How do you use an opening line in telemarketing?
As a good telemarketer, when calling a customer for the first time, it is important to do a company and self-introduction within 30 seconds to arouse the customer's interest and make the customer willing to continue the conversation. That is, the salesman has to clearly let the customer know the following 3 things within 30 seconds:\x0d\ 1, who am I and which company do I represent? \x0d\ 2, What is the purpose of my call to the customer? \x0d\ 3. What is the use of my company's product to the customer? \x0d\\ Telephone Sales Opening I: Straightforward Opening Method\x0d\ Salesman: Hello, Miss/Mr. Chu? I'm Li Ming, a medical consultant of MoMo. I'm disturbing your work/rest, our company is doing a market research now, can I ask you to do me a favor? \x0d\\ Customer Zhu: Never mind, what is it about? \x0d\ - The customer may also reply: I'm busy or in a meeting or refuse for other reasons. \x0d\ The salesman must immediately interface: I'll call you back in an hour then, thank you for your support. Then, the salesman has to hang up the phone voluntarily! \x0d\\ When calling in an hour must create a very familiar atmosphere and shorten the distance: Miss / Mr. Zhu, hello! My last name is Lee. (You told me to call after one hour?) \x0d\ Phone Sales Opening II: Similar Excuse Opening Method \x0d\ Salesman: Miss/Mr. Zhu, I'm Li Ming, a consultant of so-and-so company, we haven't met before, but can I talk to you for a minute? \x0d\\ Customers Zhu: Yes, what is it? \x0d\ - The customer may also reply: I'm busy or in a meeting or refuse for other reasons. \x0d\ The salesman must immediately interface: I'll call you back in an hour then, thanks. Then, the salesman has to hang up the phone voluntarily! \x0d\ When calling in an hour must create a very familiar atmosphere and shorten the distance: Miss / Mr. Zhu, hello! My last name is Lee. (You told me to call after one hour?) \x0d\ Phone Sales Opening 3: Other People's Introductions Opening Method \x0d\ Salesman: Miss/Mr. Zhu, hello, I'm Li Ming, a medical consultant of a company, your good friend Wang Hua is a loyal user of our company, he is the one who introduced me to call you, and he thinks that our products are also more in line with your needs. \x0d\ Customer Zhu: Wang Hua? How come I haven't heard him talk about it? \x0d\ Salesman: Really? I'm really sorry, I guess Mr. Wang hasn't come to introduce you recently because of other reasons. You see, I'm in a hurry to take the initiative to call. \x0d\\ Customer Zhu: It's okay. \x0d\\ Salesman: That's too bad, I'll give you a brief introduction to our products, right? \x0d\\ Telephone Sales Opening IV: Self-introduction Opening Method \x0d\ Salesman: Miss/Mr. Zhu, hello, I am Li Ming, a medical consultant of a company. However, this is a sales call, so I don't think you'll hang up at once! \x0d\\ (Customer Zhu): Selling products, specializing in deception, I hate salesmen! \x0d\ (The customer may also answer: What product are you going to sell. (The customer may also reply: What product are you going to sell?) \x0d\\ Salesman: I really have to be careful not to add another person to the list of people you hate, huh? \x0d\\ Customers Zhu: Oh, young man, but also quite a sense of humor, ready to sell what products, tell me. \x0d\ Salesman: It's like this, recently our company's medical experts group, in doing a market research on xxx, I do not know what you think of our products?