stations, substations, electromagnetic wave transmission towers, such as the operation of high-intensity electromagnetic waves, including computers, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens and other household appliances produced when using electromagnetic radiation. These electromagnetic radiations fill the space, are colorless, tasteless and invisible, and can penetrate many kinds of substances, including the human body. If the human body is exposed to more than a safe dose of radiation for a long period of time, the cells will be killed or killed on a large scale. According to foreign data, electromagnetic radiation has become one of the disease-causing sources that jeopardize human health today. Investigation shows that in the electromagnetic wave field above 2 milligauss, the incidence of leukemia in the population is 2.93 times of the normal environment, and the incidence of muscle tumor is 3.26 times of the normal environment. Most experts at home and abroad believe that electromagnetic radiation is one of the causes of childhood leukemia and can induce the proliferation of human cancer cells, affecting the human reproductive system, leading to children's intellectual disability, affecting the human cardiovascular system, and people's visual system has an adverse effect. However, experts also pointed out that there is no need to be overly afraid of radiation, because radiation is not a strong carcinogenic factor and does not cause "special cancer", but only increases the incidence of cancer. According to the statistical analysis of the existing data, only 4% of the tumors are caused by ionizing radiation. Moreover, the harm of radiation can be prevented, and the damage caused by radiation can be treated.