Does People's Hospital have MRI*** vibration equipment? To do nuclear magnetic *** vibration to pay attention to what?

Ganzhou People's Hospital has nuclear magnetic **** vibration equipment, do nuclear magnetic **** vibration should pay attention to the following matters: 1, patients with pacemakers can not be MRI scan. 2, wash your hair and take a bath the day before the examination, and live as usual. Wear cotton clothes during the examination; please do not wear clothes with metal buttons and zippers on the part to be examined; please bring the relevant medical history and various examination data, such as CT film, MRI film, X-ray film, ultrasound film, when you come. 3、Please do not wear jewelry (necklace, earrings, lipstick, hairpin) and dentures. 4、Part of the patients who have implants in the body, such as cardiac stents, silver clips, shrapnel, metal internal fixation plates and nails, prosthetic joints and pregnant women, please tell the doctor in time, so that the doctor can decide whether to carry out the relevant examination. 5、Hepatology patients should be fasted 4 hours before the examination; female patients should remove their bra before the examination; metal sterilization ring should be removed before the examination of lumbar spine and pelvic area. 6, the following items should not be brought into the MRI examination room: credit cards, all kinds of magnetic cards, watches, dentures, cell phones, coins, keys.