What are the robots now

Now there are mainly: medical robots, industrial robots, bionic robots and so on.

1, medical robots

Medical robots, is used in hospitals, clinics, medical or paramedical robots. It is a kind of intelligent service robot, which can prepare the operation plan alone, determine the action program based on the actual situation, and then turn the action into the movement of the operating mechanism. It is divided into various types.

2, industrial robots

Industrial robots are widely used in the industrial field of multi-jointed manipulator or multi-degree-of-freedom machine devices, with a certain degree of automation, can rely on their own power and energy and control capabilities to achieve a variety of industrial processing and manufacturing functions. Industrial robots are widely used in various industrial fields such as electronics, logistics, and chemicals.

3, bionic robots

Bionic robots are robots that mimic living creatures and work on biological characteristics. In Western countries, mechanical pets are very popular, in addition, the imitation sparrow robot can serve as an environmental monitoring tasks, has a broad development prospects.

Robot development stage:

1, the first generation of robots: teaching reproduction robots. 1947, in order to carry and handle nuclear fuel, the United States Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed the world's first remote-controlled robots. 1962 the United States and the development of the successful PUMA general-purpose teaching reproduction of robots, this robot through a computer to control a robot. Robot through a computer, to control a multi-degree-of-freedom machinery.

Through the teaching of stored programs and information, the work of the information read out, and then issued commands, so that the robot can be repeated according to the results of human teaching at the time, to reproduce the action. For example, the automobile spot welding robot, it as long as the process of spot welding after teaching, it always repeat this kind of work.

2, the second generation of robots: sensory robots. Demonstrate the reproduction of the robot for the external environment has no sense of the size of the operating force, the presence of the workpiece does not exist, welding good or bad, it does not know, therefore, in the late 1970s, people began to study the second generation of robots, called sensory robots.

This robot has a sense similar to a person in a certain function, such as force, touch, slippery, vision, hearing, etc., it is able to feel and identify the shape, size, and color of the workpiece through the senses.

3, the third generation of robots: intelligent robots. robots invented since the 1990s. This robot with a variety of sensors, can carry out complex logical reasoning, judgment and decision-making, in the changing internal state and the external environment, autonomous decision-making their own behavior.