The difference between OEM and ODM?

In the skincare OEM industry, skincare OEM is a more commonly seen and heard words. Skin care OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, directly translated as the original equipment manufacturer) can be simply called "labeling production", that is, skin care brand owners do not directly produce period brand products, but commissioned skin care manufacturers to produce its brand products, it is the modern skin care industry is more popular in a production method. It is one of the more popular production methods in the modern skincare industry. \x0d\ With the development of the times, gradually derived from the skincare ODM and skincare OBM these two words, then what is skincare ODM and skincare OBM? The following small make up to you a road: \x0d\ Skincare ODM (Original Design Manufactuce, directly translated as the original design manufacturer) it not only contains the basic OEM OEM OEM production, but also the extension of services to product development, design and manufacture and even product maintenance, customers as long as the product function, performance or product ideas to the ODM service provider to make a statement, ODM service provider can be the product from the idea into reality. In this way, skin care ODM can greatly reduce the brand's research and development time at the same time to get their ideal products. In some cases, the finished product designed by the manufacturer may be picked up by another brand name company and requested to be labeled with the company's own brand name or to make some minor changes to its product design for OEM production and sales. \x0d\\\x0d\\\ Skincare OBM (Orignal Brand Manufactuce, directly translated as Original Brand Manufacturer), refers to skincare OEM manufacturers or producers to create their own product brands, production, operation and sales of products with their own brands. For example, Wan Ying has its own brand "Anthracene AFR?ES" eugenic collagen products, and has gained the trust of major sellers and the favor of many consumers.