What is the bus fare from Kunming to Xishuangbanna? At which station do I take the bus? How long will it take to arrive?
20 10 All stations in Kunming were relocated. Now you have to take a bus to Jinghong to get to Xinluo Bay (Xinluo Bay Transportation Hub Station). The fare is about 250, and it will arrive in about 9 hours. You can take bus No.5 to Xiaoximen → Chrysanthemum Village, and bus No.0/2 to Silla Bay. It's a long way, and it's almost the same as Chenggong. You should leave at least 2 hours before driving. PS: You can buy tickets at other stations, but you must take a bus to Xinluo Bay. It is recommended to buy tickets in Xinluo Bay, and you can familiarize yourself with the terrain at will.