The hazards of swabbing the ears
The biggest hazard caused by repeated swabbing of the ears is cerumen embolism. Under normal circumstances, cerumen in the external auditory canal can move with the movement of the temporomandibular joint, from inside to outside. If the tip of the cotton swab is too big, the cerumen on the outside of the external auditory canal can be pushed inward when digging, which will be in the form of lumps over time, causing cerumen embolism, which will cause stuffiness and swelling in the ear, hearing loss, and even ear pain and dizziness. If the tip of the swab is too hard or too sharp, it is very easy to cause damage to the skin of the superficial part of the external auditory canal, and in serious cases, it may also cause localized damage, resulting in bleeding. Because cerumen has a certain antibacterial effect, and can prevent the external gravel, water droplets into the deeper part of the external auditory canal damage to the mucous membrane, so the frequency of ear digging should not be too frequent, once a week or so can be, but also to use the regular instrument, must pay attention to the protection of the skin of the external auditory canal and mucous membrane.
What is the expiration date of the cotton swabs
Generally speaking, the medical cotton swabs are valid for two years. Medical swabs are very common in our lives, don't look at it as if it is insignificant, but it plays a key role from time to time to help people solve many problems. Medical swabs are characterized by non-toxic, non-irritating, good water absorption and easy to use. This product is sterilized grade and can be used with confidence. The method of use is to open the bag can be used. It can be used to treat wounds directly. But pay attention to the cotton swabs should be stored in the relative humidity does not exceed 80%, no corrosive gas and well-ventilated room, avoid high temperature. Medical cotton swabs are made of degreased cotton and natural birch wood, and can be used in medical and health units and home health care, disinfecting the patient's skin, treating wounds, and applying medicinal solutions. The cotton fiber of cotton swabs should be soft, white, odorless, without yellow spots, stains, foreign matter. The surface of the stick of plastic stick and paper stick should be smooth, no burr, no stains, foreign matter and the surface of the stick of wood stick and bamboo stick should be smooth, no breakage, no stains, foreign matter.
Black cotton swabs are what do
Black cotton swabs and white cotton swabs, the same, made of skimmed cotton and paper rods, in addition to the black cotton swabs are cotton swabs added black activated carbon crystals, so it is black. Black cotton swabs have the ability to adsorb, effectively please clean the surface of the dirt. The reason why the swabs are black is because of the activated carbon content. In fact, sometimes it is easier to see with a black cotton swab than with a white one, for example, to clean the ear canal. But because of the special color, selling price than the same specifications of the white cotton swabs to be more expensive 5 yuan to 10 yuan. Varieties of cotton swabs according to the field of application can be divided into, electronics, optoelectronics with cotton swabs, medical, cosmetic cotton swabs, household cotton swabs, as well as other areas of industry, its material, shape variety, to adapt to a variety of solvents for wiping. Household cotton swabs a small one, powerful, cotton swabs are widely used, such as daily cleaning of a part of the human body, such as the ear. There are also injured can also be used to wipe, often make-up MM used to make-up removal can be.
What are the uses of cotton swabs
1, clean the keyboard: use cotton swabs to take the cleaning fluid or disinfectant water, you can clean out the dirt in the crevices of the keyboard.
2, cleaning hair dryer: the cotton swab into the hair dryer for cleaning, can eliminate the trouble of dismantling and cleaning dirt.
3, light a candle: use a lighter to light the cotton swab, it can be used as a candle.
4, remove eye puffiness: eye massage with frozen cotton swabs, can effectively remove swelling, so that the eyes reappear bright.