The death of a relative in the family is a very sad thing, but it did not occur to me that a thing that happened in Mr. Zhou's home more so that he was very sad. Mr. Zhou's mother died, but the remains were taken away from inside the funeral parlor, and now a long time has passed, and still have not found his mother's remains. There is a tradition in China that when someone dies, they must be buried in the ground. But now the remains are nowhere to be found, and Mr. Zhou just wants his mother to be buried in peace. In the end, he can only seek help from the police, but things are not as simple as he thought. So what's going on? Why can't the remains be found in two months' time, and why can't a case be filed?
The remains were stolen in the early hours of the morning
Mr. Zhou's mother passed away, and he sent her remains to a local funeral home, but it didn't occur to him that someone had broken the hotel's windows and moved the remains. Later, the relevant staff went in to investigate and found that the person who stole the body was actually the deceased's husband Zhang. After the investigation found that Zhang and his companion hired two people, and then jumped the wall into the funeral home inside the yard, they used the prepared iron pliers to the hotel window outside the guardrail cut, and then entered the bedroom room, the body to carry away, carry away after the body was Zhang willing to go back to his hometown. Many people do not understand, why Zhang will do this?
The two had a dispute over the remains
The person who died was called Sun, who married Zhou, had two sons and a daughter. And the incident in the middle of Mr. Zhou is his eldest son, and later Sun and Zhou two people divorced, after the divorce of Sun and Zhang living together. So later because of the disease in the hospital, but after the treatment is ineffective, Sun died, Mr. Zhou took his own people to transport the mother's remains back to the hotel. And there was a dispute between Zhang and Mr. Zhou over his mother's remains, and Zhang felt he had an obligation to bury Sun, so he hired someone to pull the remains from the funeral home and send them back to his hometown. After the incident, the relevant officers detained Zhang for ten days. In ten days of detention, Mr. Zhou is very disapproval, because he feels that the theft of human remains this matter should be criminally liable.
Why can't this matter be filed
Mr. Zhou sued the matter to the court, but eventually did not get the case. The reason for not filing is that the crime of theft of a corpse is mainly composed of several elements of the crime. If the theft of the body is to sell and then match the marriage or to retaliate for such behavior can be filed. But in this case, Zhang did not want to take illegal possession, so he did not constitute a crime, so it can only be dealt with according to the law and order cases. However, the body was stolen in the funeral parlor, so the funeral parlor is responsible, because the body in the funeral parlor, they are responsible for the custody of the obligation.