High-power wireless router WiFi signal has radiation, the impact on the body?

When it comes to radiation and radiation safety, the first thing you need to do is to distinguish which kind of radiation it is. Nuclear radiation, ultraviolet radiation, cell phone radiation, radiation from high-voltage lines are all different, and the impact on health varies greatly.

First of all, wifi wireless Internet use of electromagnetic wave band is generally 2.4GHz to 5GHz, and cell phone use of radio frequency electromagnetic wave band is relatively close to (slightly higher than the frequency of cell phone use), belong to the non-ionizing radiation, mainly on the human body tissues of the heating effect of the possible impact on health, and the need for a relatively large intensity will cause harm.

Over the past few decades, researchers have conducted many studies on the relationship between this band of electromagnetic radiation and the incidence of certain diseases, and there is no shortage of results that are thought to have an effect, but most of these studies are only conjectures or very weak links that are not widely recognized and do not rise to alarming levels.

In 2007, the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) in Hong Kong measured the radiation intensity around 62 wifi routers in restaurants, convenience stores, libraries, homes, offices, and other locations in the city, and found that the measured values were only 0.03% to 0.3% of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP)'s upper safety limit, and that these values were measured very close to the routers, which are in most cases the only way to get a good signal from the router. In most cases, the radiation received from the router will be much lower than these values.

For wifi users, the main source of wireless radiation is not the professional-looking router, but rather the laptop in their hands while surfing the web.

Because of the wireless Internet, the user laptop antenna and router antennae to receive and send information to each other, the laptop inside the antennae issued by the radiation is not much smaller than the router's radiation, and the power size of the electromagnetic radiation and the distance of the quadratic is inversely proportional to the general situation of the wireless router may be in the distance of a few meters outside the laptop in front of the eyes, but a few dozen centimeters, so that the laptop can not be used as the main source of radiation. In front of the eyes, but a few dozen centimeters, so that often their laptop is the real source of radiation.

So how does a laptop's Wi-Fi compare to a cell phone's radiation levels? According to the British Health Protection Agency's research, laptop wireless Internet radiation absorption ratio SAR value (to any 6-minute time-averaged, per kilogram of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by human tissue energy) is only the use of cell phones to answer the phone 1% of the time, which is the main reason for the above-mentioned distance.

Because cell phones can be close to the brain, laptops are still a ways away from the body. However, we're going to be using the wireless Internet for hours at a time, and cell phone calls will take a few minutes at a time, so considering the length of time, the amount of radiation from the laptop's wireless Internet access and the amount of radiation from the cell phone should be roughly on the order of magnitude.

Whether it's a laptop or a cell phone, their radiation values are usually at the milliwatt-per-square-meter level, which is much lower than the safe upper limit set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP) of 10 watts per square meter (this upper limit is just a precautionary safety restriction, and doesn't mean that if you exceed it, you're going to get sick, but there's a slight health risk). There will just be a slight health risk).

Conclusion: Like cell phone radiation, the radiation from the router and laptop end of the Wi-Fi is well within the safe range, so there is no need to be alarmed.

Usually we call the effect of electromagnetic waves on an object radiation, which is divided into electromagnetic radiation (light, microwaves, Wifi signals, etc.) and ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, etc.). Electromagnetic radiation has a very low capacity, only a long time to receive a large dose (such as sunbathing) may cause harm to the human body, even if the ionizing radiation, as long as the help of protection, is not harmful to the human body.

Electromagnetic waves can be divided into FM signals, cell phone signals, Wifi signals, visible light, X-rays, and γ-rays, etc. The frequency of Wifi is 2400 MHz, which belongs to the decimeter wave, and millimeter waves, centimeter waves, and decimeter waves are collectively referred to as microwaves.

▲Electromagnetic wave frequency, wavelength, energy and its application

Wifi signal is a kind of microwave, the main effect of microwave on the human body is the thermal effect. The thermal effect is mainly due to the friction of polar molecules in living organisms under the action of microwave high-frequency electric field, which is mainly the water in the human body. The power of the Wifi signal is very small, and the microwave energy absorbed by the tissues of living organisms is relatively small, and it can distribute the absorbed microwave energy (heat) to the whole body or outside of the body through blood circulation with the help of its own thermal regulation system.

We already know that Wifi's effect on the human body is mainly thermal, and the heat generated can be recovered through the body's regulatory system, so it has very little effect on the human body. At the same time, we can compare with other electromagnetic waves, because the energy of electromagnetic waves is directly proportional to its electromagnetic frequency, the frequency of visible light is about 200,000 times the frequency of electromagnetic waves, that is to say, under the same intensity, the energy of visible light is about 200,000 times the energy of the radiation of WIFI signals, and the WIFI radiation is far less than that of the radiation of the light on the human body. Then take the WIFI signal radiation and microwave oven comparison, WIFI signal frequency and microwave oven electromagnetic wave frequency is basically the same, but in the radiation intensity of the microwave oven radiation intensity is about 100,000 times the WIFI signal, the microwave oven radiation to be far greater than the WIFI signal radiation.

According to the national standard for electromagnetic radiation, the level of Wifi radiation is one percent of the national standard, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection does not treat it as a regulatory target, that is, exempted from management, which indicates that the management also believes that Wifi signals are safe for people.

Wireless router WiFi signals produce radiation.

Where does the radiation exist?

Radiation is the phenomenon where a portion of the electromagnetic energy emitted by a field source travels away from the source and does not return to it. It is generally accepted that everything in nature produces radiation, with the exception of objects at absolute temperature zero.

The word "radiation" itself is neutral, but because some specific radiation can be harmful, people mistakenly believe that it is harmful and exaggerate its negative meaning.

What are the categories of radiation?

Radiation can be divided into ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation, where ionizing radiation can ionize atoms of matter due to its high enough energy. For human beings, since our cells are made up of atoms, the ionizing effect will undoubtedly produce damage to the human body, and in severe cases can cause cancer.

What is electromagnetic radiation?

As we all know, people live in an environment where electromagnetic waves are ubiquitous, and a variety of household appliances (including wires) produce electromagnetic waves during operation, whether it is natural sunlight, or lights in life, are forms of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves are generated by the interaction of electric and magnetic fields, and the constant conversion of electric and magnetic energy allows electromagnetic waves to propagate in free space, while the propagation process causes energy consumption or leakage, a phenomenon known as electromagnetic radiation.

Does WiFi produce electromagnetic radiation that is harmful to humans?

The energy of electromagnetic radiation is closely related to temperature and power, and excessive electromagnetic radiation can be fatal to the human body. Therefore, the World Health Organization advocates that countries adopt the relevant standards developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), while China has developed more stringent electromagnetic control standards than the ICNIRP standards, such as the "Limits of Control of the Electromagnetic Environment" (GB 8702-2014), "Regulations on Electromagnetic Radiation Protection" (GB8702-88), and so on

Generally speaking, electromagnetic radiation levels below 0.4 W / square meter can be considered harmless to the human body, China's mobile communication base stations that is to comply with this standard.

In fact, our electronic products (cell phones, wireless routers) must pass the China Compulsory Product Certification (3C), and the 3C certification from the safety performance, electromagnetic compatibility, anti-electromagnetic radiation, and other aspects of the product detailed regulations, so compliance with the 3C certification of electronic products (including wireless routers) can be assured that the use.

In summary, electromagnetic radiation exists all the time in people's surroundings, and is not a terrible thing in itself, but it needs to be recognized and treated correctly. The third is to minimize close contact with electronic products, such as prolonged phone calls.

I hope the author's views are helpful to you!

Wherever there are waves of electricity, there is radiation, and the higher frequency radiation is higher than the lower frequency. Usually the power of the power to reach a considerable amount of people to have a certain radiation impact. For example, prolonged proximity to high-power television and radio transmitter antennas, and prolonged cell phone calls can be harmful to people.

Line router is a digital signal, the power is very small, radiation harm can be ignored. Although the wireless router is high-frequency radio waves, but the power is very small (much smaller than the power of the phone); Moreover, it is not like a cell phone as close as people, and has a radiation hazard than the cell phone is also much smaller.

Both wired and wireless routers are not harmful to people!

There are tons of articles on the Internet that talk about the dangers of "Wi-Fi radiation" and how it's a risk to your health. Don't worry: it's a load of crap.

If you don't want to read another sentence, fine, we'll do the whole thing for you: Wi-Fi is not a threat to anyone's health. If you're curious as to why (and maybe you can explain these things to an overly anxious friend), we're happy to outline what's going on.

If you wander around the web, you'll find almost no articles about any dangers. Articles about how dangerous modern drugs are, how dangerous cell phones are, how dangerous it is to cook food in a microwave and yes, how dangerous wireless Wi-Fi is. People claim that Wi-Fi routers cause them to wake up at night, cause cancer, cause hyperactivity in children, and all manner of unsupported and ridiculous claims.

To understand why Wi-Fi isn't dangerous to your health, you need to know some basics about radio communication and the radiation that makes it possible.

To the uninitiated, radiation is a scary word. Radiation is what students were taught to crawl under their desks to avoid in the 1960s, prompting Cold War-scared Americans to build backyard bomb shelters. Radiation is the substance that causes nuclear power plants to collapse, pollutes the oceans and renders land uninhabitable for centuries.

Radiation is also the thing that bathes the world in warm sunlight and makes life on Earth possible. Radiation is also what allows us to turn on the radio and listen to music wirelessly. Radiation is how we change television channels (and, for anyone who gets TV programs over the air or via satellite TV, how the programs are delivered to their homes in the first place).

When it comes to talking about radiation the most critical concept is the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is a dangerous substance that includes X-ray radiation, gamma radiation, and a certain amount of ultraviolet light on the high end of the ultraviolet spectrum. The key element here is the wavelength of the type of radiation.

Ionizing radiation gets its name because it has enough energy to excite electrons and knock them out of orbit or ionize them. Prolonged exposure to this radiation can seriously jeopardize your health, and over time, even small but constant exposures can greatly increase the risk of cancer because the exposure causes cells to mutate. Even when used for beneficial purposes (e.g., diagnosing a patient using an X-ray machine), exposure is carefully controlled through the use of lead undershirts, shielding materials, etc., in order to minimize exposure for the benefit of both the patient and the machine operator. If you are worried about radiation, this is the radiation you should be worried about. (And even then, you shouldn't have to worry about it, because the amount of radiation you'll receive in your lifetime from routine medical procedures is less than the amount of radiation you'll receive in the same period of time from the airplanes you fly on for business and vacations. )

Instead, we have non-ionizing radiation. This radiation doesn't have enough energy to ionize atoms and includes everything else in the radiation spectrum, including infrared radiation, visible light, and radio waves - including everything from low-energy radio waves used in walkie-talkies to higher-energy radio waves like those in the microwave part of the spectrum.

People exposed to non-ionizing microwave radiation are exposed to very high power doses in very close proximity. The magnetron in your average household microwave produces about 700 watts of microwave energy, and the microwave discharge is safely contained within the microwave body due to proper shielding. Even if the microwave fails and the shielding begins to fail, you won't even feel anything standing in the same room as the unit.

By contrast, even very powerful high-end Wi-Fi routers only produce about 1 watt of microwave energy, and unlike the magnetron in a microwave oven, a Wi-Fi router radiates only 1 watt of energy in a small, bubble-like container, so all in all the radiation from WIFI is not going to affect you, at least minimally if at all.

Often people will tell me not to use the computer for a long time, the radiation is too high, it is harmful to the body, but the fact is that the WIFI signals from the high-power wireless router are radiated by the human body, but it is very small, not much harm.

People using cell phones are usually very close to their brains, but the connected wireless router may be far away in another room (don't forget the inverse square law). Experiments have shown that a 20-minute phone call absorbs more microwave radiation than a year's use of a wireless router, and that 20 laptops and 2 wireless routers emit about the same amount of microwave radiation as a cell phone.

Radio signals, like light, sound waves, and gravity, follow the inverse square law, where doubling the distance reduces the energy by a quarter. In other words, signal strength decays very quickly with distance.

At typical distances, the signal strength of a wireless network is so weak that there is no need to worry about it: it's just a part of the "radio soot" created by radios, TV signals, alternating current, household motors, and the vast universe. As my colleague Charles Arthur points out, the wavelength of the Wi-Fi signal is the same as that of the cosmic background radiation: 12 cm. If you're worried about that, don't go out at all.

Hundreds of attempts have been made to link wireless routers and cell phones to threats to human health. All we can say is that Wi-Fi signals are not a potential safety hazard, but there's no way to prove that conclusion wrong. Of course, it makes sense to minimize the hazards, but only for the major ones, not the minor ones. If we're going to do that, we need to start with cell phones.

By the way, the microwave oven in your home is safe enough, because it's designed to make sure it's well protected against microwave leaks. But you can test your home microwave for microwave leaks, or stay away from it when you're reheating food (where "away" is about 1 meter).

First of all, thank you very much for answering this question, and let me walk you through it, and now let's talk about it.

Actually, to talk about radiation, sunlight is a type of radiation, and it is a very intense type of radiation. Solar radiation affects the Earth's water cycle, ocean currents, rock weathering, soil formation, complex and variable weather phenomena, thousands of different climate differences, the survival of all living matter and so on. At present, the main energy sources used by human society: coal, oil, natural gas, wind, water, bioenergy, and so on are related to solar radiation

Often people will tell me not to use the computer for a long time, the radiation is too much, the body has harm, but in fact by the high-power wireless router issued by the WIFI signal is the human body has radiation, but very small, no harm.

People using cell phones are usually very close to their brains, but the wireless router they are connected to may be far away in another room (don't forget the inverse square law). Experiments have shown that a 20-minute phone call absorbs more microwave radiation than a year's use of a wireless router, and that 20 laptops and 2 wireless routers emit about the same amount of microwave radiation as a cell phone.

Radio signals, like light, sound waves, and gravity, follow the inverse square law, where doubling the distance reduces the energy by a quarter. In other words, signal strength decays very quickly with distance

The radiation from a cell phone or router is the radio waves generated when these devices transmit information via electromagnetic waves. The radiation from these devices is measured by the SAR value. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, the greater the ability to penetrate the human body. Therefore, from the perspective of the impact on the human body, the higher the frequency, the greater the permissible power density, i.e., from 0.4W/m at 30MHz to 2W/m at 30,000MHz.

These devices use a "microwave" signal to transmit information, and the "microwave" signal to transmit the information. If the cell phone radiation out of the "microwave" is harmful to the body, we sunbathe in the sun every day to receive the radiation has long been the explosion of the table.

The answers to the questions shared above are personal opinions and suggestions, and I hope that the answers I've shared can help you.

Here at the same time also hope that you can like my share, everyone if there is a better answer to this question, but also hope to share the comments out *** with the discussion of this topic.

I finally here, I wish you all a happy work every day happy life, healthy life every day, home and everything is prosperous, year after year, business is booming, thank you!

In fact, to say radiation, sunlight is a kind of radiation, and belongs to a very intense radiation. Solar radiation affects the Earth's water cycle, ocean currents, rock weathering, soil formation, the complexity of the weather phenomenon, the differences in climate, the survival of all living matter and so on. At present, the main energy sources utilized by human society: coal, oil, natural gas, wind, water, bioenergy, etc. are all related to solar radiation.

Everything grows from the sun!

Guess the solar radiation, or cell phone radiation? Or is it the high power router wifi radiation?

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced in 1981 that the solar constant value is 1368 W/m2. 99% of the solar radiation spectrum in the upper boundary of the Earth's atmosphere is at a wavelength of 0.15 to 4.0 microns. About 50% of the solar radiation energy in the visible spectral region (wavelength 0.4 to 0.76 microns), 7% in the ultraviolet spectral region (wavelength & lt; 0.4 microns), 43% in the infrared spectral region (wavelength & gt; 0.76 microns), the maximum energy in the wavelength 0.475 microns. Because the wavelength of solar radiation is much smaller than the wavelength of terrestrial and atmospheric radiation (about 3 to 120 microns), it is usually called solar radiation for short-wave radiation, the ground and atmospheric radiation for long-wave radiation.

The radiation from a cell phone or router is the waves generated when these devices transmit information via electromagnetic waves. The radiation from these devices is measured by the SAR value. The higher the frequency, i.e. the shorter the wavelength, the greater the ability to penetrate the human body, so from the point of view of the impact on the human body, the higher the frequency, the greater the permissible power density, i.e., from 0.4 W/m at 30 MHz to 2 W/m at 30,000 MHz.

These devices use a "microwave" signal to transmit information. If cell phone radiation out of the "microwave" is harmful to the body, we sunbathe in the sun every day to receive the radiation has long been the explosion of the table.

So as long as you don't have a problem with sun exposure, you're not going to have a problem with a high-powered router.

Needless to say, high-power wireless router radiation level, is that we use the phone charger have radiation, all electronic products in the family will have radiation waves, just the size of the radiation is not the same, just the radiation router radiation is not imagined so serious, the general radius of the router radiation is about 50 centimeters, so as long as the router is placed at a certain distance away from us will not have a problem!

Often people will say to me do not use the computer for a long time, too much radiation, there is harm to the body, but in fact by the high-power wireless router issued by the WIFI signal is the human body has radiation, but very small, no harm.

People using cell phones are usually very close to their brains, but the connection to the wireless router may be far away in another room (don't forget the inverse square law). Experiments have shown that a 20-minute phone call absorbs more microwave radiation than a year's worth of wires, and that 20 laptops and two wireless routers emit about the same amount of microwave radiation as a cell phone.

Radio signals, like light, sound waves, and gravity, follow the inverse square law, where doubling the distance reduces the energy by a quarter. In other words, signal strength decays very quickly with distance.

At normal distances, the signal strength of a wireless network is so weak that there is no need to worry about it: it is just a part of the "radio soot" formed by radios, TV signals, alternating current (AC), household motors, and the vast universe. The wavelength of the Wi-Fi signal is the same as that of the cosmic background radiation: 12 cm, and if you're worried about it, don't go out at all.

Hundreds of attempts have been made to link wireless routers and cell phones to threats to human health. All we can say is that Wi-Fi signals are not a potential safety hazard, but we can't prove that conclusion wrong. Of course, it makes sense to minimize the hazards, but only for the major ones, not the minor ones. If we're going to do that, we need to start with cell phones.