Network security threats include similar network information is eavesdropping, retransmission, tampering, denial-of-service attacks, and lead to network behavior denial, electronic spoofing, unauthorized access, spreading viruses and other issues.
1, eavesdropping: the attacker through the monitoring of network data to obtain sensitive information, thus leading to information leakage. The main manifestation of the information on the network is eavesdropping, this only eavesdropping without destroying the network transmission of information in the network aggressor is known as a negative aggressor. Malicious attackers often use this as a basis, and then use other tools to carry out more destructive attacks;
2, retransmission: the attacker obtains part or all of the information in advance, and later sends this information to the receiver;
3, tampering: the attacker of the legitimate users of the communication between the information to be modified, deleted, inserted, and then sent to the receiver of the forged information, which is a purely information destruction, such a network aggressor is called an active aggressor.
6, electronic deception by impersonating legitimate users to carry out network attacks, so as to conceal the true identity of the attacker, framing others for the purpose;
7, unauthorized access: without prior consent, the use of the network or computer resources is regarded as unauthorized access. It mainly has the following forms: counterfeiting, identity attacks, illegal users to enter the network system for illegal operations, legitimate users to operate in an unauthorized manner, etc.;
8, the dissemination of viruses, computer viruses spread through the network, the destructive nature of the very high, and it is very difficult for users to prevent. Such as the well-known CIH virus, love bug virus, Code Red, Nimda virus, cover letter, happy hour virus, etc. are extremely destructive, serious can paralyze the entire network.