What is a surge

Question 1: What is a surge surge protector (surge protector), also known as a lightning protector, also known as lightning arrester, is a variety of electronic equipment, instrumentation, communication lines to provide safety protection of electronic devices. Used in family homes, tertiary and industrial sectors. c surge protector is often used in multi-level protection occasions, as the second level of induced lightning and switching process caused by the instantaneous over-voltage protection. Guangxi - full pass - electronic diamond star

Question 2: What is the meaning of surge? Surge, also known as surge, as the name implies is beyond the normal operating voltage of the instantaneous overvoltage. Essentially, a surge is a violent pulse that occurs in just a few millionths of a second,. Possible causes of surges are: heavy equipment, short circuits, power switching or large engines. Products that contain surge arrestors can effectively absorb sudden bursts of enormous energy to protect connected equipment from damage.

Surge protector, also known as signal lightning protector, is a variety of electronic equipment, instrumentation, communication lines to provide security and protection of electronic devices. When the electrical circuit or communication line because of external interference suddenly produce a spike in current or voltage, the surge protector can be in a very short period of time conduction shunt, so as to avoid surge damage to other equipment in the circuit.

Question 3: What are the causes of surge? There are many reasons for surges, such as heavy equipment, short circuits, power switching or large engines can cause surges in the circuit. To summarize, the power supply system surge causes are divided into external and internal two kinds. External causes are mainly lightning, lightning triggered by surge overvoltage, internal causes are mainly in the electrical equipment start and stop and failure. The E6500 Power Quality Analyzer has a 200KHz capture capability, which can capture waveform pulses up to 50 microseconds, as well as a peak detection method, a sliding window method, and an integral detection method.

Question 4: What is the grid surge It is a variety of overvoltage on the power grid. For example, electromagnetic resonance, lightning overvoltage, operational overvoltage.

Voltage surge is a voltage that exceeds the rated voltage worth 110% in one or more cycles. For example, the shutdown of heavy equipment, due to the sudden disappearance of current in the grid, its line inductance counterpotential will cause a voltage rise; on the other hand, the voltage drop on the line resistance suddenly disappears, but also the voltage rise.

A voltage surge is a transient voltage wave that propagates along a line or circuit, characterized by a rapid rise in voltage followed by a slow fall.

The temporal parameters of a voltage surge are defined as follows:

Rise time is the rise time from 10% to 90% of the peak value;

Duration is the duration of 50% of the peak value between the rising and falling edges of the wave.

Question 5: What is the meaning of anti-surge Surge, also known as surge, as the name implies, is an instantaneous overvoltage beyond the normal operating voltage. Essentially, a surge is a violent pulse that occurs in just a few millionths of a second,. Possible causes of surges are: heavy equipment, short circuits, power switching or large engines. Products that contain surge arrestors can effectively absorb sudden bursts of enormous energy to protect connected equipment from damage.

Surge protector, also known as signal lightning protector, is a variety of electronic equipment, instrumentation, communication lines to provide security and protection of electronic devices. When the electrical circuit or communication line because of external interference suddenly produce a spike in current or voltage, the surge protector can be in a very short period of time conduction shunt, so as to avoid surge damage to other equipment in the circuit.

Question 6: What is a surge protector and what does it do? You said the full name of the surge should be surge voltage protector, which is a connection in the power circuit, used to absorb power surge voltage equipment, used to protect other electronic equipment connected to the power circuit from surge voltage.

There are also surge voltage protectors that are connected to communication lines and are mainly used to protect communication interfaces.

There are also embedded in the circuit board, it can not be called a surge voltage protector, should be called a surge voltage circuit, the principle and role are the same.

Question 7: What is the current surge 15 points When the appliance is just connected to the power of the moment, due to capacitance on the AC or pulse of the internal resistance is very small, bluffing just connected to the power of the moment is equivalent to the capacitance plus the pulse voltage, resulting in a lot of current, or a sudden change in the input voltage, but also produce a lot of current, thermistor is used to reduce the inrush current

Question 8: What is the meaning of the surge Waves Rolling, describing the sea is very windy.

Question 9: What is meant by surge voltage? Surge Voltage:

Circuits are struck by lightning and when turning on and off inductive loads or large loads often produce very high operating overvoltage, this instantaneous overvoltage (or overcurrent) is called the surge voltage (or inrush current), is a transient interference. With the completion of the circuit of each capacitor charging, and inductance in the disappearance of self-induced potential, the voltage tends to stabilize.

Hazards of Surges:

Surges include surge impacts, current impacts, and power impacts, and can be categorized as surges caused by lightning strikes and operational surges generated within the electrical system. Surge appears in the building from nearly kV to dozens of kV, such as not to limit will lead to: cause electronic equipment, false action; power supply equipment and valuable computers and a variety of hardware equipment damage, resulting in direct economic losses; in the electronic chip to leave a latent hidden trouble, so that the operation of electronic equipment is unstable and aging accelerated.

Surge suppression methods:

Surge protector is to protect electronic equipment by discharging the lightning current and limiting the surge voltage, is the main means of lightning protection of electronic equipment, but also the main internal lightning protection measures, thus becoming an important part of the integrated lightning protection system.

Surge protectors are connected in parallel at both ends of the protected equipment, by discharging the surge current and limiting the surge voltage to protect electronic equipment. Drainage of lightning current, limit the surge voltage of these two roles are completed by its non-linear components (a non-linear resistance, or a switching element). In the normal operation of the protected circuit, before the arrival of the transient surge, this element presents a very high resistance, no effect on the protected circuit; and when the transient surge arrives, this element quickly transforms into a very low resistance, bypassing the surge current and limiting the voltage across the protected equipment to a low level. At the end of the surge, the nonlinear element quickly and automatically reverts to a very high resistance.

Surge Voltage Suppressor :

The main function is to protect the system from damage caused by surge high voltage. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are used to prevent voltage drops and power disconnections, and most desktop systems have power supplies that can handle surge voltages up to 800 volts. Surge suppressors can stop voltages above this level. Most surge suppressors sold today divert surge voltage to ground, but in some building wiring, surge voltage can reappear in other computer systems. Some surge suppressors use coils and electrolytic capacitors to absorb excess energy instead of dispersing it to ground. The ground dispersion method is primarily used to protect the surge suppressor itself from burning out. Many suppressors still use this technique, but more effective suppressors will avoid it in the future.

Surge protection should be rated up to 6000 volts. Protection devices are equipped with electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) noise filtering circuitry. However most desktop systems already have such filters in their power supplies, so you should view advertisements emphasizing EMI/RFI noise filters with skepticism.

Care must be taken with surge suppression devices that use Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TTSS) technology. This suppressor protects against large instantaneous high voltages, such as lightning strikes, but does not suppress instantaneous voltages that are low enough to still be harmful to electronic equipment. Moreover, it directs the instantaneous high voltages to the ground, where they may return to other equipment. The situation is worsened when the network has multiple grounding points.

Question 10: What is the difference between a lightning strike and a surge? Surge current refers to the peak current flowing into the power supply equipment at the moment the power supply is turned on. This peak current is much greater than the steady-state input current because the input filter capacitors are rapidly charging. The power supply should limit the level of inrush that the AC switches, rectifier bridges, fuses, and EMI filter devices can withstand. Repeatedly switching the loop, the AC input voltage should not damage the power supply or cause fuses to blow.

Requirements and methods for lightning surge testing

1 Signal (communications) interface surge test 1.1 Test purpose and index requirements Test purpose to examine the equipment in actual use in the process of the user line interface by the surge voltage impact, the extent of damage to the interface under test and the decline in equipment performance. Indicator requirements: the telephone port surge test is divided into type A, and type B two

1 signal (communication) interface surge test

1.1 test purpose and indicator requirements test purpose

Examination of the equipment in the actual use of the process of the user line interface by the surge voltage impact, the extent of damage to the interface being measured and the decline in the performance of the equipment. Indicator requirements: Surge testing of telephone ports is divided into two types of tests, type A, and type B tests.

(1) Type A (Class A)

a) Waveform. Differential mode interference: voltage wave: 10/560, current wave: 10/560. *** Mode interference: voltage wave: 10/160, current wave: 10/160.

b) Test level: Differential mode: minimum voltage 800V, minimum current 100A. *** Mode: minimum voltage 1500V, minimum current 200A.

c) Test port: Differential mode: tip--ring; current: 200A.

d) Test port: Differential mode: tip--ring. : tip--ring; tip-1 --ring-1; for single communication 4-wire cable, tip--ring-1,ring --tip-1. ***Mode: tip--ring and tip-1 --ring-1 to ground, or to other cables connected to uncertified devices (screwed together).

d) Test status: All states of the device that may affect the requirements of this standard are tested. If the state of the device cannot be obtained by normal power-up, it is necessary to obtain by manual intervention; ports that do not impose a surge (including telephone ports, auxiliary ports, and ports connected to uncertified equipment), to be terminated in an appropriate manner and in a normal state of use; if the primary power supply of the device allows for plugging and unplugging, the device with a power cord and disconnect the power cord of the state of both to be tested.

e) The judgment allows an open circuit in the circuit that plays a safety role, or a short circuit to ground, but in this mode of failure is guaranteed to make the user can not use the device, or the device has a clear indication of failure (such as alarms), the need to immediately disconnect from the network or the need for repair. Repair of the safety circuitry restores normal device performance and functionality.

(2) Type B (class B)

a) Waveform. Differential mode: voltage waveform: 9/720, current waveform: 5/320. *** Mode: voltage waveform: 9/720, current waveform: 5/320.

b) Test level: Differential mode: voltage minimum 1000V, current minimum 25A. *** Mode: voltage minimum 1500V, current minimum 37.5A

c) Test port: Differential mode: tip --ring; tip-1 --ring-1; for single communication 4-wire cable, tip --ring-1,ring --tip-1. ***Mode: tip --ring and tip-1 --ring-1 to ground, or to other cables (screwed together) connected to uncertified devices.

d) Test status: all states of the device that may affect the requirements of this standard are tested. If the state of the device cannot be obtained by normal power-up, it needs to be obtained by manual intervention; ports that do not have a surge applied to them (including telephone ports, auxiliary ports, and ports connected to uncertified devices) are to be terminated in an appropriate manner and in a normal state of use; and, if the primary power supply of the device allows for plugging and unplugging, both states of the device with the power cord and with the cord disconnected are to be tested.

e) Judgment equipment to be able to withstand type B surge energy, can not cause the interface circuitry permanently open or shorted, can not cause damage to the equipment affecting the standard requirements. Type A: It is permissible to have an open circuit in the circuit that plays a safety role, or a short circuit to ground, but in this mode of failure, it is guaranteed that the user will not be able to use the equipment, or the equipment will have a clear indication of failure (such as an alarm), in which case the user will need to immediately disconnect the equipment from the network for repair. After repairs are made to the protective circuitry, device performance and functionality return to normal. Type B: Certified terminal equipment and protection circuits should be able to withstand Type B surge energy and not ...... >>