Why teapot guts are silver plated

Sterling silver is a beautiful silver-white metal that is very malleable and has the highest electrical conductivity and heat transfer of all metals.

For example, if you make the conductivity of mercury 1, then copper has a conductivity of 57, while silver has the first place with a conductivity of 59. Therefore, silver is often used to make extremely sensitive physical instrument components, a variety of automated devices, rockets, submarines, computers, nuclear devices, and communications systems, all of which have a large number of points of contact in the equipment are made of silver. During use, each contact has to work millions of times and must be wear-resistant and reliable to withstand the rigors of the job, and silver is perfectly suited to meet these requirements. If rare earth elements are added to silver, the performance will be even better. With this kind of silver with rare earth elements produced by the contact point, life can be extended several times.

Elemental use:

Used in the production of alloys, soldering flux, silver foil, silver salts, chemical instruments, and so on, and used in the production of silver coins and silver base, etc..

The most important compound of silver is silver nitrate. In medicine, an aqueous solution of silver nitrate is commonly used as eye drops because silver ions strongly kill germs.

The price is generally about 3 yuan / gram, purity of 999. silver nitrate see light or meet organic matter will decompose silver. Silver is grayish-black if it is a very small particle. This compound is used for silver plating or the manufacture of other silver compounds, the compound AgBr (silver bromide) is the main component of the camera negative, the compound AgI (silver iodide) into powdered sprinkled into the clouds, can play the effect of artificial rainfall.

Silver oxide is very easy to dissolve in ammonia, the solution is left for a long time, sometimes precipitated a strong explosive black crystals. Silver oxide is used as a coloring agent in the glass industry. The chemical formula of silver oxide Ag2O. brown cubic crystal system crystals or brown-black powder. Bond length (Ag-O) 205 pm. 200 degrees decomposition, release oxygen. Density 7.220g/cm3 (25 degrees). Gradually decompose in the presence of light. Reacts with sulfuric acid to form silver sulfate. Insoluble in water. Soluble in ammonia, sodium hydroxide solution, dilute nitric acid, sodium thiosulfate solution. Insoluble in ethanol. Produced by silver nitrate solution and sodium hydroxide solution. Organic synthesis with hydroxyl instead of halogen with wet Ag2O as a catalyst. Also used as an antiseptic, electronic device materials.

The photographic effect of silver bromide is used to make the photographic layer of the photographic negative.

Silver jewelry and silverware has a good reflectivity, polished can reach a high brightness, in jewelry and home decoration in a wide range of uses.

Silver coins were once prevalent as legal tender in countries on the silver standard. However, with the reform of the monetary system and the creation of credit money, silver coins were gradually withdrawn from circulation. Currently minted silver coins are mainly investment silver coins and commemorative silver coins.

Silver ions and silver-containing compounds can kill or inhibit bacteria, viruses, algae, and fungi, and are also known as pro-biotic metals because of their disease-fighting effects.