Raw materials of diagnostic reagents: TOOS, Topsy, ADOS, Alps, Dawes, HDAOS, MADB, MAOS, etc. The product is white crystal with high purity (above 99%) and good solubility, which is different from the light blue or brown products in the market.
Buffer: Tris, Bicine, cap, Mops, Taps, EPPS, HEPES, PEP, PIPES, MOPSO. The product is white crystal, with purity greater than 99% and absorbance less than 0.05. Heparin sodium, heparin lithium, dipotassium EDTA, tripotassium EDTA, coagulant, silicifying agent, sodium citrate and potassium oxalate. Luminous agent: Luminol acridine ester acridine salt Desheng biochemical.