The economic indicators of environmental management of construction projects are


In order to promote the circular economy, the Shenzhen Environmental Protection Bureau has decided to incorporate the circular economy into the environmental protection approval of construction projects and the "three simultaneous" management of the circular economy indicators as a basis for "one-vote-negative" access to environmental protection in construction projects.

Indicators are applicable to the preparation of environmental impact reports and project approval, so the evaluation of indicators should focus on the availability of data and information, operability, and the degree of difficulty in quantifying the indicators. Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau proposed to first of all the indicators proposed in the study report in the trial calculation, the city environmental science institute to develop circular economy indicator calculation and use of instructions for the environmental impact assessment of construction projects work circular economy analysis chapter preparation to provide technical support and guidance.

1 Theme content and scope of application

1.1 Theme content

This technical requirements in accordance with the principles of circular economy, from the improvement of resource utilization, energy saving and reduce environmental pollution, for the environmental impact assessment and approval of the project's resource and energy use, pollutant generation and economic indicators proposed indicator system.

1.2 Scope of application

This indicator is applicable to the circular economy analysis of environmental impact assessment of construction projects (industrial projects) of Shenzhen enterprises and institutions. The circular economy analysis mainly evaluates the proposed new construction, alteration and expansion projects. There is no requirement on the existing level of circular economy for the reconstruction and expansion projects.

2 circular economy analysis work procedures

Construction project environmental impact statement (table) should have a special chapter of circular economy analysis. Environmental impact assessment of circular economy chapter of the preparation of the specific "construction project environmental impact assessment of circular economy analysis procedures" to implement. The working procedure of circular economy analysis for environmental impact assessment of construction projects is shown in Figure 1.

Data Collection

Collection of Enterprise Data

Feasibility Study Report

Selection of Circular Economy Analysis Indicators

Indicator Calculation and Comparative Analysis

Conclusion of Circular Economy Analysis

Construction Project Engineering Analysis

Screening of Pollution Factors

(Part of Engineering Analysis)

Figure 1 Working Procedures of Circular Economy Analysis for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects

3 Circular Economy Evaluation Indicators and Classification

3.1 Circular Economy Evaluation Indicators

***Six circular economy evaluation indicators are selected, as follows:

1. Unit COD emission per unit of industrial output value/COD emission per unit of industrial added value

2, SO2 emission per unit of industrial output value/ SO2 emission per unit of industrial added value

3, industrial water reuse rate

4, comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid wastes

5, hazardous wastes disposal rate

6, prohibition of using toxic and harmful Indicators of raw materials

3.2 Grading of indicators

For the quantitative environmental protection approval of the circular economy indicator standards are divided into basic, medium and advanced three levels, level 1 - advanced level of circular economy; level 2 - medium level of circular economy ; Level III - basic level of circular economy, access conditions for environmental protection approval of construction projects (Table 2): for qualitative indicators of prohibited raw materials, a list of prohibited raw materials is given (Table 3).

Table 2: Criteria for Evaluation Indicators of Circular Economy in Environmental Protection Approval

Name of Indicators


Standard Value

COD Emission per Unit of Industrial Output Value

kg/million Yuan


1.0< /p>


SO2 emissions per unit of industrial output value

kg/million yuan




COD emissions per unit of industrial added value

kg/million yuan




SO2 emissions per unit of industrial added value

kg/million yuan




Industrial water reuse rate





Industrial solid waste Comprehensive utilization rate





Hazardous waste disposal rate



Table 3 Indicator list of banned raw materials

Banned raw materials

Banned sectors

Banned use of lead solder

Electronics and communications manufacturing industries

Ban on the use of chromic acid-sulfuric acid etchant

Ban on the use of chromium-containing photosensitive resists, cleaning agents, etching solutions

Ban on the use of disposable foamed plastic tableware

Ban on the use of disposable wooden tableware in all related industries

Ban on the use of CFC-113, methyl chloride, and CFC-113, and CFC-1181 CFC-113) and methyl chloroform (TCA) as cleaning agents

Cleaning industry

Ban on the use of methyl bromide as an insecticide

Agriculture, tobacco, grain storage industry

Ban on the deployment and use of halon fire extinguishers (systems) in non-essential places

All related industries

Ban on the use of CFC11 as a Foaming agent, cigarette expanding agent, refrigerant, solvent

Sponge, automobile interior, thermal insulation tubes, plates, cold storage insulation and household appliances thermal insulation production; turbine refrigerator; aerosol products

Ban the use of perchlorofluorocarbon (PFC) refrigerants (R-11, R-12, R-502) and other CFCs refrigerants

Building refrigeration, industrial and commercial refrigeration, domestic refrigeration, automobile air conditioning Refrigeration, commercial and industrial refrigeration, domestic refrigeration, automobile air-conditioning, refrigeration servicing, recovery and storage of CFCs refrigerants, end-of-life automobiles, etc.

Prohibition of the use of CFC12 as a refrigerant, blowing agent, propellant

Refrigerators, air-conditioners, freezers, refrigerated storage equipment and transportation refrigeration equipment; the production of PS sheets, PE mesh tubes, etc.; aerosol products

4 Indicator instructions

4. p>

4.1 Methods for determining the level of circular economy

For the overall level of circular economy of the project, the lowest one of each individual indicator shall be counted.

4.2 Methods of using the indicators

If the emission level of the enterprise is greater than the third level standard, it will not pass the environmental impact approval;

If the emission level of the enterprise reaches the third level standard, it will be allowed to pass the environmental impact approval. However, for projects located in environmentally sensitive areas such as water source protection zones and ecologically sensitive areas, the EIA report shall give measures and time schedule to gradually reach the second-grade circular economy standard;

If the emission level of the enterprise reaches the second-grade standard, it will be allowed to pass the environmental impact approval; however, for projects located in environmentally sensitive areas such as water source protection zones and ecologically sensitive areas, the EIA report shall give measures and time schedule to gradually reach the first-grade circular economy standard. However, for projects located in ecologically sensitive areas such as water source protection zones, the EIA report should give measures and time schedule to gradually reach the first level of circular economy;

If the emission level of the enterprise reaches the first level of standards, it is allowed to pass the approval of the environmental impacts, and in the approval of the project, it is allowed to take the "green channel" to speed up the process.

5 Meaning of indicators and calculation methods

5.1 Description of indicators

(1) COD emissions per unit of industrial output value / COD emissions per unit of industrial added value

Indicator Explanation: COD emissions per unit of industrial output value / COD emissions per unit of industrial added value refers to the main industrial pollutants per 10,000 yuan of industrial output value / value added by industry. COD emissions.

COD emissions: refers to the enterprise industrial production wastewater COD emissions and COD emissions of the enterprise's working population living sewage emissions of the two parts of the sum.

Calculation formula:

Life COD emissions: the amount of life COD calculated using the coefficient of production method, according to the number of the working population of the enterprise (including all employees in the plant, outside the food and lodging) calculated to get. Calculation formula is:

Life COD = PN × CODS × 365


PN = enterprise labor population (people);

CODS = per capita COD generation coefficients (grams per person?); according to the "Shenzhen Water Pollution Law", the amount of COD is calculated by the generation coefficient method, which is based on the number of employees (including all employees in and out of the plant). day); according to "Shenzhen Water Pollutant Discharge Total Control Planning", the value is taken as 60g/person? day.

(2) SO2 emissions per unit of industrial output value/SO2 emissions per unit of industrial added value

Indicator explanation: SO2 emissions per unit of industrial output value/SO2 emissions per unit of industrial added value refers to the emissions of SO2, the main industrial pollutant, per 10,000 yuan of industrial output value/industrial added value.

Calculation formula:

SO2 emissions: refers to the production process of fuel combustion SO2 direct emissions and consumption of electric energy in the production process (kWh), electricity consumption needs to be shared by the power plant for each production of the corresponding kWh of electricity emitted by the SO2 indirect emissions.

SO2 direct emissions: calculated using the material balance algorithm, the amount of fuel (coal / fuel oil) used by industrial enterprises and the fuel sulfur content to estimate SO2 emissions, the formula is:

SO2 emissions of the formula:

G Coal combustion = 2 × B × S (1 - η) × 80%

G Fuel oil = 2 × B × S (1 - η)


G - sulfur dioxide emissions (tons)

B - fuel combustion (tons)

S - fuel Full sulfur content in fuel (%)

η--Sulfur dioxide removal rate (%)

SO2 indirect emissions: calculated by generating coefficient method, based on the quantity of electricity consumption. Calculation formula is:

SO2 indirect emissions = electricity consumption (kWh) × SO2S


SO2S - is the average amount of SO2 emitted by the power plant for every 1 kWh of electricity produced, the average value of Shenzhen is 2.1039 g/kWh.

(3) industrial water reuse rate

Indicator explanation: refers to the industrial water reuse as a percentage of the total industrial water use.

Industrial water reuse: refers to the amount of water reused in the production water of the enterprise during the reporting period, including recycling, multi-purpose water and cascade use of water (including the amount of treated water reused for greening, toilet flushing, etc.).

Total industrial water use: the amount of water used for production and life in the enterprise's plant during the reporting period, which is equal to the sum of the amount of fresh water for industrial use and the amount of industrial water reuse.

Calculation formula:

(4) Comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste

Explanation of the indicator: it refers to the percentage of the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste to the amount of industrial solid waste generated.

Comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste: refers to the amount of solid waste extracted from solid waste or transformed into resources, energy and other raw materials that can be utilized, such as used for the production of building materials, road construction, etc., by the enterprises through recovery, processing, recycling, exchange, etc. during the reporting period.

Calculation formula:

(5) Safe Disposal Rate of Hazardous Wastes

Indicator Explanation: Safe Disposal Rate of Hazardous Wastes refers to the safe disposal of hazardous wastes as a percentage of the total amount of waste generated.

Industrial hazardous waste refers to solid waste or liquid waste generated from industrial production activities that are listed in the National Hazardous Waste List (see the National Hazardous Waste List for more details) or are recognized as having hazardous characteristics in accordance with the hazardous waste identification standards and identification methods stipulated by the state. Disposal and utilization of hazardous waste means disposal and utilization in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection.

Calculation formula:

5.2 Data sources

For the data related to the gross industrial output value and industrial added value of the construction project, in principle, they are derived from the feasibility study report of the construction project, and the COD and SO2 emissions are calculated by the above calculation formula.

(1) (current price) industrial output value


Current price industrial output value refers to the current price of industrial enterprises in a certain period of time engaged in the production of industrial products or the provision of industrial services to create a monetary total of the fruits of labor. It should be emphasized here that the calculated price is the average ex-factory price excluding VAT output tax.

Calculation formula

(The new provisions of the current price) total industrial output value = Σ the output of a certain product × the average ex-factory price of the product excluding VAT + the value of the difference between the work-in-progress semi-finished products at the beginning of the period at the end of the period + the income from external processing.

(2) Industrial value added


The so-called industrial value added is the value newly added by an industrial enterprise in the process of producing products or providing industrial services to the outside world, and it is the final result of the industrial production activities of the industrial enterprise in a certain period of time in the form of monetary expression of industrial production activities, and it is the total result of the entire production activities of the industrial enterprise (industrial output) minus the value of material products and goods consumed or converted in the production process. The balance of the value of material products and services consumed or converted in the production process.

Calculation of industrial value added

At present, there are two calculation methods for calculating industrial value added: one is the production method, which is calculated from the perspective of the generation of industrial value added, and the other is the income method (also known as the distribution method), which is calculated from the perspective of the internal composition of industrial value added. Calculation formula:

①Production method of industrial value added is the basic formula:

Industrial value added = (current price of the new regulations) industrial output value - industrial intermediate inputs in total + value-added tax payable

②Income method of industrial value added is the basic formula:

Industrial value added = depreciation of fixed assets + workers' compensation + net production tax + operating surplus + VAT payable

(3) Example of calculation of industrial value added

A factory in the reporting period to produce 2,500 tons of product A, excluding tax at an average unit price of 1,450 yuan / ton, 52,000 yuan of external processing revenue. The composition of various costs and expenses of the factory in the reporting period and related information are shown in the following table:





I. Total Production Costs (Thousands of Dollars)


III. Overhead Costs (Thousands of Dollars)


1. Workers' wages


1, Management staff's wages


2, Workers' welfare expenses


2, Management staff's welfare expenses


3, Outsourced materials


3, Depreciation of management


4, Purchased Fuel


4, Labor Insurance


5, Purchased Power


5, Standby Insurance


6, Auxiliary Materials


6, Taxes


7. Manufacturing expenses


7. Land compensation fees


①Workshop management personnel's salaries


8. Compensation for mineral resources


②Workshop management personnel welfare expenses


9. Others


③ Depreciation


4. Finance costs (in thousands)


④ Materials and others


of which: Interest expenses


2. Products Selling expenses


V. Revenue from sales of products (in thousands)


1. Salaries of sales personnel


VAT payable


2. Welfare expenses of sales personnel


Sales tax


3, Depreciation of sales organization


Product sales taxes and surcharges


4, Materials and other


Profit transferred to bonuses


Subsidy income


Use the above The following calculations were made using the above information:

I. Calculation of industrial value added by the production method

1. Gross value of industrial output at current prices (new regulation)

Gross value of industrial output at current prices=value of finished products+income from external processing=2500 tons×1450 yuan/ton+50 thousand yuan =3675 thousand yuan

2. Value added tax payable=211 thousand yuan

3, total industrial intermediate inputs

①Direct materials = purchased materials + purchased fuel + purchased power + auxiliary materials = 1975 thousand yuan

②Manufacturing costs intermediate inputs = total manufacturing costs - of which: wages, fringe benefits, depreciation = 150 thousand yuan

3, intermediate inputs to the cost of goods sold = total selling expenses p>Industrial input = ① + ② + ③ + ④ + ⑤ = 2,648 kilowatts

4. Value added of industry = industrial output value at current price (the new regulation) - industrial input + value-added tax payable = 3,675 - 2,648 + 211 = 1,238 kilowatts
