Trivia about nuclear power quality

1. Knowledge about nuclear power plants and nuclear aspects of the quest for solutions --

This question asks a lot.

1, the operating principle of the nuclear power plant is simply that the heavy nuclear elements and neutron chain fission reaction so as to release a large amount of energy, or two light nuclear elements fusion and release a large amount of energy. Generally refers to the former, the latter is more difficult, is currently in the laboratory stage.

2, the definition of the reactor is able to maintain a controlled, chain, fission reaction of the device containing nuclear fuel. It is to provide an environment and conditions for nuclear fuel to react with neutrons, and to avoid radioactive damage to the environment.

3, the control rods are to control the nuclear reaction within the reactor to maintain the critical state, the role of more varies according to the category, there are in special circumstances to stop the reactor, but also to control the reactor reactivity.

4. There are two main factors in the Chernobyl accident, one is a flawed design, but the management is chaotic, but is being directly on the reactor to do experiments, and this is now impossible.

2. General knowledge of nuclear power plants

Nuclear power plants The nuclear energy released by the fission of atomic nuclei into electrical energy systems and equipment, usually referred to as nuclear power plants are also known as atomic power plants.

The energy released by the fission process of the nuclear fuel, through the coolant circulating in the reactor, takes the energy out and transfers it to the boiler to generate steam to drive the turbine and generator to generate electricity. A nuclear power plant is a high-energy, low-data-consumption power plant.

Take a power station with a generating capacity of 1 million kilowatts, for example, if you burn coal, you need to consume about 7,000 to 8,000 tons of coal per day, and more than 2 million tons per year. If you switch to a nuclear power plant, you only need to consume 1.5 tons of fissionable uranium or plutonium per year, and you can run the plant continuously at full power for a year with a single change of material.

The problem of transportation and storage of fuel in power stations can be greatly reduced. In addition, nuclear fuel can be burned in the reactor while new nuclear fuel is being produced.

Nuclear power plant infrastructure investment is high, but the fuel cost is lower, the cost of electricity generation is also lower, and can reduce pollution. As of the end of 1986, 28 countries and regions in the world have built 397 nuclear power plants.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's statistics, it is expected that by the beginning of the 21st century there will be 58 countries and regions to build nuclear power plants, the total number of power plants will reach 1,000, with an installed capacity of 800 million kilowatts, and nuclear power generation will account for 35% of the total power generation. It can be seen that in the future for a long period of time, nuclear power will become the main source of energy for the power industry.

Nuclear energy (a) teaching objectives 1. common sense understanding of nuclear energy and the release of nuclear energy in two ways - fission and fusion. 2. Physics research methods for the enlightenment.

3. Introduce the achievements of our scientists, patriotic education. (B) teaching aids uranium nuclear fission, chain reaction and atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs produced after the explosion of the mushroom cloud wall charts, China's test explosion of the first atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, video information and playback equipment.

(C) the teaching process 1. Introduction of new lessons Teachers: scientists in the study of natural radioactivity phenomenon, found that the extremely small nucleus of the atomic nucleus internal structure, the nucleus of the atom can also be changed. In order to study the internal structure of the nucleus, physicists try to "bombard" the nucleus with particles, initially with alpha particles to bombard, and later with protons, neutrons to bombard, and found that they can cause changes in the nucleus of the atom - the nuclear reaction, but also found that in the process of some nuclear reactions can release a lot of energy.

Due to the changes in the nucleus of the atom and the release of great energy, we call it nuclear energy. 2. for the new lesson Board: 〈Section III nuclear energy〉 (1) What is called nuclear energy? (1) What is called nuclear energy? Board: 〈Because of the changes in the atomic nucleus and the release of great energy called nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy.

〉 (2) the release of nuclear energy of the two ways Teachers: After a lot of experimental research and theoretical analysis of scientists, found that the release of nuclear energy can have heavy nuclear fission and light nuclear fusion two ways. ① heavy nuclear fission teacher combined with textbook Figure 14-6 or wall charts to explain: scientists have found that the neutron to bombard the mass number of 235 uranium, uranium nuclei will be split into two parts of the size of the difference is not large, this phenomenon is called fission.

The products of fission fly away in opposite directions at great speeds, colliding with the molecules of the surrounding objects, increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules, and converting nuclear energy into the internal energy of the surrounding objects. Experiments have shown that the nuclear energy released during fission is very huge, 1 kg of uranium-235 in the uranium nucleus if all fission, the release of nuclear energy is equivalent to 2500 tons of standard coal completely burned when the energy released, is the same quality of coal fuel when the energy released 2.5 * 106 times.

As seen in the figure, uranium-235 can only fission and release nuclear energy under the bombardment of neutrons, so is it necessary to constantly provide neutrons from the outside world in order to maintain the continuous fission of uranium nuclei? Scientists from the experiment found that (pointing to the wall chart of the chain reaction to explain) uranium-235 nucleus in the bombardment of neutrons, fission into two almost the size of the new particles at the same time, but also released 2 to 3 new neutrons, which 2 to 3 neutrons and go to bombard the other uranium-235 nucleus, causing 2 to 3 new uranium nucleus fission, and each released 2 to 3 neutrons, these neutrons and go to bombard more axial nucleus fission ...... As one axial nucleus fissions, it causes more and more uranium nuclei to fission. In this way, the fission keeps going on by itself, a phenomenon called a chain reaction.

If the chain reaction of fission is not controlled, in a very short period of time will cause a large number of uranium nuclei to fission, in a very short period of time will release a huge amount of nuclear energy, a violent explosion. The atomic bomb is made according to this principle.

(pointing to the atomic bomb explosion rose after the mushroom cloud wall chart) This is the atomic bomb explosion released a huge nuclear energy generated by the high temperature and high pressure gas diffusion to the outside of the rising mushroom-like smoke cloud, the height of its rise up to several hundred meters, its destructive and lethal are very huge. But if we can control the speed of the fission reaction, so that nuclear energy is released slowly and smoothly, we can replace fossil fuels for peaceful use.

The device that can slowly and smoothly release the nuclear fission produced by fission is called a nuclear reactor. People have successfully produced a variety of specifications of the nuclear reactor dimension, it is a nuclear submarine, nuclear-powered icebreakers, nuclear power plants and other facilities of the core components.

② fusion of light nuclei teachers combined with textbook Figure 14-9 to explain (teachers can speak while drawing this figure on the blackboard): scientists in the study of nuclear reactions have also found that the two lighter nuclei combined into a heavier nucleus, but also can release nuclear energy, a phenomenon called fusion. Since fusion must take place at extremely high temperatures and pressures, it is also called a thermonuclear reaction.

For example, when a deuteron (a hydrogen nucleus with a mass number of 2) and a tritium nucleus (a hydrogen nucleus with a mass number of 3) are combined to form a helium nucleus at high temperature and pressure, nuclear energy is released. Hydrogen bombs are made using this principle.

The power of the hydrogen bomb is much greater than the atomic bomb, (pointing to the hydrogen bomb after the explosion of the rising mushroom cloud wall chart said) this is the hydrogen bomb after the explosion of the rising mushroom cloud, than the power of the atomic bomb is dozens of times greater. We are most familiar with the sun inside the continuous large-scale nuclear fusion reaction, which released a huge amount of nuclear energy in the form of electromagnetic waves radiated from the sun, mankind on earth since ancient times, every day to enjoy this fusion release of nuclear energy.

Chinese physicists have also made significant achievements in the study of nuclear physics. As early as the 1940s, physicists Qian Sanqiang and He Zehui, together with two French graduate students during their studies and work in France, discovered for the first time the phenomena of triple and quadruple fission in uranium nuclear fission.

After liberation from 1960, a group of Wang Ganchang and others.

3. Want to know something about nuclear knowledge

Upstairs has been very good, I looked for some nuclear energy to see:

Atomic energy (nuclear energy) Before the discovery of atomic energy, mankind only knows the world of mechanical energy, such as kinetic energy of automobile movement; chemical energy, such as the burning of alcohol converted to carbon dioxide gas and water to release heat energy; electrical energy, when the current passes through the wire of an electric stove When the electric current passes through the wire of the electric stove, it will emit heat and light, etc. The release of these energies will not change the quality of matter, only change the form of energy. For example, two identical cars, are 5 tons, one in motion, one is stationary, if the movement of the car once collided with the stationary car, stopping violently, although the kinetic energy is lost, but we found that the car in the collision at the car becomes very hot. What is the reason for this? The kinetic energy of the car is converted into heat energy of the metal at the point of impact. However, atomic energy is nearly 50 million times greater than the thermal energy released in a chemical reaction: this form of atomic energy released by the fission of a uranium nucleus is about 200 million electron volts (a unit of energy), whereas the chemical reaction energy of the combustion of carbon releases only 4.1 electron volts. How is atomic energy produced? The fission of a uranium nucleus produces fragments, but the mass of all these fragments adds up to less than that of the uranium nucleus before fission, so where does the missing mass go, because of the conversion to atomic energy. Einstein expressed this in the formula E=mc2, which means that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. Since the speed of light is a very large number (c = 299792458m/s), the transformation of mass into energy would be a very large amount, releasing energy as ΔE = Δmc2. In the process of a nuclear reaction, the structure of the nucleus of an atom changes to release energy, also known as nuclear energy, and in the late 1930s scientists discovered that by bombarding the nucleus of a uranium atom with a neutron, an incident neutron could cause a uranium A neutron bombardment of a uranium nucleus can cause a uranium nucleus to split into two fragments of medium mass number, releasing a large amount of energy and two or three neutrons; these two or three neutrons can cause other uranium nuclei to split, producing more neutrons and splitting more uranium nuclei. This creates a self-sustaining chain reaction that can split all the uranium nuclei in an instant, releasing huge amounts of energy. Uranium-235 can be split by neutrons of any energy, especially the slowest moving thermal neutrons. Uranium-238 can only be split by fast neutrons, which move very quickly, while slow neutrons and thermal neutrons are only captured and not split. The term nuclear fission refers mainly to the fission of a U-235 nucleus. The fission energy released by a single U-235 fission is 200 million electron volts. This is one way in which the structure of the nucleus changes, called a fission reaction. Another way is called a fusion reaction. For example, the fusion of a deuteron and a tritium nucleus into a helium nucleus releases 17.6 million electron volts. To the same mass of reactants for the size of the release of energy for comparison, nuclear fission energy and fusion energy are respectively 10 million times and 2.5 million times the chemical energy, 1 kg of uranium 235 is equivalent to 2,500 tons of coal, 1 kg of deuterium and tritium is equivalent to 10,000 tons of coal. Nuclear energy is also known as "atomic energy". The energy released when the atomic nucleus changes. For example, heavy fission and light fusion release a huge amount of energy. Radioactive isotopes emit rays that are used in health care, food preservation and other applications are also important aspects of atomic energy applications. Atomic power generation using uranium, plutonium, thorium and other nuclear fuels in nuclear reactors in nuclear fission released thermal energy, will be heated into high-temperature high-pressure steam to drive a turbine generator set to generate electricity in a form of power generation.

4. Middle school knowledge about nuclear energy, concepts

A nuclear reactor can be up to a million kilowatts. Today, and the atom consists of protons, a change of material, neutrons, is expected to be commercially operated, it takes about 260 such reactors to light a 40W bulb, consuming only 30 tons a year. Protons are positively charged. the first controlled nuclear fission of uranium was achieved by humans in 1942 using a nuclear reactor. However. and the reactants are helium with no radioactive contamination. which can run continuously for a year. 50 years later. hundreds of nuclear power plants have been built around the world. electrons are negatively charged. electrons are made up of three types of particles. and molecules are in turn made up of atoms. Take the example of a million kilowatts power station. However, in the future, it will contribute to China's nuclear power business. Because seawater is rich in. once the nuclei are split or polymerized. At that time, the power of a nuclear reactor was very small, it could release an astonishing amount of energy protons and neutrons rely on the strong nuclear force to be tightly bound together. China's controlled fusion research ranks among the world's most advanced, a heavy truck can pull away, is expected to completely solve the human energy problem, the moderate development of nuclear power is a choice for mankind, nuclear power generation close to the global power generation capacity of 1/, every day to have a train of 40 carriages of the train for it to pull the coal, the neutron is not charged, to make them split or recombination is extremely difficult.

The core equipment of a nuclear power plant - a nuclear reactor. And with nuclear raw materials, which is a key step in the use of nuclear energy by mankind; 5, enough for mankind to use for tens of billions of years, a year to consume more than 3 million tons of coal, so the nucleus of the atom is very solid. Proton and neutron mass is much larger than the electron, can achieve fusion deuteron, in the center of the atom, constituting a very small nucleus.

Nuclear energy is utilized through controlled fusion. At a time when non-renewable energy is becoming increasingly precious. I hope students study hard, also known as atomic energy.

All matter is made up of molecules

5. China's nuclear safety guidelines on quality assurance in nuclear power plants*** There are several

HAF003 "Quality Assurance Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants"

HAD003/02 Quality Assurance Organization of Nuclear Power Plants

HAD003/03 Quality Assurance in the Procurement of Nuclear Power Plants Items and Services Quality Assurance

HAD003/04 Quality Assurance Record System for Nuclear Power Plants

You can study:


6. I work in a nuclear power plant as a quality inspector. Who help me write a work summary ah

Mainly write about the work content, achievements, and shortcomings, and finally put forward the rationalization of the recommendations or new direction of efforts.

Reprinted: summary, is a time period of the situation for a comprehensive and systematic total inspection, total evaluation, total analysis, total research, analysis of achievements, shortcomings, experience and so on. Summarize is a kind of applied writing, is the work that has been done for rational thinking. Summarize and plan are complementary to each other, to plan as the basis for the development of the plan is always on the basis of personal summary of experience.

Summary of the basic requirements

1. The summary must have an overview of the situation and the narrative, some relatively simple, some more detailed. This part of the content is mainly on the work of the subjective and objective conditions, favorable and unfavorable conditions, as well as the work of the environment and the basis of the analysis.

2. Achievements and shortcomings. This is the center of the summary. The purpose of the summary is to recognize the achievements and identify shortcomings. What are the achievements, how much, in what areas, how to achieve; how many shortcomings, in what areas, what is the nature of, how to produce, should be clearly stated.

3. Experience and lessons. Have done a thing, there will always be experience and lessons. In order to facilitate the future work, the past work experience and lessons learned must be analyzed, studied, summarized, concentrated, and rise to the height of the theory to understand.

Future intentions. According to the future tasks and requirements, drawing on the experience and lessons learned from the previous period of work, a clear direction of efforts, and put forward measures for improvement

Notes on the summary

1. must be realistic, the achievements are not exaggerated, the shortcomings are not narrowed down, and can not be faked. This is the basis for analyzing and drawing lessons.

2. The organization should be clear. Summarize is written for people to see, not clear, people can not see, even if you look at the reason why, so that the purpose of the summary can not be achieved.

3. To cut the appropriate, appropriate detail. The material has the essence of the phenomenon; there are important, there are secondary, the writing should be turned over to save the essence. Summarize the issues in the main, detailed points, the detailed to be detailed, the brief to be brief.

The basic format of the summary

1, title

2, body

Beginning: Overview of the situation, the overall assessment; outline, summarize the whole text.

Main body: analyze the achievements and shortcomings, summarize the lessons learned.

Conclusion: analyze the problem, clear direction.

3, the end of the signature, date

7. China's nuclear power plant related knowledge, seek to solve

1: has been grid-connected power generation: Daya Bay, Ling Ao, Lingdong Ling Ao Phase II. Jiangsu Tianwan nuclear power, Qinshan first phase, second phase three

2: are under construction: Guangdong: Taishan, Yangjiang, Fujian: Ningde, Fuqing, Jiangxi Pengze Lake, Guangxi Fangchenggang, Liaoning Hongyanhe, Shandong: Shidao Bay, Haiyang. There are also Lufeng, Xianning, Sanming three nuclear power agreed to carry out preliminary work, but has not completed the FCD.

6: nuclear power under the department? This is not very good answer. Now there are mainly China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, China Nuclear Power Group, China Light and Power Investment in the construction of nuclear power plant qualifications of the three enterprises. All belong to the state-owned enterprises

7: regulatory departments: the National Nuclear Security Administration

8 other: due to the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident, many of the prospects for nuclear power is not clear, the unit using what models are still under review. Expected to restart the approval in the first half of this year, when it will compare the situation will be clearer.

8. A small paper on nuclear energy or nuclear power

1. What is nuclear energy All substances in the world are composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of the nucleus of the atom and the electrons around it.

The fusion of light nuclei and the splitting of heavy nuclei both yield energy, called fusion energy and fission energy, or nuclear energy. In this book, nuclear energy is referred to as fission energy.

It was mentioned earlier that nuclear power plants are fueled by uranium. Uranium is a heavy metal element, and natural uranium consists of three isotopes: 0.71% U-235, 99.28% U-238, and 0.0058% U-234. U-235 is the only naturally occurring nuclide that is susceptible to fission.

When a neutron strikes the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom, the nucleus splits into two lighter nuclei, producing two or three neutrons and rays, and emitting energy. If the newly created neutrons hit another U-235 nucleus, a new fission is induced.

In a chain reaction, energy is released continuously. How much energy is released by fissioning U-235? Keep in mind that 1 kilogram of U-235 fissioned in its entirety releases as much energy as 2700 tons of standard coal burned.

2. Principles of Nuclear Reactors A reactor is the key design of a nuclear power plant, in which the chain fission reaction takes place. There are many types of reactors, but the most common type used in nuclear power plants is the pressurized water reactor (PWR).

The first thing you need in a pressurized water reactor is nuclear fuel. The nuclear fuel is a sintered uranium dioxide pellet the size of a pinky finger that is packed into a zirconium alloy tube, and more than 300 zirconium alloy tubes containing the pellet are assembled together to make the fuel assembly.

Most of the assemblies contain a bundle of control rods that control the intensity of the chain reaction and the start and end of the reaction. In a pressurized water reactor, water as the coolant flows through the fuel assembly, driven by the main pump, and after absorbing the heat from nuclear fission, flows out of the reactor and into the steam generator, where it is transferred to the water on the secondary side, where it is turned into steam and sent to generate electricity, while the temperature of the primary coolant itself is lowered.

The primary coolant from the steam generator is then returned to the reactor by the main pumps for heating. This circulating path of coolant is called the first circuit, and the high pressure of the first circuit is maintained and regulated by a voltage regulator.

3. What is a nuclear power plant Thermal power plants use coal and oil to generate electricity, hydroelectric power plants use water power to generate electricity, while the nuclear power plant is a new type of power plant using the energy contained within the nucleus of the atom to generate electricity Nuclear power plants can be divided into two parts: one is the use of nuclear energy to produce steam in the nuclear island, including the reactor plant and the first circuit system; the other part of the use of steam to generate electricity in the conventional island, including the turbine generator system. The other is a conventional island that uses steam to generate electricity, including a system of steam turbine generators. The fuel used in nuclear power plants is uranium.

Uranium is a very heavy metal. Nuclear fuel made from uranium is fissioned in a device called a "reactor" to produce a lot of heat, which is then carried out by water under high pressure to produce steam in a steam generator, which drives a turbine that rotates with a generator, and electricity is generated continuously and sent out through the grid in all directions.

This is how the most common pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants work. In developed countries, nuclear power has been developed for decades, and nuclear power has become a mature energy source.

China's nuclear industry has a history of more than 40 years of development, and has established a complete nuclear fuel cycle system from geological exploration, mining to component processing and reprocessing, and has built many types of nuclear reactors with many years of experience in safety management and operation, as well as a team with complete specialties and excellent technology. The construction and operation of nuclear power plants is a complex technology.

China is now able to design, build and operate its own nuclear power plants. The Qinshan nuclear power plant was designed and built by China itself.

4. What is a nuclear power plant Electricity is produced in power plants. We know that there are thermal power plants that burn coal or oil, hydroelectric power plants that rely on water power, and some small or experimental power generation units that rely on wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, wave, and methane to produce electricity.

Nuclear power plants are a new type of power plant that relies on the energy contained in the nucleus of an atom to produce electricity on a large scale. The fuel used in nuclear power plants is uranium.

Uranium is a very heavy metal. Nuclear fuel made from uranium is fissioned in a device called a "reactor" to produce a large amount of heat, which is then carried out by water under high pressure, produced in a steam generator, and sent out through the power grid in all directions.

This is how the most common pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant works. 5. What is radioactivity? About 100 years ago, scientists discovered that certain substances emit three types of rays: alpha (alpha) rays, beta (beta) rays, and gamma (gamma) rays.

Subsequent studies have shown that alpha rays are streams of alpha particles (helium nuclei) and beta rays are streams of beta particles (electrons), collectively known as particle radiation. Similarly, there are neutralized rays, cosmic rays, and so on.

Gamma rays are short wavelength electromagnetic waves, called electromagnetic radiation. Similarly, there are X-rays and so on.

These rays of **** the same characteristics are: 1, there is a certain ability to penetrate the material; 2, the human five senses can not be perceived, but can make the photographic negative sensitivity; 3, irradiated to some special substances can emit a visible fluorescence; 4, through the material when there is an ionizing effect. Rays mainly through the ionization effect on living organisms to produce certain effects.

Radiation is not scary, we eat food, live in the house, and even our bodies have substances that can emit radiation. We receive a certain amount of radiation when we wear glow-in-the-dark watches, when we have X-rays, when we fly in airplanes, and when we smoke.

However, too high a dose of radiation can cause harmful effects. Two Units of Measurement of Radioactivity 6. What is a Reactor A nuclear reactor is a device that maintains and controls a chain reaction of nuclear fission for the conversion of nuclear energy into thermal energy.

Nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors have a thick steel He cylindrical shell, the waist has a few water inlet and outlet, known as the pressure vessel, 900 megawatts of pressurized water reactors, the pressure vessel is 12 meters high, 3.9 meters in diameter, wall thickness of about 0.2 meters. Inside the pressure vessel is the core, which consists of fuel assemblies and control rod assemblies.

Water flows through their gap. The water does two things here: it slows down the neutrons so that they can be easily absorbed by the U-235 core, and it carries out the heat.

A 900 MW PWR typically contains 157 fuel assemblies containing about 80 tons of uranium dioxide. The top of the pressure vessel is equipped with a control rod actuator, which changes the position of the control rods to start and stop the reactor (including emergency stops) and to adjust the power level.

7. What is meant by a nuclear accident Generally, an accident that occurs at a nuclear facility, such as a nuclear power plant.