Pay attention to local news and weather forecast at any time, and be prepared to deal with power failure, water supply and gas stop. After receiving the flood warning and forecasting information, we should prepare enough food, clothing, drinking water, daily necessities and necessary medical supplies, and properly arrange family valuables. Save the communication equipment that can still be used. Collect flashlights, whistles, mirrors, lighters, colorful clothes and other items that can be used as signals to prepare for rescue.
If you may need to go out for refuge, you should prepare at least one emergency kit that you can carry with you. The materials in the first aid kit should take into account the special needs of different family members, such as baby products and drugs for chronic diseases.
Make a family emergency plan: according to the early warning of the government and meteorological departments, you may face such countermeasures as choosing to move, staying at home to avoid danger or visiting relatives and friends. You should reach an understanding with the whole family in advance and try to ensure that the whole family can be together when the disaster happens. If they are not together, they can meet at the agreed safe place.
To avoid danger indoors, pay attention to turning off the power supply, air valve and water pipe, and reserve enough clean water, food and other disaster preparedness materials in advance. Be prepared for safe transfer at any time, and choose the best route and destination to evacuate. When you have to evacuate, prepare tools that can help you escape. You can also collect materials suitable for floating, such as wooden pots, wood, large pieces of foam plastic, etc., and process them into life-saving devices for emergencies.
Safety measures after flood:
After the flood, do a good job in health and epidemic prevention to avoid infectious diseases. Be careful not to use polluted water sources. Don't scratch when bitten by mosquitoes. Before meals and rest every day, it is best to disinfect the skin exposed to clothes and the environment and bedding.
Do not use flooded natural gas or electrical appliances. Don't eat any food contaminated by the flood. After the flood, you need to wear boots and thick gloves when cleaning the mud to prevent snakes and insects from hurting people or causing bacterial infection.