Artificial Intelligence is a major achievement in the development of computer science in the 20th century, and has a wide range of applications in many fields. The following is my compilation of thesis sample of artificial intelligence related information, welcome to read!
Artificial Intelligence graduation thesis sample article 1Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is a major achievement in the development of computer science in the 20th century, and has a wide range of applications in many fields. Discusses the definition of artificial intelligence, analyzes the current applications in management, education, engineering, technology, and other fields, summarizes the current status of artificial intelligence research, and analyzes the direction of its development.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; computer science; development direction
Literature Identifier: A
Article Number: 1672-8198(2009)13-0248-02
1 Definition of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence ( Artificial Intelligence, AI), is a cross-discipline that synthesizes computer science, physiology, and philosophy.? Artificial Intelligence? The term was first introduced at the Dartmouth Society organized by the American Computer Society in 1956. Since then, researchers have developed numerous theories and principles, and the concept of artificial intelligence has expanded. Due to the uncertainty of the concept of intelligence, there has not been a unified standard for the concept of artificial intelligence. Professor Nelson of the famous Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Research Center gave this definition of artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is the discipline of knowledge - the science of how to represent knowledge and how to acquire it and use it.? And Prof. Winston of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes? Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers do intelligent work that only human beings could do in the past. Tong Tianxiang in his article "From? Man-Machine War? to Man-Machine ****birth" defines artificial intelligence in this way: ? Although machines nowadays can't think and don't have? intuitive equations? but the way people deal with problems can be programmed into intelligent programs, machines that can't think also have intelligence, so that machines can do things that require human intelligence, that is, artificial intelligence. Definitions such as these basically reflect the basic idea and basic content of the discipline of artificial intelligence. That is, artificial intelligence is the study of the laws of human intellectual activity, the construction of artificial systems with a certain degree of intelligence, research on how to let the computer to complete the previous need for human intelligence to be able to do the work, that is, research on how to apply computer hardware and software to simulate some of the human intelligence behavior of the basic theories, methods and technologies.
2 Application Fields of Artificial Intelligence
2.1 Application of Artificial Intelligence in Management and Teaching System
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Management. Liu Yuran in the "talk about the application of artificial intelligence in enterprise management" mentioned the application of artificial intelligence in enterprise management, that the work to be done is to figure out the relationship between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, to understand the extension and connotation of artificial intelligence, to build a platform for the application of artificial intelligence, and to do a good job in the development of enterprise intelligent software, so that the artificial intelligence will be able to play a key role in the decision-making in the enterprise.
Application of artificial intelligence in intelligent teaching system. Jiao Jialin, Xu Liangxian, and Dai Kechang (2003) summarized the international research results, combined with their accumulated practical experience in the process of developing the intelligent multimedia Chinese and German language teaching system "Chinese in the 21st Century", introduced the history, structure, and main technologies of the intelligent teaching system, and focused on the discussion of the application of artificial intelligence technology and methods, and pointed out that there are some problems in this field today. It also points out some of the problems that exist in this field today.
2.2 Application of Artificial Intelligence Expert System in Engineering
Application of Artificial Intelligence Expert System in Medicine. The earliest application of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis in foreign countries is MYCIN expert system.In 1982, Miller of Pittsburgh University in the United States published the research results of the famous Internist 2I computer-aided diagnostic system for internal medicine as a consultant for internists, which was improved to Internist 2II in 1977, and after improvement became the present CAU -CEUS, and DEX-PLAIN developed by Barnett et al. of Harvard Medical School in 1991, which contains 2,200 diseases and 8,000 symptoms. China's development of artificial intelligence-based expert systems began in the late 1970s, but developed rapidly. The early ones were developed by Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine into ? Guan Youbo hepatitis medical expert system? It is a simulation of the famous old Chinese doctor Dr. Guan Youbo's procedure for diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. In the early 1980s, Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fujian Computer Center developed Lin Ru Gao orthopedic computer diagnosis and treatment system. Others, such as Xiamen University, Chongqing University, Henan Medical University, Changchun University and other institutions of higher learning and other research organizations have developed artificial intelligence-based medical computer expert system, and successfully applied to clinical.
Artificial Intelligence in Mining. The first artificial intelligence expert system related to the mining industry is the 1978 U.S. Stanford International Research Institute of mineral exploration and evaluation expert system PROSPECTOR, used for exploration and evaluation, regional resource valuation and drilling well location selection, etc. Since the 1980s, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Research Center, in cooperation with other units to develop the prevention of the bottom dropsy of the coal mine roadway, gas management and coal dust control Expert system; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University developed a simulation of continuous mining process of mining, loading, transportation, roof anchoring and equipment inspection expert system Consim; the University of Alaska has prepared an expert system for the selection of mining methods for underground coal mines.
2.3 Application of Artificial Intelligence in Technical Research
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasonic NDT. In the field of ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE), the expert system method is now widely used mainly to judge and categorize the nature, shape and size of the defects in ultrasonic damage (UT); the expert bridges the gap between traditional ultrasonic nondestructive testing and intelligent ultrasonic nondestructive testing, and it can turn the general flaw detector into a skillful technician. Experienced experts. So in the practical application of this intelligent ultrasonic NDT has great value.
The application of artificial intelligence in electronics. Shen Xianqing believes that artificial intelligence and simulation technology can be combined to establish a microcontroller hardware configuration expert system with microcontroller hardware circuits as the source of knowledge of the expert system, and to carry out fault diagnosis in order to improve the ability to correct errors. Artificial intelligence technology has also been introduced into the field of computer networks, the common technology for computer network security management is firewall technology, and the core part of the firewall is intrusion detection technology. With the rapid development of the network, a variety of invasive means are also emerging, the traditional means of prevention alone is far from being able to meet the needs of reality, the application of artificial intelligence technology to the field of network security management, greatly improving its security. Ma Xiurong and others in the "brief description of the application of artificial intelligence technology in network security management" in the article specifically describes how to apply artificial intelligence technology in computer network security management, played a very good role in security prevention.
3 Development Direction of Artificial Intelligence
3.1 Development Status of Artificial Intelligence
Foreign development status. At present, AI technology is developing rapidly in the United States, Europe and Japan. IBM, which is very active in the field of AI technology. Has been for the California Lawrence? Livermore National Laboratory has manufactured a claim to have a human brain one thousandth of the intellectual capacity of the ?ASCII White? computer, and is developing a more powerful new supercomputer - ? Blue Jeans (blue jean)? , according to its research director, Paul Horn. According to its director of research, Paul Horn, it is expected to be the first of its kind in the world. blue jean? The level of intelligence will be roughly equivalent to the human brain. MIT's AI lab is carrying out a project code-named cog. cog program intends to give robots the ability to behave like humans, and one of the experiment's projects is to let robots capture eye movements and facial expressions, another is to let robots grab things that pass in front of their eyes, and yet another is to let robots learn to listen to the rhythms of music and play them out on drums. As AI has a vast future, the huge market for its development is favored by countries and companies. In addition to companies such as IBM, which continue to invest heavily in AI technology to ensure its leadership, other companies are maintaining a certain percentage of investment in research in the branches of artificial intelligence. Microsoft Corporation President Bill? Gates gave a keynote speech at the AI (Artificial Intelligence) International Conference in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., saying that Microsoft Research is currently working on the research of AI's basic and applied technologies, whose objects include self-determination, expression of knowledge and information, information retrieval, mechanical learning, data acquisition, natural language, voice handwriting recognition and so on.
The current status of AI research in China. For a long time, mechanical
and automatic control experts have taken the development of human-like robots with human behavioral characteristics as a goal to strive for. China International University of Science and Technology in the national 863 program and the Natural Science Foundation support, has been engaged in bipedal walking robots, human-like robot research and development, in 1990 successfully developed China's first bipedal walking robots on the basis of scientific research 10 years of research, in November 2000, and successfully developed into China's first human-like robot. It has a human body, limbs, head and neck, eyes, and has a certain language function. Its walking frequency from the past every six seconds a step, accelerated to two steps per second; from only calmly static not, to be able to quickly and freely dynamic walking; from only in the known environment to walk in a small deviation, uncertainty in the environment to walk, and achieved a robot neural network system, physiological vision system, hands coordination system, finger control system and many other major research results.
3.2 Artificial Intelligence Development Direction
Application in information retrieval. The application of artificial intelligence in network information retrieval, mainly in: ① How to use computer hardware and software systems to imitate, extend and expand the theory, methods and technology of human intelligence, including machine perception, machine thinking, machine behavior, that is, the process of knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge utilization. ② As the network knowledge information includes both regular knowledge, such as general principles and concepts, as well as a large amount of empirical knowledge, which inevitably carries uncertainty factors such as ambiguity, randomness, unreliability, and so on, reasoning about it requires the use of artificial intelligence research results.
Expert system-based intrusion detection methods. An expert system in intrusion detection is a set of reasoning rules obtained from the analysis of suspicious behavior by network security experts. A rule-based expert system can be under the guidance of experts, with the accumulation of experience and the use of self-learning capabilities for the expansion and revision of the rules, the expert system is less dependent on the historical record compared to statistical methods, and therefore more adaptive, and can be more flexible to adapt to a wide range of security policies and detection requirements. This is a major direction in the development of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence in robotics. Robot soccer system is currently conducting artificial intelligence body system research hotspot, its that is, high-tech and entertaining in one of the characteristics attracted a large number of scholars at home and abroad interest. Decision-making system is mainly to solve the robot soccer game process between the robot collaboration and robot motion planning problems, in the robot soccer system design needs to be in artificial intelligence decision tree, neural networks, genetics and other algorithms used in a comprehensive manner, with the further development of artificial intelligence theory, will make the robot soccer have a long development.
4 Conclusion
From the above discussion, we can see that the current application of artificial intelligence is quite extensive. Both the academic and application fields attach great importance to artificial intelligence. The good development and application prospects of AI require us to increase our research and investment so that the development of AI can serve mankind.
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