I am currently working in a nuclear power plant and doing installation. I would like to learn about the nuclear industry in a systematic way.

The comprehensive industrial sector for the development and utilization of nuclear energy. The main task is the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the development and production of nuclear weapons. It is engaged in the production of nuclear fuel and radioisotopes, the research, design and construction of nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants, and the production of nuclear energy (power and heat generation) and the development of nuclear weapons.



Discipline Development


Overview of China's Nuclear Industry

Development HistoryFuture TrendsMinistry of Nuclear Industry

Development in Foreign Countries

Role in National Economy Introduction

Discipline Development


Overview of China's Nuclear Industry

Development History Future Trends Ministry of Nuclear Industry

Development Abroad

Role in National Economy

Expand Edit Introduction

The nuclear industry is engaged in the research, production, processing of nuclear fuel, nuclear energy development, utilization, nuclear weapons development and production of industry. It is a combination of civil and military industry. The main products are: nuclear raw materials, nuclear fuel, nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons (including atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs), nuclear power and radioisotopes. The nuclear industry has an important position and role in national defense. Nuclear weapons have greater lethality and destructive power than conventional weapons, and can play a role in war that ordinary weapons cannot play, and cause radioactive pollution, with long-term and serious consequences for the ecological environment. Therefore, nuclear weapons have become the basis of modern military strategy for certain countries. At the same time, in the development of the national economy, the nuclear industry also has an extremely important position and role. Edit this section of the development of disciplines

The nuclear industry is a multidisciplinary, pioneering field of wide, highly technologically intensive comprehensive emerging industry. It involves geological exploration, mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, electric power, machinery manufacturing, construction, electrical machinery and precision instrumentation and other industrial sectors and physics, chemistry, electronics, semiconductors, computational technology, automatic control, materials science, heat transfer, medicine and biology and other disciplines. The level of development of a country's nuclear industry can centrally reflect the country's entire industrial base and scientific and technological level. The discovery of natural radioactivity in 1896 opened a new page of modern science and technology, and since the middle of the 20th century, nuclear science and technology and the nuclear industry have made rapid development, realizing a major transformation from basic theoretical research to applied technological research, and from military utilization to peaceful utilization. Nuclear technology has penetrated into various fields, and it has been widely used in economic construction, scientific research and social life, with obvious benefits, and is an important part of the treasure house of contemporary technology. Edit this section of the system

The nuclear industry system mainly includes the production and processing of nuclear fuel (such as natural uranium, enriched uranium and thorium fuel, etc.) and deuterium, tritium, lithium-6 thermonuclear material production and processing; research and test reactors, production reactors and power reactors construction; irradiated fuel reprocessing (plutonium-239 and fission products, transuranic elements of the extraction); and nuclear weapons, research and manufacturing, etc. To this end, it is necessary to build a series of nuclear power plants. For this purpose, it is necessary to build a series of plants, such as nuclear weapons manufacturing plants, ore processing plants, refining and conversion plants, isotope separation plants, fuel element processing plants, reprocessing plants, and radioactive waste treatment and disposal facilities. Editorial section of China's nuclear industry

Development history

China's nuclear industry was created and developed after the establishment of the People's Republic of China*** and the State.

Early stage of development

(1) In 1950, the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was set up, and began to engage in nuclear science and technology research. (2) In 1954, China's geologists discovered uranium resources in Guangxi in a comprehensive search for minerals. After listening to the report of the geology department, Mao Zedong pointed out that we had abundant mineral resources and our country should also develop atomic energy. (3) In July 1955, the State Council decided to set up the Bureau of Construction Technology in the State Construction Committee to take charge of the preparatory work for the construction of the experimental heavy water reactor and cyclotron, which had been assisted by the former Soviet Union. (4) On November 16, 1956, the State established the Third Ministry of Machinery Industry (changed to the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1958 and to the Ministry of Nuclear Industry in 1982) to build the nuclear industry with the assistance of the U.S.S.R. In 1958, China's first experimental heavy water reactor and cyclotron were built and put into operation. (5) In 1960, the Soviet government unilaterally tore up the agreement, and in the following year withdrew 233 specialists working in the nuclear industry system, and took away important drawings and materials. However, China's nuclear science and technology research and the construction of the nuclear industry did not stop there, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the self-reliance and strength, and continue to develop. 1962 November established the Central Committee of 15 people headed by Zhou Enlai, directly leading the development and production of atomic bombs. (6) On October 16, 1964, the first atomic bomb was successfully exploded; (7) On June 17, 1967, the first hydrogen bomb explosion test was successfully carried out; (8) In September 1971, the first nuclear submarine was successfully piloted, indicating that China's nuclear industry had been developing at a relatively fast pace, and that a relatively complete nuclear industry system had been built.At the end of the 1970s, with the focus of the country's work shifting to economic construction, the nuclear industry shifted from mainly serving the military to serving the civilian and military sectors, and from mainly serving the military to serving the civilian and military communities. Mainly for military services, shifted to a combination of military and civilian, nuclear-oriented, a variety of business, mainly engaged in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, nuclear technology, the development of civilian products. (9) In June 1983, the construction of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station with an electric power of 300,000 kilowatts, designed by China itself, began at Qinshan, Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province; (10) In April 1984, the construction of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, began with the introduction of technology and equipment. (11) In April 1988, the Ministry of Nuclear Industry was abolished and its governmental functions were transferred to the newly established Ministry of Energy; at the same time, the China National Nuclear Industry Corporation (CNIC) was formed, which was responsible for the operation and management of nuclear industry enterprises and institutions. (12) Since the 1990s, the nuclear industry continues to implement the "military-civilian integration, nuclear-oriented, a variety of business, and revitalize the economy," the policy, and has been more rapid development.

Future Trends

China's total installed capacity of nuclear power plants currently built and under construction is 8.7 million kilowatts, and it is expected that China's installed nuclear power capacity will be about 20 million kilowatts in 2010, and in 2020 it will be about 40 million kilowatts. By 2050, China's installed nuclear power capacity can be categorized into three scenarios based on estimates from different sectors: 360 million kilowatts (about 30% of China's total installed power capacity) for the high scenario, 240 million kilowatts (about 20% of China's total installed power capacity) for the medium scenario, and 120 million kilowatts (about 10% of China's total installed power capacity) for the low scenario. China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is working on a civil industrial plan for the development of nuclear power in China, preparing for China's total installed electric power capacity by 2020, which is expected to be 900 million kWh, and the share of nuclear power will account for 4% of the total electric power capacity, i.e., it is China's nuclear power in 2020 when it will be 36-40 million kilowatts. In other words, by 2020, China will have built 40 nuclear power plants equivalent to Daya Bay, such as the megawatt-class nuclear power plants. From the perspective of the general trend of nuclear power development, China's nuclear power development technology and strategic route has long been clear and is being implemented, the current development of pressurized water reactors, the medium-term development of fast neutron reactors, the long-term development of fusion reactors. Specifically, the near-term development of thermal neutron reactor nuclear power plants; in order to fully utilize uranium resources, the use of uranium-plutonium cycle technology route, the medium-term development of fast breeder reactor nuclear power plants; the long-term development of fusion reactor nuclear power plants, so that basically "forever" to solve the contradiction in the demand for energy.

Ministry of Nuclear Industry

The Ministry of Nuclear Industry (MNI) has become one of the country's energy ministries, responsible for the construction and operation of China's nuclear power plants. The Ministry of Nuclear Industry vigorously organizes the production of radioisotopes and the promotion and application of isotopes and radiation technology, and in 1985 China had produced more than 700 kinds of radioisotopes and their products. Editorial section of foreign development

Nuclear industry

The nuclear industry was founded in the United States in the 1940s, due to military needs. At the beginning of the Second World War, the United States guessed that Hitler's Germany in the development of nuclear weapons, decided to catch up with Germany before the development of nuclear weapons, and for this reason, invested huge manpower and material resources to carry out research on an unprecedented scale. 1942 June, when the scientific research to determine that it is possible to build nuclear weapons for war, began the construction of the initial engineering process can be expected to realize the production process. For the sake of secrecy, the entire engineering system was called the "Manhattan Project Area", and research and construction were carried out at an extraordinary wartime pace; in August 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. After the Second World War, especially after the first successful test of the Soviet Union's atomic bomb in 1949 and the breakup of the U.S. nuclear monopoly, the U.S. decided to expand the production of fissile material, and three new gaseous diffusion plants were expanded and built during the period from 1951 to 1956. At the same time, plutonium production was also expanded. After the war, the United States also worked on naval and civilian nuclear power plants. In order to develop thermal neutron power reactors, it was decided to develop mainly light-water power reactors, including marine power reactors and power reactors for nuclear power plants, after experimental studies of various reactor types. By 1982, there were about 128 nuclear-powered ships. By 1985, there were 93 nuclear power plants. The Soviet Union decided to develop atomic weapons in 1943, and after a successful chain reaction test in 1946, it proceeded to establish a nuclear industry; the first reactor to produce plutonium-239 was put into operation in 1948, and the first gaseous diffusion plant came on line in 1952. From the late 1940s to the early 1950s, a fissile material production industry was established. In nuclear power, the USSR used two main types of reactors: graphite water reactors and pressurized water reactors. By 1982, there were about 173 nuclear-powered ships. By 1985, it had 51 nuclear power plants. The United Kingdom established its own nuclear industry after the Second World War. France built a plutonium production industry in the 1950s and a large-scale uranium isotope separation plant in the 1960s and early 1970s. Federal Republic of Germany and Japan introduced the U.S. nuclear power technology, built a number of nuclear power plants in the 1960s, mastered the nuclear power plant equipment manufacturing and engineering construction technology, and established the nuclear fuel components manufacturing industry. Canada has its own nuclear fuel industry and heavy water reactor nuclear power plants. India has also built smaller-scale nuclear fuel production enterprises and nuclear power plants. Some developing countries and regions have also introduced or built nuclear power plants mainly for introduction, and some are also actively developing their own nuclear industries. Edit the role in the national economy

①Nuclear industry can use nuclear energy to make it into electrical energy, heat and mechanical power, compared with organic fuels, nuclear fuel has an unusually high calorific value, unit mass of nuclear fuel to produce heat for the organic fuel 2.8 trillion times. Using it as an energy source, the preservation and transportation costs of the finished fuel are very small, and thus the choice of a nuclear power plant site is not subject to the limitations of the fuel mining and processing areas, and it is suitable for the provision of energy in areas lacking organic fuels and hydroelectric resources, and it can also be used as a power source for long-lasting ocean-going vessels. Under normal operation, nuclear power plants release much less harmful substances than thermal power plants, which is conducive to environmental protection and is a clean energy source. Nuclear power technology has matured, and in some countries nuclear power can compete economically with thermal power. Since coal and oil reserves are limited and the time available for their exploitation is also limited, and the use of hydroelectric power is subject to geographical constraints on water resources, the use of nuclear power to generate electricity has been recognized as an alternative source of energy. By the end of 1985, there were 374 nuclear power plants in operation in 26 countries and regions around the world, with a total installed capacity of 249,754 MW (megawatts), accounting for about 15 percent of the world's total installed capacity of power plants. The vigorous development of nuclear energy has become the general trend of world energy development. However, thermal neutron reactors, which have been widely developed so far, utilize only about 0.7 per cent of uranium-235 in natural uranium, and in order to meet the energy needs of the longer term, fast neutron reactors must be developed. In such reactors, uranium-238 can be converted on an industrial scale into the artificial fissile nuclide plutonium-239, increasing the utilization of uranium resources by a factor of about 60. France and the Soviet Union have successfully built and operated fast neutron reactor nuclear power plants. This type of reactor is expected to enter the commercial phase by the beginning of the 21st century. Fast neutron reactor nuclear power plants and their fuel cycle systems will be an important part of the nuclear industry. In the long term, the development of nuclear fusion reactors that utilize deuterium-tritium fusion to generate energy is being pursued. ② Provide various radioisotope products, isotope instrumentation, and nuclear technology such as radiation technology to various sectors of the national economy, and play a growing role in radiation processing, food preservation, radiation breeding, sterilization, medical diagnosis, tracer detection, analysis and measurement, and scientific and technological production. The application of radioisotopes and nuclear technology is characterized by low investment, quick results, high returns, low energy consumption, low public health hazards and significant economic and social benefits. In the international community has rapidly developed into a new industry, widely used in the national economy, agriculture, medicine, science and technology and other fields. ③The development of nuclear industry needs the support of metallurgy, chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, electronics and other industries, thus also promoting their development. The nuclear industry requires radiation resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, superconductor materials will open up the development of new materials. Activation analysis and tracer technology in nuclear technology provides a means of research and analysis that cannot be solved by other methods. The development of the nuclear industry also promotes the development of many new scientific fields, such as radiation chemistry, radiochemistry, radiation dosimetry, nuclear medicine, nuclear electronics and so on. The nuclear industry is closely related to all sectors of the national economy, and promote each other.