Uncovering the hidden chain of interests in oncology Doctors issue an article calling for curbing malpractices in oncology treatment

Is the hope of oncology patients for survival being exploited to become a dark corner where medical malpractice thrives, and finally ending up with two empty pockets?

On April 18, Zhang Yu, a medical oncologist at the Third Hospital of Peking University (hereinafter referred to as "the Third Hospital of Peking University"), published a post to expose the many problems that exist in the current phenomenon of indiscriminate charging for cancer treatment. He described the current chaos in cancer treatment and proposed possible solutions, requesting the state to set up a medical red line as soon as possible to curb the bad medical behavior in cancer treatment.

Among them, he pointed out that some doctors abused PD-1 inhibitors, and patients who clearly did not need PD-1 inhibitor treatment after gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, intestinal cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma were wrongly told that it could increase the efficacy of the treatment, thus inducing these patients to undergo PD-1 inhibitor treatment. There are also doctors at a tertiary hospital in Shanghai who have patients undergo NGS sequencing: a cost of around $20,000 but which has no effect on treatment, and who recommend ineffective, expensive, and illegitimate NKT treatments costing as much as $30,000 per treatment.

Dr. Zhang Yu believes that in the vast majority of cases, the treatment of tumors should not be a waste of money, but should be better and less expensive than it currently is.

The next step will be to continue to promote the management of tumor diagnosis and treatment, to further improve the management system and normative system, increase supervision and guidance to ensure that the relevant requirements are in place, and strive to enhance the standardization of tumor diagnosis and treatment, to safeguard the people's rights and interests of health.

And in the many chaotic phenomena of tumor treatment, Zhang Yu cited the misuse of PD-1 inhibitors in the article, in the postoperative gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, intestinal cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, postoperative patients clearly do not need to carry out the treatment of PD-1 inhibitors, was wrongly told that it can significantly increase the effectiveness of the treatment, thus inducing these patients to carry out the treatment of PD-1 inhibitors.

And according to the previous description by Dr. Zhang Yu, a patient with liver metastasis of gastric cancer was deliberately induced to undergo treatment by Dr. Lu Wei of the General Surgery Department of a tertiary hospital in Shanghai during his visit to the hospital, where the cost of first-line, second-line, and third-line treatments for gastric cancer is usually not high, and the state is reimbursed for all of these treatments. However, the improper operation led to a significant shortening of the patient's survival period, and the family spent more than 10 times the cost of conventional treatment.

One of the first steps noted was to have the patient undergo NGS sequencing, which cost him about 20,000 dollars. Zhang Yu pointed out that the NGS used was a blood test, which is currently considered the least reliable, rather than the more reliable tumor biopsy tissue test. In other words, the results of NGS are almost no reference value, and according to the routine, the patient should be diagnosed with the use of gastroscopy pathology tissue sections for testing more accurate, requiring the patient to go back to the local specimen. But Dr. Lu was so anxious that he decided to take a blood test first.

Tumor is a polygenic disease, and the role of genetic variation in tumor development and treatment guidance is no longer in doubt, so genetic testing has become a common diagnostic tool for tumor patients. With the development of science and technology, NGS has become the most sought-after testing technology.

NGS, also known as massively parallel sequencing (MPS) or high-throughput sequencing (HTS), allows for the simultaneous detection of a large number of nucleotides in a short period of time, and is therefore one of the most commonly used genetic tests for low-cost, high-accuracy, high-throughput, and rapid detection. But in the sales process at the hospital end, the band gold rebate has also become an open secret in the industry.

Just on April 14, the National Health Commission and other six departments jointly issued the "unreasonable medical examination special governance action work program", will be carried out through a one-year special governance action, strict investigation of unreasonable medical examination to the detriment of the interests of the people, including laboratory tests, pathology tests, various types of imaging tests.

The document shows that the regulatory authorities will carry out self-inspection and random inspection of medical institutions' patients' medical examinations, organize experts to demonstrate the necessity and normality of the examination, and seriously deal with the examination beyond the scope of diagnosis and treatment, the examination without a basis, and the non-essential duplication of the examination.

And according to industry sources, a third-class oncology hospital in Guangzhou has also begun to strictly check the test delivery business and pharmaceutical representative behavior, each floor of the hospital has arranged a security patrol. The hospital this round of strict investigation may be and a genetic testing company's medical representatives in the conduct of hospital visits to meet the relevant regulatory department staff, but said some of the less compliant remarks, and then the medical representative of the Department of Medical Affairs to be taken away for investigation.

It has been said that in oncology, life is accidental and death is inevitable. But in the process of fighting with death, not only can not be separated from a variety of innovative drugs skyrocketing research and development investment, but also can not be separated from the time and energy invested by each white angel.

In response to the many chaotic phenomena in the treatment of tumors, Dr. Zhang Yu also pointed out in his article that he thought of solutions, such as the support of the law, the legal treatment of medical chaos, strengthening the regulatory system, promoting peer supervision mechanism, and popularizing the correct knowledge to the public.

In fact, in order to get rid of the stubborn problem of supporting doctors with medicines and the problem of sales with gold, in addition to the implementation of measures such as band purchasing, the state and local governments have also issued a series of policies and regulations, such as the "Recorded Administrative Measures for Pharmaceutical Representatives," which was formally implemented on December 1, 2020, and which sets out the measures that pharmaceutical representatives should engage in. It lists four main tasks that pharmaceutical representatives should be engaged in: formulating plans and programs for the promotion of pharmaceutical products; transmitting information related to pharmaceutical products to medical personnel; assisting medical personnel in the rational use of the enterprise's pharmaceutical products; and collecting and providing feedback on the clinical use of medicines and information on the needs of hospitals. According to the regulations, all the medical institutions to the personnel for the transmission of information, academic promotion, adverse reactions to collect the feedback of the personnel to be completed in the designated platform for the record, the medical institutions have the right to record the requirements of querying the medical representative information or require them to show the record form.

Zhang Yu wrote the full text as follows:

My name is Zhang Yu, an ordinary medical oncologist at the Third Hospital of Peking University and a member of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB). In the past year or so, I've run into a lot of things that have caused me to experience entanglement and pain, and have prompted me to think about why such problems have arisen. Now I feel like I have figured it out, and I feel like I have a lot to say, so I am writing this article.

Almost every Chinese person has this feeling that the country is getting stronger, people's living standards are getting better, there is less and less unfairness, and the system is becoming more and more transparent. We are all beneficiaries of this, and are proud and honored by the development and strength of our country.

However, today's talk is about the bad side, about the large number of malpractices and some unscrupulous doctors in oncology treatment at present, as well as analyzing the reasons and proposing solutions. Please think about how many patients who suffer from tumors often worry about losing their money and money, talk about hospitals, and even refuse to go to regular hospitals to receive treatment. Many people have formed the impression that tumor treatment is not only expensive but also ineffective, and that doctors go to hospitals just to make money, and in the end, it is very likely that people will lose their lives and money as well. Unfortunately, this impression is not entirely imaginary, the reality of such real cases are constantly occurring, and each real case is likely to mean a family broken or even back to poverty.

In fact, in the vast majority of cases, the treatment of tumors should not be costly, but should be more effective and less expensive than it is now. Instead, the treatment should be better and more costly than what is currently available. So why are there still so many tragedies that occur? Realistically, a lot of it is caused by the doctors who are responsible for treating the tumors.

In my opinion, the biggest problem in healthcare is not the use of drugs to support medicine, but the lack of supervision, which has led some doctors to act arbitrarily, and the resulting malpractice has harmed the interests of patients, which is an important factor in the increase of doctor-patient disputes, and also an important reason why the general public finds it difficult and expensive to see a doctor. It is very unfair that the consequences of the bad behavior of some doctors are borne by the whole nation.

I can't accept that the death rate of innocent patients is increasing or even leading to death because of doctors' malpractice. In any case, I have to write this article and make it public: to describe the current chaos in oncology treatment and propose possible solutions, and to call on the state to pay attention to it and to regulate it.

Part I: The current chaos in oncology treatment

Tumor patients are a very large group of people. In 2020, there will be 4.57 million new cancer patients in China, and the number of deaths will reach 3 million, with the mortality rate remaining high, and the incidence rate still rising. Why is the mortality rate so high? In addition to the common diagnosis at a late stage, based on what I have seen with my own eyes, I have reason to believe that it is due to unstandardized or even incorrect diagnosis and treatment, in which a significant percentage of patients spend unnecessary and expensive expenses, and a certain percentage of patients die because of unstandardized or even incorrect diagnosis and treatment. Although there are no specific statistics on this proportion and it is difficult to count, but it is likely to exceed our imagination. It can be said that the land of God is full of blood and tears, and what is more worthy of our deep thought is that, until now, very few people speak out to condemn this violation of the professional ethics of doctors.

I pledge my professional career as a guarantee of the truthfulness of the following statements:

Over the past year or so, I alone have encountered more than a hundred cases of oncology patients in dozens of hospitals who received inappropriate or even erroneous treatments, i.e., treatments that clearly violated the basic principles recognized by the oncology community, some of which were very bad behaviors, examples of which will follow. These malpractices have invariably led to a substantial increase in patient costs, as well as harm and suffering to the patients, and even death in some cases. And it is not only ordinary local hospitals that are involved, but also oncologists from several tertiary hospitals, and even some doctors in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing have shown obvious misconduct in oncology treatment. What's more, it is highly suspected that some departments have developed a uniform strategy of not following the most authoritative oncology treatment guidelines (Chinese CSCO guidelines, American NCCN guidelines, or European ESMO guidelines), and have intentionally switched to other regimens instead of the standard treatment protocols for oncology patients, and there is ample evidence that such regimen changes are detrimental and not beneficial to the patients, as they will increase the patients' financial expenses, toxic side effects and even mortality. So much so that I suspect that upwards of 1/5 of patients may have had their standard regimen changed, and of course, there are even more minor errors.

Frankly, changing the standard regimen indiscriminately can be one of the most damaging behaviors in oncology. Many anti-tumor drugs are very good in themselves, but they are abused by some doctors and even doctors in tertiary hospitals. The root cause of this situation is twofold: one is the lack of professional knowledge and the other is due to economic interests. The following are all clinical examples:

1. Some doctors, when administering postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy to patients with gastric and intestinal cancers, replaced the standard oxaliplatin with lopressor, and the standard 5-Fu drugs with raltitrexed and the obsolete deoxyfluoroguanosine. There is strong evidence that this behavior results in varying degrees of increased recurrence metastasis rates.

2. Some doctors have added bevacizumab/cetuximab to chemotherapy without any indication in patients with stage III bowel cancer after radical bowel cancer, or even added amlotinib or apatinib, which are not approved for the treatment of bowel cancer. There is good evidence that such patients should only receive standard two-agent chemotherapy, and that the indiscriminate addition of targeted therapies can result in a mild increase in recurrence metastasis and increased mortality.

3. Some doctors deliberately exaggerate the condition and use adjuvant chemotherapy in patients who clearly do not need chemotherapy, such as patients with stage I bowel cancer or stage IIA dMMR bowel cancer or stage IA gastric cancer. Evidence suggests that this can only bring harm to patients and may even increase the risk of recurrence and metastasis.

4. Instead of choosing the most confident treatment regimen in preoperative chemotherapy for gastric and bowel cancers, some doctors choose poorly effective regimens or even use wrong regimens, such as using doxorubicin chemotherapy for bowel cancer patients and pemetrexed chemotherapy for gastric cancer patients.

5. Some doctors even reject the standard treatment plan directly, without informing and discussing with patients, and treat patients however they want, such as changing the external radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer to particle therapy, changing the surgery for single liver metastasis of intestinal cancer to radiofrequency ablation or intervention, and forcing those who should not be operated to be operated to be operated.

6. Some doctors abused PD-1 inhibitors by wrongly informing patients who clearly do not need PD-1 inhibitor treatment after gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, intestinal cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma that the efficacy of PD-1 inhibitor treatment can be significantly increased, thus inducing these patients to undergo PD-1 inhibitor treatment.

7. Other phenomena abound, such as forcing patients to undergo postoperative hyperthermic chemotherapy that they do not need, and giving prophylactic long-acting leukapheresis injections to patients who do not need them, and so on.

It's true that doctors are not easy to work, they work hard, they are under pressure, and their income is often disproportionate to their effort, but I don't think that these are reasons to be evil. According to medical principles and relevant legal requirements, practicing doctors are not allowed to change the standard program indiscriminately, giving patients the correct treatment as possible is not the doctor's gift to the patient, but the doctor's responsibility and obligation. Simply because patients and their families have weak medical knowledge, low legal awareness and medical lawsuits are not easy to defend their rights, many doctors have malpractice but do not have to suffer the consequences, or even have no trouble at all. It is obviously very wrong for these doctors to take advantage of their dominant position and power to harm patients. Specialists in tertiary care hospitals should be the most trusted and assured by patients, and this is the honor of being a doctor, but unfortunately it is not a reality at present.

Part II: Reasons for malpractice

(1) Lack of regulation. This is the most important reason. Doctors are human beings and make mistakes. But there are many doctors who, under the guise of "individualized treatment," arbitrarily change and formulate treatment plans that they say are designed to improve efficacy, but in fact are designed for their own personal gain. It is surprising to find that there is no effective control over this kind of behavior. If there is no regulation, there will be a considerable proportion of doctors who will make the treatment of their patients more expensive and worse, or worse still, some doctors will just ignore the patients' lives and make the most out of them without being penalized for doing so. This is one of the deepest roots of medical conflicts. If there is a lack of regulation, some doctors are bound to put their own interests above those of their patients.

(2) The ignorance and greed of some doctors. It is unbelievable that some doctors can really put patients' lives at risk for money. Sometimes they know it is wrong to change a patient's standard treatment plan, but they do so for the sake of profit, or they treat patients with tumors that don't need treatment at all, which is a common occurrence in clinical practice.

(3) Patients, as a vulnerable group, often have no choice but to trust their doctors and find it difficult to learn about treatment errors, and even if they do know about them, they are powerless to fight against them. Complaints to the Healthcare Commission are often sent back to the hospitals to deal with, so they have to resort to the law, but the complexity of the legal process and the high cost, often discouraging patients from being harmed. Some patients with low incomes, who are impoverished by their illnesses, find it even more difficult to afford the high cost of defending their rights.

The systematic abuse of doctors' authority and the violation of diagnostic and treatment principles to obtain benefits while causing serious harm to patients will make many good doctors and young doctors feel disappointed and cold, and the hard work of the doctors who work hard for the lives of patients earn far less than these doctors who make bad medical behavior, which is fair? I believe the state will not turn a blind eye to this.

The current healthcare system is also problematic: the fundamental interests of doctors and patients are not aligned, and are sometimes even reversed. This is especially true in the field of oncology. That is to say: if the doctor is fully committed to the patient, everything from the patient's interests, the doctor will be very bitter and very poor. On the other hand, if the doctor doesn't care about the patient at all and does everything in his own interest, the doctor will be richly rewarded, sometimes even more than the average person can imagine.

Years ago, when I realized this fact, I was silent for a long time, and for the first time, I had a question or even a hint of disgust for the doctor's profession. I wanted the medical profession to be more noble and doctors to be more honorable.

Some doctors are very good at recognizing which patients in their clinics are the ones they can't offend, and which are the ones they can't afford to resist. What makes people incredibly angry is that many patients who are not too well off go from foreign towns and cities or even rural areas to first-tier city tertiary hospitals full of hope to seek medical treatment, bump into unscrupulous doctors, and then be told by the doctor to use an individualized program developed specifically for the patient, the efficacy of the treatment is good, just a little bit more expensive, to entice the patient to comply with and carry out the treatment. The result is often a dramatic increase in costs and a higher mortality rate. It is obvious that the doctor's greed and selfishness have led him to do such shameless things, but he has to be so grandiose as to squeeze the patient's blood and sweat recklessly. It is as if I can hear some unscrupulous doctors laughing with glee, and the patients' huge expenses have turned into mansions, luxury cars, and fine wines for these doctors

This is the biggest and continues to change unfair status quo of oncology care.


I have repeatedly and seriously thought for a long time, it is not easy to cure the medical chaos, but I think the following four points are the most important way.

(1) the support of the law, according to the law to treat medical chaos, this is the most important point. At present, patients through the law is really too difficult to defend their rights, whether the state can be added on the medical disputes of the supplemental provisions, that is, the rapid processing procedures: when it is clear that the doctor will not comply with the instructions and guidelines, the clinical norms of the wrong medicines or other treatments used for the patient, and there is no detailed and accurate informed consent, the court directly by the doctor dereliction of duty, and rapid financial compensation. In this way, the patient's right to significantly shorten the time and easy to implement, can be a direct deterrent to medical malpractice.

(2) Strengthen the regulatory system. If the first can be resolved, then we can consider the establishment of bad medical behavior registration system, once found, lifetime registration. And can be developed, for example, occurred three times, then directly suspend the doctor's license to practice or permanent revocation of such rules. Can even consider the establishment of the attending physician - department head and dean responsibility system, so as to urge the hospitals are no longer only competing in clinical and scientific research strength, but also pay great attention to the prevention of malpractice.

(3) Promote peer monitoring mechanism. Is it possible to select some of the doctors with high professionalism and ethics to conduct regular audits, to strictly investigate potential errors and correct them in time. Frankly speaking, many local hospitals are really backward in their knowledge of tumors and need to be corrected and advanced.

(4) Popularize correct knowledge to the public. Many basic principles of medicine are actually not difficult to understand. Doctors are bound to need to try to distort patients' perceptions and instill misinformation in them when they engage in bad medical behavior. But if the patient already understands what is going on, it idly makes it more difficult for the bad doctor to do evil. There are many doctors (many of them surgeons) treating oncology in this country who lack basic knowledge of the use of antitumor drugs and have a diffident attitude, blind confidence, and poor professionalism. As mentioned above, I have seen surgeons using doxorubicin to treat bowel cancer, and my guess is that the surgeon felt that doxorubicin worked well for stomach cancer, so surely it could be used to treat bowel cancer, which is much less malignant, but in fact doxorubicin was completely ineffective in treating bowel cancer. That's how the wrong drug was used and even led to serious consequences. The patient is still incapable of resisting not to be settled, one is because the court procedure is too simple, and the second is the follow-up treatment still need to be carried out in the hospital, do not dare to offend the doctor.

Therefore, I urge the state to set up a red line by all means and strictly monitor the implementation: any clear violation and damage to the patient's life rights and interests of bad medical behavior, must be punished from the heavy and fast. (Personally, I think this is the most important one to improve the quality of medical care, only this red line to carry out and strictly enforced, in order to protect the safety of patients, reduce the number of disputes between doctors and patients, is the welfare of the people. I don't even think there is a need for the DRGS system to control costs, as long as the doctor treats the patient as the center, given that the country has already reduced the price of many anti-tumor drugs for the people, as long as the doctor does not spend money for their own interests, the expenditure of patients and health insurance will be significantly reduced).

Let's look at a typical example of medical malpractice. This doctor is actually one I've written about and many of you already know, Dr. L, a general surgeon at a well-known tertiary hospital in Shanghai. He is amiable and says things that make sense to many patients, but unfortunately, the actual above is just a manifestation of corrupt behavior and moral degradation. Multiple patients were treated with the primary goal of making a profit.

He admitted a patient with advanced gastric cancer AFP positive, although the type is rare, but according to the diagnosis and treatment norms should also be treated in accordance with the ordinary gastric cancer. Usually the first-line, second-line and third-line treatments for gastric cancer do not cost much, and can be reimbursed by the state. However, Dr. Lu was not satisfied, and as a result, the patient's survival period was significantly shortened, the cost was more than 10 times higher than that of conventional treatment, and the patient had no savings and owed more than 100,000 dollars in debt. Let's take a look at what Dr. L did.

(1) Have the patient undergo NGS sequencing: at a cost of about $20,000, Dr. L gave the patient NGS, which is currently considered the least reliable blood test, instead of the more reliable tumor biopsy tissue test. In other words, the result of NGS is almost no reference value, and according to the routine, the patient should be diagnosed with the gastroscopy pathology tissue section for more accurate testing, which requires the patient to go back to the local area to get the specimen. However, Dr. Lu was very anxious and decided to draw blood first and then say.

(2) Adoption of a bizarre second-line regimen: the combination of pemetrexed, amlotinib, oxaliplatin, capecitabine, and tamoxifen, an unprecedented gastric cancer treatment regimen that Dr. LL himself had created out of thin air. Any doctor who knows the basics of oncology drug therapy knows that this regimen is completely irrational. The standard second line chemotherapy for gastric cancer is a paclitaxel regimen, which is currently considered one of the most potentially effective treatment options and less expensive. But the forced change to the oddball regimen described above was dramatically more expensive and completely ineffective.

(3) Recommending ineffective, expensive, and illegal NKT treatments to patients: up to $30,000 per treatment. Currently, NKT is considered to be almost completely ineffective for advanced tumors, so the state prohibits charging for NKT treatment and limits it to free clinical studies. Dr. Lu tried to induce the patient's family to accept the treatment by telling the patient and his family that it would have good results, causing them to borrow money to undergo the treatment, which eventually cost them both money and money. It is important to realize that the money is the patients' hard-earned money, and it takes more than one year to save up 30,000 yuan. The patients and their families had to live in the basement every time they went to Shanghai to save as much money as possible in order to see the doctor, and sent Dr. L special products full of gratitude with the hope of controlling and curing the disease. As a result, how did Dr. L reciprocate?

(4) Misuse of complementary medicines: Dr. L prescribes a lot of complementary medicines, such as Zidaxan. Of course Nitazoxan itself is a good drug, but it is really not suitable for use in patients who are not financially well-off, and the cost-effectiveness is too low.

The result is that the patient is eaten up, and when the money runs out and he can't raise the money, Dr. Lu starts to ignore the patient until he passes away, and the survival time is very short, even though it is true that the prognosis for AFP-positive gastric cancer is much worse, but if you use the standard second-line treatment, you are likely to survive much longer, and at a very much lower cost.

Just to be clear: I am only writing about Dr. L, not because there are no other doctors who do this, or even actually cases that I think are worse, but simply because firstly there is not enough evidence, and secondly I am under too much pressure. I have my own job and family, a child and a daughter, and the more doctors I offend, the more stressed I get. My wife and mother have repeatedly asked me to stop blaming these kinds of dark events, but I really can't help it, and if the state doesn't clamp down on it, there are bound to be innocent patients who will lose their lives because of it.

I would like to ask all similar doctors, do me a favor and stop doing this kind of thing, this is not what doctors should do, the life of a patient is also a life, and I will have a big headache when your kind of behavior causes conflict in my family.

Part 4: Expectations

In all fairness, the state is constantly improving and purifying the healthcare environment. 4+7 volume purchasing reduces the price of medicines, increases the fees for doctors' diagnostic and therapeutic work, and improves the treatment of doctors, which are all very important and very good initiatives. If the country does not reduce the price of many oncology drugs, then the abuse will certainly be more rampant. This is a kind of smart move to take away the paycheck from the bottom of the barrel, but it really isn't enough. I look forward to the state getting to the root of the problem and fixing bad medical practices. I hope that in the future, doctors will abide by the basic norms of oncology treatment and treat patients with a patient-centered approach.

Regulation, regulation, regulation. The medical industry is not effectively regulated, and doctors who harm patients and even take risks will not be able to eliminate them. Please pay attention to the relevant departments of the state, in the medical industry, this is the most important thing, but also the most expected thing.

As a doctor, one of the most important qualities is to value the life of every patient. Although we can't equate patients with our own families, we should recognize the preciousness of patients' lives, and need to treat every patient seriously, and do our best to fulfill the doctor's vocation of saving lives and helping people. How many health care workers in the new crown period went to the most dangerous areas to save patients, and he/they are the role models of our generation, not those doctors who earn a lot of money by bad medical behavior, and they should be spurned.

Also, as I've said before, I look forward to fair healthcare, fair to the patient and fair to the doctor. The doctor treats the patient wholeheartedly and takes pride in curing the patient, and the patient understands, cooperates and sympathizes with the doctor to achieve the best treatment results. Why does this worry the doctor-patient relationship can not be improved? The damage to the doctor-patient relationship is not the errors in medical treatment that I have pointed out, but precisely those doctors who have made bad medical behavior to patients, they are the culprits. Only by curbing these behaviors and punishing the worst of them according to the law, so that every doctor can see patients properly, I believe that we doctors are bound to be able to gain greater trust and true respect from patients.

I want everyone to speak out, and it would be a mistake for everyone to fear reprisals, to turn a blind eye to such bad behavior, or even to think that it's not a big deal. Ultimately it is not one person who will be hurt, but each of us and even our future generations.

The call is for regulation, to treat medical messes according to the law and to protect patients. This is what the state should do. I hope the state regulates medical behavior and cracks down on bad medical practices. And it is please as soon as possible, without delay. Only then can everyone walk into a hospital without fear of being treated unfairly. I very much hope to work in a better medical environment in the future, the doctor's focus is always to save the patient rather than the other, the doctor and the patient treat each other kindly, *** with the fight against the disease.

I hope more people read this article and get ****ed up. Everyone should know what is right and what is wrong?

I hope that this little voice I'm trying to make will get more support. A star can start a prairie fire.

I want our country's healthcare to be a model for the best in the world.

Zhang Yu April 18, 2021

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