Jiamusi University and Hongda Group joint construction, joint-stock hospital. One side of the capital, one side of the technology, the goal according to the three hospitals to build, the contributor is to build a new Mart Huainan Zhang boss.
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The Third Hospital Affiliated to Jiamusi University (School of Rehabilitation Medicine of Jiamusi University) is located in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China. No. 419 Dexiang Street, was founded in 1987, is a hospital engaged in the prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy, rehabilitation and research.
National post-doctoral research station, national model unit for introducing foreign intelligence, training base for rehabilitation medicine talents of the Ministry of Health, Heilongjiang base for training rehabilitation talents for the disabled of the China Disabled Persons Federation, national training base for children's rehabilitation talents of the China-United States Cooperative Partnership Alliance, vice-president unit of the Heilongjiang Provincial Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, chairman unit of the Specialized Committee on Children's Rehabilitation of the Heilongjiang Provincial Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, vice-chairman unit of Heilongjiang Provincial Association of Rehabilitation for Children with Autism, and It is also the vice-chairman unit of the Association for the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children, the post-doctoral scientific research base in Heilongjiang Province, the demonstration base for attracting intellectual achievements in Heilongjiang Province, and a designated hospital for medical insurance.