ICU has a history of more than 30 years in the world, has become a hospital center for the rescue of critically ill patients. the level of supervision of the ICU, whether the equipment is advanced, has become an important symbol to measure the level of a hospital. China's ICU started late, began in the early 80's, at present domestic hospitals with ICU is not common, but has been paid attention to, the estimated development is very fast. ICU is divided into comprehensive ICU specialized ICU (such as burns ICU, cardiovascular surgery ICU, neonatal ICU, etc.).
CCU is one of the specialized ICU, the first C is the abbreviation of Coronary heart disease Coronary heart disease, is specialized in severe coronary heart disease.
The ICU has a central monitoring station that directly observes all monitored beds. Each bed occupies a wide area, the beds are separated by glass or curtains. ICU is mainly admitted to: ① serious trauma, major surgery and must be continuous close monitoring of vital indicators and supporters; ② need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ③ an organ (including heart, brain, lung, liver, kidney) failure or multi-organ failure; ④ severe shock, sepsis and poisoning patients; ⑤ organ transplantation before and after the need for monitoring and strengthening the treatment of people. Those who need to be supervised and strengthened before and after organ transplantation. After the condition improves, it is transferred back to the general ward.
ICU equipment must be equipped with bedside monitors, central monitors, multi-functional respiratory therapy machine, anesthesia machine, electrocardiograph, defibrillator, pacemaker, infusion pumps, micro-syringes, endotracheal intubation and tracheotomy required first aid equipment. In the better hospitals, there are also blood gas analyzers, micro-computers, electroencephalographs, ultrasound machines, bedside X-ray machines, hemodialyzers, intra-arterial balloon counterpulsators, blood and urine analyzers, blood biochemistry analyzers and so on. As ICU is under the modern medical equipment for the supervision and treatment of patients in critical condition, the personnel working in ICU must have solid theoretical knowledge of medical fundamentals, rich clinical experience, strong adaptability, and be able to master the operation of complex instruments.
The ICU can make early and accurate diagnosis of critical patients, emergency and appropriate treatment.
Maybe other friends have seen SICU, which stands for Surgical Intensive Care Unit.