Are there any limitations or regulations on the production of barcodes?

The barcode is a number that has an almost zero probability of being repeated.

The equivalent of tens of thousands of consecutive first prize in the five million kind of.

Overview of bar code technology

1, cheap and practical basic information technology

◆In the application of computer practice and the development of an automatic identification technology

◆It is designed for the realization of the automatic scanning of information. It is an effective means to realize fast, accurate and reliable data collection

◆The application of barcode technology solves the problem of data entry and data collection and "bottleneck", and provides strong technical support for supply chain management

◆Fast input speed

◆Large amount of information

◆High accuracy

◆Higher accuracy

◆Large amount of information

◆Higher accuracy

◆Higher accuracy

◆Low cost

◆Strong reliability

Barcode technology provides us with a way to mark and describe the items in the logistics, and with the help of the automatic identification technology, POS system, EDI and other modern technological means, the enterprise can always understand the location of the products concerned in the supply chain, and respond instantly.

2, the development of bar code

Bar code technology as a logistics information system in the automatic data collection unit technology, is to realize the logistics information automatic collection and input of important technology. Barcode first appeared in the 1940s, but the practical application and rapid development or in the last 20 years. The United States in the 1950s on the use of railroad vehicles bar code reports, all of the current U.S. railroad cars have ACI (Automatic Car Identification) bar code mark. As early as in the late 1940s, the United States Joe Woodland (Joe Wood Land) and Beny West Yawnover (Beny Silver) two engineers began to study the code to indicate the food items and the corresponding automatic identification equipment, and in 1949 received a U.S. patent. The code pattern resembled a miniature archery target and was called the "bull's-eye" code. The target is drawn with concentric rings and blanks. In principle, the "bull's eye" code and later and bar code symbols are very similar, unfortunately, the commodity economy was not very developed, and the process did not reach the level of printing this code. 20 years later, Joe Woodland as an engineer at IBM became the unified code for North America. -- the founder of the UPC code. Girad hissel and others filed a patent in 1959 to represent each digit in the numbers 0-9 in seven parallel bars, but this code was difficult for machines to read and was not easy to read. However, this conception facilitated the creation and development of the barcode code system. Soon after, E. F. Brinker (E. F. Brinker) was granted a patent to mark the bar code on the tram, and in the late 1960s, Sylvania (Sylvania) Ming a adopted by the North American railroad system and bar code system.

3, bar code in the role of logistics information system

Barcode as a timely, accurate, reliable, economical means of data entry has been adopted by the logistics information system. In industrially developed countries, it has been popularized and applied, and has become the unique world-wide common "ID card" for commodities.

Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries have been the universal use of bar code technology, and is being rapidly popularized around the world, and its application areas are still expanding. As a result of the bar code, consumers from the psychological quality of goods to produce a sense of security, the bar code in the identification of shoddy products, anti-counterfeiting can also play an important role in the fight against counterfeiting. Because the bar code technology has advanced, applicable, easy to grasp and fast results and other characteristics, in the information (data) collection to play an advantage in the process of warehousing, warehousing, shelves or settlements with customers, are faced with a huge amount of data on how to enter the data volume of commodities (whether it is a whole package or unpacked individual retail) information into the computer. If the packaging of individual commodities, printed on the bar code symbols, the use of bar code readers, you can high-speed, accurate and timely grasp of the variety of commodities (item number), the number of units, unit price, manufacturer, factory date and other information. This not only improves efficiency, but also attracts more customers, reducing or eliminating the phenomenon of congestion and queuing when customers settle and pay for goods after purchase. Bar code technology in China will be the main automatic identification technology, widely used in industrial automation control and all kinds of management information system, and will penetrate into the multi-technology field and high-tech products.

Bar code technology is used in logistics information system to complete the computer information collection and input. This will greatly improve the practicality of many computerized management systems. The application and promotion of bar code first originated from the modernization of commodity management, that is, the application of POS system. Such as the U.S. supermarkets, the types of goods for more than 220,000 kinds of each year, about 10,000 kinds of new goods into the market, 10,000 kinds of old goods to clear, lead to the new in addition to the old ratio of up to 50%, such a heavy workload, there is no bar code, there is no application of POS systems is difficult to cope with. Today, Japan in the application of POS systems at the forefront of the world. At present, Japan has 48,000 manufacturers about 100 million kinds of goods items using the EAN code logo, a considerable portion of the business with the POS system, the POS system is not limited to groceries, some specialized stores (such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, tobacco and alcohol, etc.) have also established a POS system. At present, not only the POS system has been widely used, many countries have also established market data exchange centers, communication between production, supply and marketing information, the establishment of trade data exchange institutions, timely collection and summary of stores, a variety of commodity sales information and timely feedback to the manufacturer. In this way, manufacturers can timely and accurately understand the sales of goods, the purchase situation and prices, etc., can analyze the psychology of consumers, predict the market and timely organization of supplies. Retailers can be adjusted according to the situation Timely sales plans, stocking and so on.

1) Transportation

The International Transportation Association has made provisions for the transportation of goods, the packaging of goods must be affixed to the bar code symbols, in order to transport the goods for automated statistical management. In addition, railroads, highways, passenger tickets automated ticketing and ticketing system, the automation of the highway ticket collection station, freight warehouses, cargo shuttles in the role of logistics information systems bar code as a timely, accurate, reliable and economical means of data entry has been adopted by the logistics information system. In the industrialized countries has been popularized and applied, has become the commodity unique world common "identity card". Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries have been the universal use of bar code technology, and is the world's rapid flow of automated management, etc., are required to use bar code technology to collect data in real time.

2) Post and telecommunications industry

Mail sorting, registration is very heavy work, taking up the vast majority of the workload of postal workers. In the mail labeled or printed on the bar code symbol, you can use the bar code reading equipment to enter the appropriate information, the implementation of sorting, billing automated management. For example, 6-digit postal code with a bar code symbol instead, you can use the computer to achieve the letter and the post office (the) are affixed to the corresponding bar code labels as their code, with the bar code reading equipment to read this information, the use of computers can be realized registered letters of the automated billing.

3) Logistics industry

Logistics industry is a very important application of bar code technology. In the material warehousing, classification, warehousing, inventory and transportation, etc., can fully realize the bar code management. General merchandise circulation sales in this aspect of the army in addition to grasp the export commodities bar code automation management, should begin to develop special cash registers and shopping malls suitable for China's situation of integrated management system, and by the high shopping malls to try, and gradually promote the POS system consists of a number of sub-systems, of which the cash register (also known as the cash register) is a set of personal computers and decoder for a body that can automatically recognize the bar symbols, but also to carry out data processing, and can print out the bar code. Data processing, and can print out a shopping list, including the name of the product, price, quantity, total amount and date, etc., which can be used by the customer as a shopping receipt. The computer in the system is used to process the data comprehensively, for which the database and application software should be established beforehand. This is conducive to a comprehensive analysis of merchandise sales based on the terminal's report of the day, to provide timely market dynamics, and based on which to determine the ordering plan to ensure the normal conduct of business activities. As a result of the use of bar code technology, both convenient and rapid, but also to ensure that the information is accurate.

4) Retail

Supermarkets: bar code - scanner - POS - EIQ analysis (category, quantity, quality) <BR >Wal--Mart: bar codes - scanners (fixed, mobile) - POS -EIO analysis (category, quantity, quality)

5) Other industries

Practice has shown that the direct benefits brought by stores using the bar code system management system can be up to 6.12% of the turnover. More importantly, it only promotes the management of commodity circulation, but also for manufacturers, the use of bar code technology can not only effectively grasp the production line components, parts, semi-finished products, as well as the number of finished products and raw materials in stock, but also through the computer network to quickly obtain sales information, timely and effective prediction of the market trend, the establishment of production, supply and marketing for the integration of the efficient operation mechanism, the modern industrial and commercial trade is very active. As modern industrial and commercial trade is exceptionally active, the variety of goods is large and complex, so the use of item code can make exporters in trade to avoid errors, and can understand the distribution of goods in a timely manner. The adoption of the POS system in the retail industry not only improves the speed of settlement, but also avoids human errors, thus greatly increasing the number of customers. For customers, waiting time for shopping can be greatly reduced, while the availability of shopping lists facilitates household bookkeeping. The application of bar code management system for shopping mall service personnel do not create favorable conditions for customer consultation services.

Barcode technology can also be used in customs for goods declaration management and customs commodity inspection; in the public security system for entry and exit visa management and passport, ID card, management, etc.; in enterprises and institutions can be used in personnel records management, equipment management, conference management, attendance management, management of self-study exams and a variety of tickets, bills management, and so on. Barcode technology for commodity management and trade between countries and the automation of various fields of management, provides a very simple **** the same language.

Two-dimensional bar code DF417 as a new information storage and transmission technology, is now widely used in national defense, public **** security, transportation, health care, industry, commerce, finance, customs and government management and other fields. The United States of America, Arizona and other more than ten states of the driver's license, U.S. military ID card, military medical ID card, etc. a few years ago has been used PDF417 technology. The personal information on the document and the photo coded in the two-dimensional bar code, not only can realize the automatic reading of identity documents, but also can effectively prevent the occurrence of counterfeit documents. The Philippines, Egypt, Bahrain and many other countries have also been in the ID card or driver's license on the use of two-dimensional bar code, according to incomplete statistics, accurately in the ID card or driver's license on the use of two-dimensional bar code PDF417 countries have reached more than 40, China's resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong region, Hong Kong residents of the new issue of the SAR passports on the use of two-dimensional bar code PDF417 technology. In addition to documents, in industrial production, national defense, finance, medicine and health, commerce, transportation and other fields, two-dimensional bar code has also been widely used. Due to the two-dimensional bar code has a low cost, information can be moved with the carrier, does not depend on the database and computer networks, confidentiality and anti-counterfeiting performance and other advantages, combined with China's large population, the bottom of the thin, computer network investment funds difficult, machine-readable documents and anti-counterfeiting and other issues, so it can be widely used in passports, identity cards, driver's licenses, temporary residence permits, travel permits, military ID cards, health certificates, insurance cards, and so on. Any document that needs to uniquely identify the identity of an individual. Customs declaration, tax statements, insurance registration forms and any other forms that need to be repeatedly entered or prohibited from forgery, deletion and alteration of the form can be filled out in the form of information coded in the PDF417 bar code to solve the form of automatic entry and to prevent tampering with the contents of the table. Electromechanical products production and assembly line, such as automobile assembly line, electronic products assembly line, can be used two-dimensional bar code and through the two-dimensional bar code to achieve the automatic exchange of data. The transportation of packages and goods and the postal service, 2D barcode has a broad application prospect in China.

Two, bar code classification

1, according to the code system classification

1) UPC code

1973, the United States took the lead in the domestic commercial system in the application of the UPC code in the commercial system in Canada after the use of the UPC code. the UPC code is a length of a fixed, continuous numeric code system, the character set for the number 0 ~ 9. it uses four kinds of element widths, where each bar or space is 1, 2, 3 or 4 times the unit element width.There are two types of IPC codes, UPC-A and UPC-E codes.

2) EAN Code

In 1977, the countries of the European Economic ****similarity formulated the European Article Code EAN Code in accordance with the standard of UPC Code, which is compatible with the UPC Code, and both of them have the same notation system.The character numbering structure of the EAN Code is the same as that of the UPC Code, and it is also a fixed-length, consecutive-type numeric code system, whose character set is the digits 0-9. It uses four element widths, each bar or space is 1, 2, 3 or 4 times the width of the unit element.There are two types of EAN code, namely EAN-13 code and EAN-8 code.

3) Cross 25 code

Cross 25 code is a variable length continuous self-checking digital code system, its character set for the number 0 ~ 9. Using two element widths, each bar and empty is wide or narrow elements. The number of encoded characters is even, all the data in odd positions are encoded in bars, and the data in even positions are encoded in blanks. If coded for an odd number of data, a zero is prepended to the data to make the data an even number of digits.

4) 39 code

39 code is the first alphanumeric code system. 1974 by Intermec introduced. It is a discrete self-correcting alphanumeric code system with comparable length. Its character set for the number 0-9, 26 uppercase letters and 7 special characters (-,. , Space, /, %, ¥), **** 43 characters. Each character consists of 9 elements with 5 bars (2 wide bars, 3 narrow bars) and 4 blanks (1 wide blank, 3 narrow blanks), which is a discrete code.

5) Kudelbar code

Kudelbar code (Code Bar) appeared in 1972, is a variable length continuous self-checking digital code system. Its character set for the number 0-9 and six special characters (-,:, /,. , +, ¥), *** 16 characters. Commonly used in warehouses, blood banks and air courier packages.

6) 128 code

128 code appeared in 1981, is a variable length continuous type self-checking digital code system. It uses four element widths, each character consists of three bars and three blanks, *** 11 cell element width, also known as (11, 3) code. It consists of 106 different, the same bar code characters, each bar code character has three different meanings of the character set, respectively, A, B, C. It uses these three alternate character sets to encode 128 ASCII codes.

7) 93 code

93 code is a continuous alphanumeric code system with variable length. Its character set becomes the numbers. 0-9, 26 uppercase letters and 7 special characters (-,. , Space, /, +, %, ¥) and 4 control characters. Each character consists of 3 bars and 3 hans, ***9 element width.

8) 49 code

49 code is a multi-line continuous type, variable length alphanumeric code system. Appeared in 1987, it is mainly used for symbols on small item labels. Multiple element widths are used. Its character set is the numbers 0-9, 26 uppercase letters and 7 special characters (-,. , Space, %, /, +, %, ¥), 3 function keys (F1, 陀, F3) and 3 transformation characters, ***49 characters.

9) Other code systems

In addition to the above code, there are other code systems, such as 25 code appeared in 1977, mainly used for electronic component labels; matrix 25 code is a deformation of the 11 code; Nixdorf code has been replaced by the EAN code Plessey code appeared in May 1971 is mainly used in libraries and so on.

2, according to the number of dimensions classification

1) Ordinary one-dimensional bar code

Ordinary one-dimensional bar code since the introduction of the present, quickly gained popularity and widely used. However, because the information capacity of one-dimensional bar code is very small, such as commodities on the bar code can only accommodate 13 Arabic numerals, more information describing the commodity can only rely on the support of the database, away from the pre-established database, this bar code has become a source of water, no wood, and therefore, the scope of application of the bar code has been limited to a certain extent.

2) Two-dimensional barcode

In addition to the advantages of ordinary barcode, two-dimensional barcode also has the advantages of large information capacity, high reliability, strong confidentiality and anti-counterfeiting, easy to produce, low cost and so on. <BR> U.S. Symbol officially launched in 1991 named PDF417 two-dimensional bar code, referred to as PDF417 bar code, that is, "Portable Data File". FDF417 bar code is a high-density, high-information content of the Portable Data File is the realization of the documents and cards, etc., large-capacity, high-reliability information. FDF417 barcode is a high-density, high-information content of portable data files, is the realization of documents and cards, such as large-capacity, high-reliability information automatically stored, carried and available for automatic machine-readable ideal means.

3) multi-dimensional bar code

Into the 1980s, people around how to improve the information density of bar code symbols, research work. Multi-dimensional bar code and container bar code has become the direction of research, exhibition and application. <BR> Information density is an important parameter to describe the bar code symbol according to, that is, the number of letters may be written in the unit length, usually recorded as: the number of letters/cm. the main factors affecting the information density is the bar, empty structure and the width of the narrow element system. <BR> 128 and 93 codes are the successful attempts to increase the density. 128 code city was recommended for application in 1981; while 93 code was put into use in 1982. Both codes have a symbol density nearly 30% higher than that of 39 codes. <BR> With the development of bar code technology and bar code three system of the kinds of increasing, bar code standardization appears more and more important. To this end, has developed a military standard 1189; cross 25 codes, 39 codes and Coda Bar code ANSI standard MH10.8M and so on. At the same time, some industries have also begun to establish industry standards to meet the needs of development. Since then, David Allier has developed the 49 code. This is a non-traditional barcode symbol, which has a higher density than the previous barcode symbols. Ted Williams GFI988 introduced the 16K code, which is similar in structure to the 49 code and is a relatively new code system for laser systems.

Three, the bar code structure

1) bar code basic terminology

Bar code is a kind of information code, with a special graphic to represent the numbers, letters information and certain symbols, Figure A is the bar code of Hangzhou Top Circle Foods Ltd.'s Miaofu European-style cake. Bar code by a group of width, reflectivity for the same bar and empty according to certain coding rules combined to represent a complete data symbol. Usually, human-recognizable characters are noted below the barcode symbol.

Barcode element: the bar code used to represent the bar and empty, referred to as the element. <BR>Barcode characters: a set of barcode elements used to represent a number, letters and special symbols. <BR> Bar: In the bar code symbol, the element with lower reflectivity. <BR>Empty: In the bar code symbology, the element with higher reflectivity. <BR> Bit Empty: In a bar code symbology, an empty space located between two adjacent bar code characters and representing any information. <BR>Bar height: the longer of the two-dimensional dimensions of a bar. <BR>Bar width: the length of the portion of the bar code symbol that excludes the quiet zone on either side. <BR> Unit Element Length: In bar code symbologies, the nominal width of a narrow element is the unit element width, denoted by X. <BR>Two-element wide barcode: In barcode characters, if the width of an element is only two, i.e., wide element and narrow element, such code system is said to be multiple-element wide barcode. <BR>Multiple Element Wide Barcode: In barcode characters, if there are three or more widths of elements, the code system is called two-element wide barcode. <BR>Barcode Logical Value: For two-element wide and long barcode, the logical value of wide element is 1, and the logical value of narrow element is 0. For multiple-element wide barcode, if the width of the unit element is bar, the logical value is 1. If the width of the unit element is null, the logical value is 0. <BR>Continuous Code Type, Discrete Barcode: In barcode symbology, if there is a barcode character between two adjacent bar code characters between the existence of a bit empty, it is called such a code system for the discrete bar code, as shown in Figure B, otherwise known as continuous bar code. <BR>Quiet zone Start character Data character Check character End character Quiet zone

<BR>Fig. B Structure of Barcode Symbol

Fixed-length, variable-length barcode: in barcode symbology, if the number of symbols and bar characters is fixed, it is said that this code system is a length-fixed barcode, otherwise, it is called a variable-length barcode. Barcode symbols are called variable length barcode. <BR> self-checking bar code: if a printing error does not cause a character to be translated into another character in the code system, the code system is called self-checking bar code. <BR>(n,k) code: a continuous bar code with multiple element widths, also called (n,k) code. n refers to the number of single element widths contained in the bar code symbol, and k refers to the number of bars or blanks in a character. <BR>Barcode Symbol Density: is the number of barcode characters that can be represented per unit length. <BR> bar code character set: bar code character set refers to the bar code system given the range of data characters. The range of data characters given in various bar code systems. In various barcode systems, there are two main character sets, one is a digital character set, which contains the number 0 ~ 9 and some special characters; the other is an alphabetic, numeric character set, which includes the number 0 ~ 9, the letter A ~ z and some special characters. <BR> Stain: a point appearing in the empty and static area that is similar to the bar reflectivity. <BR> blemish |: appear in the bar with the empty reflectivity RL and bar reflectivity RD difference with the empty reflectivity RL ratio, expressed by the symbol PCS, that is: <BR> PCS = (RI-RD) RI

2, the structure of the bar code symbology

A complete bar code symbology is composed of the static area of the two sides, the starting character, data character, check character (optional) and termination character. Figure B gives the complete structure of a bar code symbol, where: <BR> static area: there is no any printed characters or bar code information, it is usually white, located on both sides of the bar code symbol. The quiet zone serves to signal the reader that the scanner is ready to scan the bar code symbol. <BR> Start Character: The first character of the bar code symbol is the start character, which has a special bar, empty structure used to identify the beginning of a bar code symbol. The reader first confirms the existence of this character and then processes a series of pulses obtained by the scanner. Data Character: Composed of bar code characters, used to represent certain raw data information. <BR> termination character: the last character of the bar code symbol is the termination character, which is a special bar, empty structure used to identify the end of a know the shape of the code symbol. The reader recognizes the termination character, it can know that the bar code symbol has been scanned. If the end of the bar code symbol. The reader transmits the data to the computer and provides the operator with "valid read" feedback. The use of the termination character avoids the entry of incomplete information. When a check character is used, the terminating character also instructs the reader to perform a check calculation on the data character. <BR> The bar and space structure of the start and termination characters is usually an asymmetric binary sequence. This asymmetry allows the scanner to scan in both directions. When a bar code symbol is scanned in the reverse direction, the reader rearranges the bar code symbols into the correct order before performing the checksum calculation and transmitting the information. <BR> Checksum Characters: Checksum characters are defined in bar code systems. The check character is mandatory for some code systems and optional for others. The check character is determined by performing an arithmetic operation on the data characters. When each character in the symbol is decoded, the decoder performs the same arithmetic operation on it and compares the result with the check character. If the two sides of the three cuts are the same, it means that the information read in is valid.

Four, bar code reader

1, bar code automatic diagnosis system composition <BR> bar code automatic diagnosis system generally by bar code automatic diagnosis equipment, system software, application software and so on. Barcode automatic diagnosis equipment is including scanner, decoder, computer and printing equipment, and display. Barcode automatic diagnosis software generally includes scanner output signal measurement, barcode code system and scanning direction of the recognition of the \ logical value of the judgment, as well as the data communication between the reader and the computer and so on several parts. According to the need, a computer can be configured with multiple reader terminals, a decoder can also be networked with a number of scanners to form a data acquisition network. Bar code printing technology: bar code symbols of the printing quality will directly affect the recognition effect and the performance of the entire system, so it must be in accordance with the printing standards, select the appropriate printing technology and equipment in order to print out the bar code symbols in line with the specifications. Bar code symbols printed carrier, printing coatings, printing equipment, printing process and light printing system software development belongs to the bar code printing technology to study the content.

2, bar code reading equipment and classification

Barcode reading equipment can be divided into two categories

1) online reader

Online reader according to its function and purpose, can be divided into multi-functional readers and various types of online special readers. This type of reader is generally powered directly from the AC power supply, in reading and computer or communication device connected by a cable to transfer data. Multi-function reader in addition to the recognition of a variety of commonly used code system, according to different needs can also increase the programmable functions, display functions, as well as multi-machine network communication functions.

2) Portable readers

Portable readers are equipped with data memory, usually battery-powered, suitable for offline use of the occasion. When the data is collected, the data is first stored and then dumped to the host. Currently on the international market has been introduced to store tens of thousands of bar codes of portable readers, widely used in warehouse management, commodity inventory and a variety of field operations. Scanner as a terminal input device, the development is also very fast, Lin body can be divided into contact, non-contact, lead temple type and fixed scanner and so on. Currently in common use there are pen, CCD type and laser gun type and other three kinds of scanners. Scanner and decoder can be independent of each other, can also be made into one. Scanner according to its different uses, should choose the appropriate scanning wavelength, resolution and scanning depth of field. With the development of science and technology, bar code printing technology innovation and the corresponding equipment is also very quickly to show up, people can choose according to the needs of their own. Such as a variety of film production and plate technology; live version, offset printing technology; suitable for the batch is not occasions and a variety of dot matrix printers, laser printers, thermal printers, as well as on-site special coding machines. At present, the United States, Japan and other countries of the bar code technology products still occupy the international market. Barcode technology is the most widely used, but people are most familiar with the general merchandise distribution and sales in the field of POS systems, commonly known as sales terminals or scanning systems in China and abroad. North America, European countries in Japan commonly used POS system, its penetration rate has reached more than 95%. Global adoption of EAN and coding trend. Japan is the largest user of the EAN system, the use of POS systems have been more than 100,000 stores, there are more than 1,000,000 kinds of goods using bar code identification.