Electrical Design Code

Code for Cable Design for Electric Power Engineering GB 50217-2007

Design Code for Power Supply and Distribution Systems GB 50052-2009

Design Code for Substations 10KV and Below GB /50053-1994

Design Code for Low-voltage Distribution GB /50054-1995

Design Code for High-voltage Distribution Installations CB 50060-2008

Design Code for Shunt Capacitor Installations Design Code for High-voltage Power Distribution Installations CB 50060-2008

Design Code for Relay Protection and Automatic Devices for Electric Power Installations GB /50062-2008

Design Code for Shunt Capacitor Installations CB 50227-2008

Over-voltage Protection and Insulation Matching for A.C. Electrical Installations DL /T 620-1997

Grounding of a.c. electrical installations DL /T 621-1997

Technical specification for the design of electrical measuring and instrumentation devices SDJ 9-1991

Code for electrical design of civil buildings JGJ/T 16-2008

Technical specification for the design of overhead insulated distribution lines DL /T601-1996

Design specification for the distribution of commonly used electrical equipment GB/50055-1993 Design Code for Power Distribution of Commonly Used Electrical Equipment GB/50055-1993

Design Code for Electrical Installations of Electrothermal Equipment GB/50056-1993

Design Code for Electrical Installations in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Environments GB50058-1992 35-110KV

Design Code for Substation GB50059-1992

Design of Relay Protection and Automatic Devices of Electrical Installations GB/T 50062-2008

Design Code for Electrical Measuring Instrumentation Devices for Power Installations GB/T 50063-2008

Design Code for Urban Nightscape Lighting JGJ/T 163-2008

Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Urban Road Lighting Projects CJJ89-2001

City Road Lighting Design Standard CJJ 45-2006

City Electricity Planning Standard GB 50293-1999

National Civil Building Engineering Design Technical Measures ? Electrical (2009)<Issued by the Ministry of Construction>

Specification for Lightning Protection Design of Buildings (2000 Edition) GB 50057-94

Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings GB 50034-2004

Technical Specification for Lightning Protection of Electronic Information System of Buildings GB 50343-2003

Safety Specification for Manufacture and Installation of Elevators GB 7588-2003

Safety Specification for Elevator Manufacture and Safety Code for Elevator Manufacturing and Installation GB 7588-2003

Technical Specification for Power System Design DL/T 5429-2009

Specification for the Construction and Acceptance of Overhead Power Lines of 35kV and Below for Electrical Installation Engineering GB 50173-92

Technical Requirements for System Grounding Type and Safety GB 14050-2008

National Safety Code for Electrical Equipment GB 50343-2003

Technical Specification for Lightning Protection of Building Electronic Information System p> National Technical Code for Safety of Electrical Equipment GB 19517-2004

General Principles for Flame Retardant and Fire Resistant Cables GB/T 19666-2005

Lighting Design Code for Industrial Enterprises GB50034-92

Code for the Design and Construction of Automobile Refueling and Gas Stations (2006 Edition) GB50156?2002

Design and Fire Protection Code for Petrochemical Enterprises GB50160?2008

Electrical Installation Engineering Code for Construction and Acceptance of Cable Lines GB50168-2006

Electrical Installation Engineering Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electrical Installation of Hoists GB50256?96

Electrical Installation Engineering Code for Electrical Installation in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Environment Construction and acceptance specification GB50257?96

Building Electrical Engineering Construction Quality Acceptance Specification GB50303-2002

Standard for Basic Terminology of Electric Power Engineering GB/T50297-2006

Electrical Installation Engineering Construction and Acceptance Specification for Grounding Devices GB50169-2006

Electrical installations Installation Engineering Rotating Motor Construction and Acceptance Specification GB50170-2006

Electrical Installation Engineering Pan, Cabinet and Secondary Circuit Wiring Construction and Acceptance Specification GB50171-92

Electrical Installation Engineering Storage Battery Construction and Acceptance Specification GB50172-92

Electrical Installation Engineering 35kV and the following overhead Specification for the Construction and Acceptance of Power Lines GB50173-92

Code for the Design of Computer Rooms for Electronic Information Systems GB50174?2008

Code of Practice for Fire Protection in the Design of Oil and Gas Projects GB50183-2004

Technical Specification for the Engineering of Cable Television Systems GB50200?94

Code of Practice for the Design of Thermal Power Plants and Substation Fire Protection Code GB50229?2006

Code of Practice for the Construction and Acceptance of Low-voltage Electrical Appliances for Electrical Installation Engineering GB50254?96

Code of Practice for the Construction and Acceptance of Power Converters for Electrical Installation Engineering GB50255?96

Code of Practice for Fire Protection in Building Design GB50016-2006

Code of Practice for the Design of Town Gas GB50028-2006

Design Code for Electrical Measuring Instrumentation Devices for Electric Power Installations GB/T50063-2008

Design Standard for Illumination in Petrochemical Enterprises SH/T3027-2003

Technical Specification for Electric Power Design of Production Units in Petrochemical Enterprises SH3038?2000

Design Code for General Layout of Plants in Petrochemical Enterprises Design Code for General Layout of Plant SH/T 3053-2002

Design Code for Plant Power System of Petrochemical Enterprises SH3060?1994

Standard for Seismic Identification of Electrical Equipment in Petrochemical Enterprises SH3071?1995

Design Code for Static Electricity Grounding of Petrochemical Enterprises SH3097?2000

Design Code for Petrochemical Instrumentation Grounding SH/T3081-2003

Design Code for Petrochemical Instrumentation Power Supply SH/T3082-2003

Design and Calculation Methods for Electricity Load in Refineries SH/T3116?2000

Guidelines for the Design of Petrochemical Emergency Stopping and Safety Interlocking Systems SHB-Z06-1999

Petrochemical plant basic engineering design content regulations SHSG-033-2008

Petrochemical plant detailed engineering design content regulations SHSG-053-2003

Instrumentation power supply design regulations HG/T20509-2000

Signal alarm, safety interlock system design regulations HG/T20511 -2000

Uniform provisions on graphic and textual symbols for electric power design in chemical enterprises HG/T20686-1990

Design specification for steel cable trays CECS31: 2006

Recommended practice for regional division of electrical equipment installation in petroleum facilities: Level 1, 0, 1 and 2 SY/T6671-2006

The design of power supply for instruments under 10kV and below is as follows 2008

Technical parameters and requirements for dry-type power transformers GB/T10228?2008

Power transformers Part 7: Oil-immersed power transformer loading guidelines GB/T1094.7-2008

Power quality Allowable imbalance of three-phase voltage GB/T15543?2008

Calculation of short-circuit current of three-phase AC system GB/T15543? Calculation of short-circuit current of three-phase AC system GB/T15544?1995

Low-voltage reactive power compensation device GB/T15576?2008

Guidelines for the selection of power transformers GB/T17468?2008

Code for fire protection of high-rise civil buildings (2005 edition) GB50045?95

Overhead power conductors of 66KV and below GB/T1094.7-2008

Design Code for Overhead Power Lines of 66KV and Below GB50061?2010

Code for Residential Design (2003 Edition) GB50096?1999

Design Code for Automatic Fire Alarm System GB50116?2008

Electrical Installation Engineering Standard for Handover Test of Electrical Equipment GB50150-2006