Equipment Profile of Dental Equipment

Serial No. Name Name Examples Management Category 1 Comprehensive Oral Treatment Equipment Comprehensive treatment table (machine) Ⅱ 2 Dental drills and accessories Electric dental drills, turbine dental drills Ⅱ 3 Dental chairs Hydraulic dental chairs, electric dental chairs Ⅱ Mechanical dental chairs, physician's chairs Ⅰ 4 Dental handpieces Electric handpieces, turbo handpieces Ⅱ 5 Scaling and filling equipment Medical scaling machines, pulp vitality testers, root canal length gauge, root canal treatment instrument, light curing machine (apparatus) Ⅱ 6 Needles Ⅱ 7 Comprehensive Oral Treatment Equipment Accessories Powerful suction, triple spray gun, saliva aspirator Ⅱ Electric suction system, light curing machine (apparatus) Ⅱ 6 Car needles Therapeutic instrument, light curing machine (device) Ⅱ 6 Needle Ⅱ 7 Comprehensive oral treatment equipment accessories Powerful suction, triple spray gun, saliva suction Ⅱ Electric suction system, medical air compressor, dental mold tester, silver and mercury harmonizer Ⅰ 8 Oral lamp Oral surgery lamp, oral lighting Ⅰ