The original Druids, Druids of the duration of the tree demon. Tree demon means the goddess of the forest in Roman and Greek mythology, the legend of an oak tree are inhabited by elves, human beings to convey oracles, so these tree spirit tree spirit descendants of literature usually the image of the tree demon tree spirit.
The Druid (Druid), the original meaning of the word "people familiar with the rubber tree, in history, he was a clergyman of the Celtic peoples, whose main characteristic was to live in the forests, and specialized in the use of herbs for medical purposes, and the acorn international was their sacred cult. The Celtic Diaspora was a barbarian people in Gaul, Britain, Ireland, Europe, Asia Minor, and the Balkans from the 5th century BC to the 1st century AD. Druidic priests were proficient in divination, ritualistic meticulousness, and were also skilled in calendars, medicine, astronomy, and literature ....... They were also synonymous with law enforcement, bards, and explorers. Male and female druid priests, who played the role of a priest, mage, or seer in the family, likewise enjoyed a high status in society. Historians of Brahmanism (Brahminism) equate Druid priests with the Zoroastrian monks (Magi) of India, Persia, Egyptian priests (Priests), and witchdoctors (Witches).
Historical Origins of the Druids
The Europeans generally regarded the Druids as supporters of nature and neutrality throughout the wilderness of their homelands, hermits who made their own special powers to protect nature and to bring balance to the whole world. Allowing the whole world to achieve balance Druids in modern fantasy literature, worshippers and defenders of nature, can fight against any force to protect the natural world. The original English name for druids was "druid", understood in a similar sense to the first half of the word "druis" in the Greek means oak, and then half of the Aryan suffix "wid". The druids were especially acorn-sacred, so the name Druid is old-fashioned who was familiar with the oak tree. Famous in the time of King Arthur "Merlin", the legend is that the shaman has extraordinary magical powers, in fact, she should be a follower of the Druids with considerable practice.
The Druid religion worships nature, the most worshipped symbols and oaks of the supreme god, so they believe that parasitism above the oak mistletoe (mistletoe) is a cure for all ills of all medicines (almighty) divine skill and effectiveness, of course, also need to be collected only on the day of the full moon and the new moon, or on the sixth night of each month in order to hold this ceremony on the white robe of Druid priests, wearing Druid priests in white robes, the most senior Arch-Druid (Arch-Druid), wearing gold and jewelry, and holding a golden scythe up the tree to cut and take.
Druidism Revival
In 1717 A.D., self-proclaimed Druids High Priests William Stoeckley and John Toland re-established the Druids, then Henry Holland Force, in order to revive their ancient dogma and make it a charitable group similar to the **** Jehovah's Club. Interestingly, the Druid Church in the United States was founded for an entirely different purpose. in 1963, the Innovative Druid Church of North America was founded, an organization established simply because it was founded by a group of college students in Minnesota in response to the school forcing students to participate in religious services. Later, the organization grew into a Druid church that advocates for freedom of religion and has grown to this day.
According to legend, the rituals and teachings of Druidism were very secretive and by convention only transmitted orally. Therefore, many historians have studied and explored the ages, and the Druids still know very little about the Druids, or derived from the vast majority of ancient Greek and Roman literature. In addition, archaeologists look for clues, such as drawings, from the ruins of altars and temples. Most of the Druidic descriptions of barbarism and terror are found in the earliest records of the Druid Church in the history books of Julius Caesar's "Records of the Gallic Wars" and the historian Tacitus's pimple, the "Historia Romana". However, the authenticity of these accounts is doubtful, since most of them came from hostile forces in the hands of the Druids, who might find excuses for their aggression. In fact, in the case of most of the trees, the druid Easton is recognized as an ancient wise man, with very high moral virtues, well versed in the ways of nature.
Why are there no Druids of their own tradition written?AD the actual Romans attacked the Celts believing in Druidism, and the Victorian Massacre Druidic clerics lost their bodies in the sacred forest. The massacre left the Druids in ruins, and post-Druidism appears only in ballads and poetry. Most modern fantasy literature and games of the various Druids are based on legends from before the first century AD, and gradually evolved into a mystical organization, the Forces of Nature.
The followers of the Druids of the BC era were portrayed in a positive light, they worshipped nature, were proficient in divination, healing, caring, and building a huge mystical stand on the moors of England - Stonehenge said: Druids Hindus worshipped the ruins left by the sun god. The rituals and teachings of Druidism are very mysterious, but as a rule transmitted only orally, and therefore, despite millennia of research and exploration, is still little known. The information comes from ancient Greek and Roman literature. Increasingly, only occasionally from forests, altars, temples, ruins, archaeologists have found some photos that commemorate tiny clues. The earliest records of the Druidic group in the history books are mainly found in the writings of Julius Caesar and Tacitus, the greatest Roman historian. In these works, the barbarism and horror of the Druidic religion are described! The report of Caesar's expedition to the Senate of Gaul, says: "The Druids taught in the locality the importance and power of arbiters and deacons of the priesthood, and the clergymen were proficient in the teaching of physics and chemistry, and lived in the woods, hacking down acorns of the sacred golden scythe, and even human sacrifices! "For the most part, however, the Druid priests were recognized as the ancient guardians of intelligence, with high moral integrity, and deep attainments in the natural sciences and theology.
Slightly later today, as the Roman Empire's dominance of the Celtic wars of conquest began, Druidic Christians, who stormed into the mysterious primeval forests were massacred by hordes of Roman soldiers. Druidism was dormant from this, and so from that time to the present, the Druids gradually ceased to look like suddenly a religious history and entered the role of a myth.
And after the defeat of the Celts, the Druidic Order members of the Roman blood-washed priests of the discarded in the Druidic sacred forests, and then in their own prestige centuries ago in the state of ordinary wizards before the splendor of the gone, and only the ammadine alone to recite a sad elegy. Today we can see some interesting retro movements, they follow the example of the body, but in the real influence of our casters of enablers and vibrators in the game still.
European and American game Druid
"Chronicles of the Dragonlance" in the forest of the druid group of herbal rescue. "Icewind Dale" Kuda Hoha Druid Erendo is clearly a burly man with knowledge that there are no shadows of the savage pioneers. "Baldur's Gate 2" has a mission to help the goddesses of the forest trapped in the 3 escape from the dungeon, as long as because you have managed to reach, will be able to save them and their oak. The 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) rules are defined as "Druids (Druids) can be manipulated, as can angry storms, gentle forces rising from the sunrise of Munchausen, clever foxes, and other things like townspeople. Druids, however, do not exaggerate the falsehood that they think they are the masters of nature, on the contrary, they are the nature of the forces of nature. Dare to come against the sanctuary of the Druids, annoy them enough and they will understand it well. "As is the role of the druids, many AD&D games are completely neutral about everything. The balance of power between the various opposing camps is maintained for the purpose. The poor "Possible and Magic" series of druids freezes into a cult: Prof. Yang Ming (which is not mentioned in ...... ) > <#)
Really Blizzard is giving life to Druids! The average European Druid advocates nature and neutrality throughout the wilderness hermits for their homeland, which is fully reflected in "Diablo II: The Game Described Druids live in the northern forests near the natural mage group of Catholics, they do not use elemental magic, so that their own special power to protect nature, so that the whole world to obtain balance. Instead, they use their own way to gain a unique magical ability of integration with nature, and this magic allows them to gain magical abilities to control fire, earth, and wind. Druid Sinn Fein magic allows them to summon many plants and beasts to help them fight, such as ravens, eagles, wolves, grapes, and even ghosts that prowl the wilderness, and can themselves shapeshift or giant bears to craze wild armies of wolf-like savage animals to fight their enemies. Druid skills fall into three categories: elemental magic, shapeshifting skills and summoning abilities.
1. Introduction to World of Warcraft Druids
History of World of Warcraft Druids:
With the passage of time over time, Sena grows long hair and, like his father, becomes a magnificent creature in Sri Lanka. He became a brother to the stars and the forests, wandering in remoteness, the dawn singing in harmony singing of the great hunters. All creatures bent before him in grace and beauty - there was no more perfect moon and white stag son than this one. Gradually, Cenarius Sri Lanka became a friend of the Shuha perch, with whom he discussed how to transform the world. Children of Earth, he made a brother for himself, and vowed to help him care for the field of life and love of Mother Earth. Cenarius, a child of Earth, shows the children how to communicate in the woods. Shuhalu became a druid, and they used all kinds of magic to take care of the health of the land Shuhakay hunted several representatives of Cenarius together, **** with the forces of evil that protect the land against the damage lurking in the ground. With the dawn the mists dissipated, and with the passage of time, the bust of Cenarius himself entered the realm of the world. Shuhalu was saddened by his departure, and forgot their druidic path. Generation after generation, they gradually forgot how to communicate with the creatures of the trees and the land. The dark whispers of the depths of the earth once again came to their ears.
No longer did they listen to the secret language of the evil children of the earth, but an evil curse landed at the head of their wandering clan. To the west of the Black Lands, a group of ferocious creatures - centaurs. Brutal and savage, the centaurs swarmed like a plague, and Shuharro fought valiantly for the blessing of Mother Earth, but they could not defeat the centaurs.
Shuharro was forced to leave their ancestral home because there were like nomads roaming the endless plains. This situation has been Shuharu's home device - the broken hope that under the guidance of Mother Earth they can find a new home.
Undoubtedly the most famous World of Warcraft druid Mafario Raging Winds of history.
Available races: Dark Elves | Minotaurs
Druids are the guardians of the world. The invasion of the Burning Legion, as the most recent generation sleeps and awakens. With Arkmund defeated, the druids remain in the world, participating in the rebuilding of broken families. The natural order left behind by the attack of the Burning Legion has been greatly traumatized, and the druids are trying to heal it.
World of Warcraft Druids are Swiss Army Knife casters. They are applicable to fill any role on the team. Powerful healing and support, in addition to the druid's shapeshifting ability, allow them to go into bear (soldier), cat (thief), sea lion (swimmer) and leopard form (fast mover).
Savvy to the various life forms around themselves, druids are a universal character, able to transform into a variety of forms with different reactions. By changing form, the druid will lose the ability to cast. However, these forms are so powerful that there is no need for the ability to cast, and their skills to exist in strike form. Skills.
Druids cast spells of healing and damage types. The druid can play the role of a healer on any team, but because of the "one size fits all" type design, he will not have some of the more powerful healing offered by a cleric. However, the Druid turns out to have roughly the same healing capabilities as the Priest, but with fewer features. This setup makes the druid and priest appropriate healing for any team.
When his druid feels the need to repel and defeat his opponent, he can also use some offensive spells. Spells such as Tree Root Entangle (Warcraft III players know this spell as a stop-moving-enemy immobilization type spell) and Moonfire (a direct damage spell) have spells that are included in the Druid's list of offensive spells.
2. World of Warcraft Druid introduced
World of Warcraft Druid is divided into Druid's Claw (Druid with sharp claws), and Bird of Prey Druid (Bird of Prey Druid).
These ancient Druid bear totems and his totem worship can use force to defend their home. They can transform into a huge ferocious bear which has amazing strength and stamina. Its powerful magical force increases the combat strength and courage of allied forces in battle.
The Sharpclaw Druid is a powerful unit. When in bear form, it is an advanced melee unit that plays a large role in strikes, knights, minotaurs, and abominations. In normal form, it is a magical weapon with a status similar to that of a priest, witch, or shaman. In short, the Sharpshooter Druid is an integral part of both forms of the Dark Elf force, and after you've completed upgrading the tree over the years, you'll be able to build the Tree of Wisdom and train a number of Tree Fiends and Sharpshooter Druids. Let the Sharpshooter Druid Roar mix with your troops. The roar will give your troops 25% more attack power (magic immune tree demons will not get the extra attack power).
The Raptor Druids (Raptor Druids) are secretive, raven totem worshippers whose primary duty to the society of the Dark Elves is to gather intelligence and research. The Raptor Druid's ability to transform into a raven. Scouting and delivering intelligence on the battlefield. They can summon the power of the wind to strike the enemy Kalimdor.
Raptor Druids are rare on the battlefield, but they can be utilized to several particular advantages. Dark Elf troops do not deal well with those who have heavily armored troops, and Raptor Druid Elven Fire weakens their defenses so Dark Elf troops are more effective against them. Another use for Raptor Druids is to utilize their Hurricane skill. Hurricane incapacitates ground units for 20 seconds. Raptor Druids can also use their Storm Raven form of scouting the map or attacking enemy air units, and the Storm Raven upgrade allows them to cast Elven Fire.
3. "Introduction to Diablo Diablo 2 Druids
Druids live in the northern forests of Scosglen, where they study mystical spells with a tribe of eastern magicians. In addition, thanks to the guardian of the tribe, they live in their own surface covered with vines stone castles, where year-round companionship with nature allows them to learn how to control the creatures and the forces of nature. In addition, their most noteworthy ability to transform animals into. Because of this, the tribesmen know that all the time will be protected from them unseen. They differed from the previous knowledge of the druids, and the "avengers of nature" may be able to call them.
Synopsis The druids live in the northern forests of Scosglen, studying as powerful guardians of the tribe, they live alone in stone castles covered with vines on the surface, and year-round companionship with nature allows them to learn how to control the powers of living creatures and the mystical spells of the magicians of the eastern part of the tribe. Nature. In addition, they are most notable for the ability to transform animals into. Because of this, the people of this tribe know that all the time will be under their invisible protection. They differ from your previous knowledge of druids, "natural" avengers "may be able to call them.--------
4. dota Druid Heroes (Heroes Introduction):
In a dramatic conflict, the druid is in his tribe. When sensing that the place of residence is facing the destruction of his family, the people turn their children into a bear and turn the mountain. The druid begins to grow and become a powerful, ferocious bear in his native forest habitat. By powering the druid into a state of madness, even to bear he needs a strong partner to help him. The Prophet. As the Prophet awakens his elven blood, the druid then changes back to his elven form, and his wild soul is brought into battle.