How to start a pharmacy in Jiangmen City how to manage the system

Pharmacy start is a few things, meet the requirements of the person, meet the requirements of the store site, meet the requirements of the hardware, meet the requirements of the qualification certificate.

01, meet the requirements of the people. Open a single store, the legal person or person in charge of a licensed pharmacist is a qualification certificate, not a title certificate, and then the store quality management personnel should also be a pharmacist part of the local requirements at the same time as a licensed pharmacist. Slightly different places, but open a single store must have two pharmacist license.

02, meet the requirements of the store site. Area is generally 80 square feet if it is 60 square feet can also be, but not conducive to the back to take the health insurance designated qualification, this area of some places is really using a ruler to measure the actual area.

Distance limitations, this is more pitiful a provision, some cities, especially big cities this point basically kills the hope. Distance is generally 300-500 meters, the FDA regulations may be to limit competition, but in practice it is not much use. However, for entrepreneurs, choosing a location is a particularly difficult task. Real estate certificates due to many places now require that the new opening of a single are if the nature of the company, can not appear as a personal business license, so the requirement is that the store site must have a real estate certificate.

03, meet the requirements of the hardware. Computer system: this should be able to network, in addition to the cash register, but also have to upload the sales and inventory data to the Drug Administration to go. Usually each city will specify some software. So in addition to the computer also have to buy a software system. Refrigerator: before the opening of a drugstore at home with a refrigerator can be, and now some cities require a professional pharmaceutical refrigerator, but also to specify the volume, some places also have to be the refrigerator temperature monitoring connected to the online Internet to the Drug Administration. Air conditioning: medicines are divided into room temperature, cool and refrigerated three conditions, air conditioning is a must. According to the area with air conditioning, shade is generally required in the vicinity of 25 degrees, for some cities in the South, the cost of electricity ah. Obviously, including chain pharmacies, most pharmacies simply can not do this. But this is the input, after all, the day of acceptance of the new store you have to meet the requirements ah. Chinese medicine and other equipment: generally can put at least 500 kinds of Chinese medicine cabinet to do, and then get a review of Chinese medicine table, go to the provisions of the place to buy a few arbitrageurs weighing, slicing machine powdering machine and so on. The other thing is to have all the thermometers on hand.

04, meet the requirements of all kinds of qualifications (this is the most difficult one). Because drugs are special commodities, so the state requirements for the start of the pharmacy is more stringent, the process is also more complex, in short, the following qualifications:

1, pharmacy practitioners must have a licensed pharmacist certificate.

2, must pass the "drug retail enterprise GSP certification.

3, obtain the "drug retail enterprise business license.

4, if the operation of two or three types of medical equipment must also obtain a medical device license.

5, other (retail pharmacy start-up conditions related to its business products, operating different categories of products need to obtain qualifications are different. You can consult with Yancheng for free.)