Shanghai Xinyao Medical Equipment Sales Center is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered on 2018-09-18 in Qingpu District, Shanghai, the registered address is located in Shanghai Qingpu District, Songhuang Road, No. 77, Building 1, third floor, Room 317.
Shanghai Xinyao Medical Equipment Sales Center's Unified Social Credit Code/Registration Number is 91310118MA1JMN359F, the enterprise's legal person is Wang Junxia, and the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.
Shanghai Xinyao Medical Equipment Sales Center's business scope is: sales of Class I medical devices, Class II medical devices, Class III medical devices, office supplies, instruments and meters, electronic products, computers, software, hardware and auxiliary equipment, electromechanical equipment and accessories, medical equipment in the field of science and technology technology, technical research, technical services, technological development, technical consulting, a class of medical devices, Class II medical devices, Class III medical device leasing, maintenance, electronic product maintenance, business consulting. Projects subject to approval in accordance with the law, only after approval by the relevant departments can carry out business activities. Within this province, the current registered capital of the enterprise is general.
View more information and information about Shanghai Xinyao Medical Equipment Sales Center through Baidu Enterprise Credit.