Treasure of Nadia lighthouse walls how to get open

The first part of the strategy

After the pre-plot, the first save game under the guidance of the crystal elf Evie directly first in the room brush full of money (PageDown + spacebar), and then go to the market and Emily after the conversation directly clear the furniture area, the update decoration added some new things, back home to check, found that the first floor of the left side of the extra recreation room, but there is not much use! Then go to the market and talk to Emily and just clear the furniture area. Go to the park and talk to Mike. After the conversation, click on the sparkling spot on the ground to get the "Stone Amulet", talk to the passerby and spend $140 to buy the "Jade Amulet". "Go to the library and show Diana the amulet you found and she'll give you the money." Go to the library, talk to Diana, and show her the Stone Amulet and the Jade Amulet for $150, which is called money laundering.

Go to the lighthouse and talk to Albert, you need to go buy booze for the binoculars, go to the Choke Bar and meet Claire the archaeologist, Joey and Coon the thugs and Tasha the bartender lady, you need an ID to buy the booze. Go to Janet's house, go up to the second floor and talk to her sister Kelly, use the room key to open the room in the upper right corner, pick up the ID card on the floor, take your ID card to the bar and buy some drinks for poor Albert. Take your ID and go to the bar and buy some drinks for poor Albert." Go to the bar, find Tasha, meet Naomi, get the "Black Rum", go out and talk to Naomi. "Take the rum to Albert, he is waiting for you. Go to the lighthouse and find Albert, exchange the black rum for "binoculars go into Delta Bay, use the binoculars, after the episode Naomi heart +1.

Go to the hospital, talk to the receptionist, you need a medical card to see Dr. Jessica, go to the church, talk to Madonna Madalyn. "Go to the massage parlor, with the money you earn you can relieve a little stress" Go to the massage parlor and talk to Priscilla, have a half hour massage $-30.

Go to the park, meet Claire, talk to her, talk to the passerby again, spend 140 to buy the "Jade Amulet". "Have you ever been to the beach? It's the place on the east coast with the three red umbrellas" Beach, use binoculars, look at the CG. go to the mansion, talk to Sophia at the door, "Maybe Janet knows more about Sophia's relationship with your father" Go to Janet's house, talk to Janet, then Kelly comes downstairs and says she wants to swim. Go upstairs and enter the upper left room. Click on the upper left glitter and use the binoculars, click on the glitter on the right nightstand, it's an empty wine bottle. Go to Triangle Bay, after the drama, go to the right and talk to Elia to get the "Unknown Treasure. Go to the library, find Diana, show her the unknown treasure, get the "Unknown Badge" (Unknown Badge is the unknown treasure after appraisal) "Go back to Triangle Bay, tell Elia about the badge you learned" Go to Triangle Bay, get Elia's contact info after the episode.

Open your cell phone, click on the courtship call, select Arya, and look at the CG. Go to the Gale Market and buy the "Wilderness Treasure Hunting Guide", "Insurance Card", "Metal Detector", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", "Lighter", and "Lighter". Go to the massage parlor and look for Priscilla, give her the Jade Amulet after the dialog. After the CG, Priscilla's heart will be +1, and now there is a one-minute countdown in the upper right corner, go to the park and dig for the treasure, go to the left side of the park's entrance, and click on the glittering spot in the lower right side to get the "Attic Key", and pick up the "Attic Key". Go to the park and dig for treasure. Go to the left side of the park entrance, click on the flash point on the lower right side and get the "Attic Key", pick up the "Treasure Chest Key" on the top side and there is a chest that can be opened on the Triangle Cove. -Go to Gale Market, talk to Ash at the entrance, use the binoculars to exchange for the album and photo

Go to the park, find the thugs Joey and Coon, follow them to the left, after that, they are chased away by the janitor, pick up the "Shovel Shaft" on the ground, use the lighter to open the chest. Pick up the "shovel shaft" on the ground, use the lighter to light the torch on the left, go up and pick up the "treasure chest key" on the left, then get stung by the scorpion. Enter the cave to the right of the park entrance, click on the blue screwdriver to get the "Small Screwdriver", and leave the park after the CG episode. "You should use your health insurance card to go to the doctor" Go to the hospital and talk to the receptionist, give her your insurance card. After the episode, go out and talk to Ash at the door, go to Janet's house, talk to her, go upstairs, when you hear a noise, click on the room in the lower right corner, CG After the episode, Kelly's heart +1.

Click on the room in the lower left corner, use the small screwdriver, enter it, click on the glitter on the left side, and go into the bathroom below to pick up the "Shoelace". Go to the library, talk to Diana, talk to her, click on the flashpoint in the upper left corner, get the "Sinister Incident" and go out the door, talk to Naomi on the chair in the front yard of the library, she needs a drink and a book, talk to her again and give her the "Sinister Incident". Go to the bar, see Janet coming out, go in and talk to Tasha, then buy Sexy Beach, go back to the library and give Naomi the wine, CG, get Naomi's contact info after the episode, Naomi's heart +1, go pick up the pants.

Go to the church, enter the church after Ash distracts the Madonna, use the key to open the treasure chest in the upper left corner, get "Naomi - KJ", click on the flash point in the upper right corner, get the "church key", exit the church, get the key. Click on the flashpoint in the upper right corner to get the "church key". Exit and get the picture of "Madalyn" after the episode. Go to the park, talk to Aria, take her to the cave, go left after the episode, CG After the episode, click on the flashpoint in the lower left corner to get the "Silver Amulet", use the lighter to light the torch in the upper right corner.

" You'd better take Aria home", leave the cave and trigger the plot at the park entrance. "I wonder how Emily is doing at the Gale Market" Go to the market, find a man leaving in a hurry, enter the market, talk to Emily, after that buy "Pipe Pliers" "Shovel Head" "Silver Ore" "There's a kid in town running around with the stolen money from the Gale Market, he didn't get very far" Go to the massage parlor, go into the backyard, click on the man and talk to him to get $350, pick up the "Shovel Handle" above it Pick up the "shovel handle" on top. "Give the money back to Emily", go back to the market, talk to Emily, give her the money, after the CG episode you get Emily's contact info and Emily's heart +1.

"You should talk to Diana about what you found in the cave", go to the Library, talk to Diana, "You need to get the receptionist out of the doctor's office, there's a bird in the parking lot" go to the hospital, click on the bird outside, the bird triggers the car's alarm, the receptionist comes out to check it out, you take the opportunity to go in and click on the flashing light to get the "MRI room key "The key will open the room on the left, pick up the key to the treasure chest on the floor, and click on the flash point on the shelf to get the "Power Magnet".

"Bring the replacement magnet on the NMR*** vibrator to Diana", go to the library, show the magnet to Diana, after the conversation Diana's heart +1, go out and talk to Asher outside the library, spend $250 to buy a picture of Diana, get the picture "Diana™", get the picture "Diana™", get the picture "Diana™", get the picture "Diana", get the picture "Diana", get the picture "Diana", get the picture "Diana". amp; Jade Amulet", break the jar on the right, get the "Treasure Chest Key", "Show Priscilla the Silver Amulet, if you need another one, look at the Crafts page in the back of the Massage Parlor" go to the Massage Parlor, click on Priscilla, give her the Silver Amulet. Priscilla, give her the silver amulet, do a health check, then go to the park and dig for treasure, enter the cave, break the jar, get the "container", go to the temple and open the treasure chest, get the "Emily - ass muffin", by the way, synthesize an ass muffin. " and synthesize a silver amulet in the process. "I hope Aria's father isn't too angry with her" Go to Triangle Bay, after the episode go to the right side and find Aria, after the conversation use the lighter to light the torch, follow Aria into the right side, after the CG episode Aria's heart +1.

Go to the bar, break the jar on the upper left outside the bar, get 8 "Silver Ore. Enter the bar, go up the stairs from the left after the episode, use the pipe wrench to fix the leaky pipe on the upper right, open the treasure chest to get "Naomi - NJ", go downstairs and go through the episode, Tasha's heart +1 after the CG episode.

"Someone's in the library, go talk to Diana", go to the library and find Sophia inside talking to Diana about something, Sophia's bodyguard stops the door, break the jar in the top right corner to get the "Treasure Chest Key" "Asher He can help you get into the library, he's hanging out near the Gale Market" Go to the market, talk to Ashe, then return to the library, Ashe distracts the bodyguard and enters the library to get through the episode. I wonder where Ash went, maybe he went back to the Windy Market", go back to the market, talk to Ash, buy the photo for $100 "Sophia left the library" "I wonder if Janet went home". "Go to Janet's house, break the jar by the door, get the container, go into the room and follow Kelly upstairs and go through the plot." "Ash went to the Park Forest, I wonder where he might have popped up from." Go to the library, meet Ash being chased by the janitor, pick up the "Bad Camera", "Silver Amulet", "Church Key". "Church key" "Did you pick up the church key that Ash left behind? You can use it to enter the church" Go to the church, use the church key to enter the gray door on the left, click on the flash point after the episode to get the "church darkroom key", use the lighter to light the two torches on the right, use the darkroom key to open the door on the right, and go through the episode "Meet Madalyn in the park". The first thing you need to do is to get to the park to see Madalyn, and then get the mission "Expand the park map" and Madalyn's heart +1. Click on the shrine and put in the shovel head, shovel shaft, and shovel handle to get the jade amulet and get the "Jade Shovel".

"Since the park rangers are in the book dryer, maybe you can sneak around the park a bit more without being noticed" Go to the left left of the park entrance, pick up the scroll on the ground "Tasha - Striptease", click on the green to the left. ", click on the green plant on the left to get "American Ginseng", "If you take American Ginseng, your blood pressure will go up, go see if Jessica has a cure" click on the American Ginseng in the item, take it, and go to the hospital If you are bored, try fiddling with the medical equipment" click on the flashing instrument in the lower right corner, after the drama, go out and trigger the drama to go to the bar, after drinking in the bar, Jessica's heart +1, after that, have a drinking competition with Tasha (every time Tasha turns her head to drink, a few times, you will win), after the drama, get Tasha's After the episode, get Tasha's contact info: "The security system in the doctor's office is broken, and there's a camera repair manual in the park, you should read it", go to the hospital, enter the room on the left, pick up the "Camera Base Piece" on the floor, click on the flash to get the "Screw". Screws" Go to the cave shrine in the park, put in the broken camera base piece and the small screwdriver screws, get the camera and the photos" Claire's treasure hunt" Look for a ginseng plant in the park" Ash is in the gale market, give him the camera back" Go to the market and give him back the camera "Go to the market, talk to Ash and give him the church key and the camera "Go to the church and talk to Ash "Go to the church, talk to Ash and trigger the mansion episode.

"Ash ran off to the Gale Market, I want to know what's going to happen there" Go to the market, talk to Ash, go to the market, and after the episode Emily needs you to help her find Witch Hazel and Ginseng, and buy "Sunscreen". "Recipe box" (the recipe box will appear on the side of the temple shrine, all the recipes you collect will appear in the box, when you synthesize something and forget the recipe you can take a look at it, this should be the scroll box that someone else said last time)

"Go to the jungle and cell phone Witch Hazel and American Ginseng for Emily. Witch Hazel is hard to find" Go to the park entrance left left, meet Claire and the three of them, talk to them and follow them up, pick up the "tumbling fish" by the river, pick up the blue plant "Witch Hazel", click on the left monument, release and catch 9 Cockroaches" "Give Emily the Witch Hazel", go to the market, look for Emily, give her the Witch Hazel and American Ginseng after the dialog, after the CG episode, Emily's heart will be +1, buy "Alloy Shovel Head" "Metal Hook", buy "Alloy Shovel Head", buy "Metal Hook", buy "Alloy Shovel Head", buy "Metal Hook", buy "Alloy Shovel Head". ""Metal Hook"" "Those rats you let go seem to have gone to the library" Go to the library and talk to Diana.

"Albert can help you by getting rid of the rats in the library" Go to the lighthouse, smash the jar on the upper right to get the "Jade Amulet", enter the lighthouse, talk to Albert and go to the library. Smash the jar on the upper left to get the Jade Amulet" "Albert talks to Diana in the library" "Go to the library, click on the cardboard box after the conversation, use the cockroach, and go through the episode" "Diana relaxes at the beach, and when Albert clears out the rats in the library, distract her. distract her while Albert cleans up the rats in the library "Go to the bait store and talk to Jim, buy all the bait you can, go to the beach and find Diana, go through the CG plot, and then you can stop by and do some fishing afterwards "Go talk to Albert and make sure that everything is okay before Diana comes back "Go to the library, and then after the plot Diana Heart +1.

"Albert is not at the lighthouse anymore, maybe Ash can go to the top of the lighthouse and take pictures, go to the Wildwind Market and find Ash" Go to the market, talk to Ash, after that Ash goes to the lighthouse. Go to the market, talk to Asher, then Asher goes to the lighthouse. "Go see if Asher can get a good picture at the lighthouse." Go to the lighthouse, go up the stairs on the left, talk to Asher, pay $200 for the picture. "Naomi is at the beach." "Naomi's been sunbathing nude again, so maybe you Maybe you can visit her." Go to Triangle Bay and trigger the episode. "Is Priscilla at the massage parlor? If not, where did she go? Did she go shopping?" Go to the market, talk to Priscilla, and buy the antacid "Find a ginseng and meet Priscilla in the backyard of the massage parlor" Go to the massage parlor, break the jar in the front yard, and get the "Jade Amulet". "Go to the massage parlor, break the jar in the front yard and get the Jade Amulet. Go to the back yard and get $250, then get the Leather Gloves after the conversation. Go back to the front yard, enter the massage parlor and talk to Priscilla, CG After the drama, get Priscilla's contact info, Priscilla's heart +1.

"Janet is talking to Albert in the library, go see what they're talking about" Go to the library and go through the drama. "Go to Janet's house and find Kelly", go to Janet's house, enter the backyard, return to the house after the episode, trigger the episode where Naomi and Aria come, settle the girls and go talk to the moms, enter the house, click on the refrigerator flash on the left, get "Iced Tea "Inside the house you will find some lady's drinks, but there is also some booze hidden upstairs. Go upstairs to Janet's room, click on the glitter and get the "Iced Tea with Booze", go back and talk to the moms and give them the Iced Tea with Booze. After the CG episode, go to the backyard, and after the episode, the crowd disperses.

"Kelly went to her room, you should go talk to her", go upstairs and click on Kelly's room, talk to Kelly, Kelly's heart +1 "Albert went back to the lighthouse, I think he has something for you" go to the lighthouse, go to the basement from the left, pick up the "damaged boots" on the floor. "Damaged Boots", talk to Albert, click on the note on the bed, "Note to self: don't forget! Your treasure chest key fell on the beach, two steps south of the red west, you need to buy a metal detector to find it", after that go and click on the chest in the upper right corner and enter 684 to get the "Guide to Treasures".

"Did you find the shoelaces in Janet's house? Did you find boots in Albert's room? Then go to the Gale Market and buy some shoe glue" Go to the Gale Market, get the photo "Surprised Emily" after the episode, enter the market and buy "Glue", "Gold Ore", "Aluminum Oxide", "Gold Ore", "Gold Ore" and "Aluminum Oxide". "Aluminum Oxide" "There's a recipe somewhere in the Choke Bar" "Go to the Cave Shrine Shrine in the park, put in the Leather Gloves and Shoelaces Damaged Shoes Glue, get the Stomping Boots" "Use your new boots to squash the poisonous insects in the park so you can go deeper into the jungle." Go to the upper left of the park entrance, stomp on the scorpions that were stinging you earlier, continue up the hill and meet the three Clare's. After the episode, pick up the "rolling fish" and "super shovel" on the left. ""Super Shovel Handle" "Claire has something interesting to say, maybe Diana has more clues about Tikpa k"

Go to the library and talk to Diana. "Emily will be closing soon, she plans to go to the library" Go back to the big map from the library and re-enter, talk to Emily in the upper left corner inside the library, after that go to the right and click on the third flashpoint, after that give Emily the Perennial Plants of Cape Vedra, after that go through the plot "Go to the jungle Help Emily find the Red Ginseng" and go to the park, meet Emily at the entrance, then go deeper to the left and pick up the "Rope" and "Container" on the ground after the episode.

"In order to climb up the cliff, you need to tie the rope from the NMR*** vibration chamber to the hook you bought" Open the item, click on the thick rope, then click on the metal hook to get the "grappling hook", go back to the small cliff with the red ginseng, click on the grappling hook to use it and get the "red ginseng". "Red Ginseng", go right to the left of the park entrance, use the hook to climb up to the top left corner and get "Photography Tape" "Take the Red Ginseng to Emily, if you need more Red Ginseng, continue to look for it in the jungle. Go back to the market, give the red ginseng to Emily and go through the episode "Use your hook to climb up and find something in the shrine" Go to the cave shrine, use the hook to climb up to the upper left corner and get the "wrench handle", click on the shrine and put in the "wrench handle camera tape grappling hook" and put in the "wrench handle camera tape grappling hook". Wrench Handle Photographic Tape Grappling Hook Pipe Pliers to get a "Cross Pick". "Kelly and Janet aren't home, who are they visiting?" Go to Triangle Bay, CG Aelyria's heart +1 after the plot.

"There's some loose rock at Aelyria's secret spot, maybe you can use your crossaxe to smash through it", go right back to the depths of Triangle Bay, click on the rock wall, use the crossaxe, enter, touch it from the left, go right, light the torch, click on the scepter in the upper right corner, get "Shaman". Get the "Shaman's Staff", reject Claire after the episode, lose the Shaman's Staff, get $10000, Claire's Heart +1 after the dialog.

"Madalyn will be very interested to hear that you have found a cave underneath the Triangle Bay. Church, pick up the "Treasure Chest Key" in the upper right corner, enter the gray door in the lower left corner and talk to Madalyn. "How's the massage oil business going in Priscilla?" Go to the massage parlor, meet Ash, get the photo "Flyer for Priscilla's Massage Oil" "Don't take the red ginseng, Jessica gave you special instructions not to accept new types of treatments" (that's a double whammy, get it?) Open the item and eat the red ginseng. Go to the hospital and pay $140 to see the doctor for the CG episode. "Claire is on the move, she's either entering the cave from the park or the island" Go to the park cave shrine, after the CG episode, Claire blows up the path to the left, you open the chest and get the "Encyclopedia 1999", after Claire leaves, unlock the stone mechanism on the left, a treasure chest appears in the middle. After Claire leaves, unlock the stone mechanism on the left, a treasure chest appears in the center, open the chest and get the unknown treasure.

"Show Diana your newfound treasures" - Come to the entrance of the park, go to the library and meet Tasha, talk to her, enter the library and show Diana the unknown treasures.