E-commerce company business scope: general items: Internet sales (except for the sale of goods requiring licensing); personal business services; business agent agency services; information technology consulting services; technical services, technology development, technology consulting, technology exchanges, technology transfer, technology promotion; information systems integration services; information systems operation and maintenance services; computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment wholesale; Retail of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; sales of communication equipment; sales of cloud computing equipment; sales of electronic products; computer system services; software development; consulting and planning services; advertisement design and agency; advertisement production; graphic design; advertisement distribution; human resources services (excluding employment intermediary activities and labor dispatch services); loading and unloading; residential daily life services; professional cleaning, cleaning and disinfection services. (In addition to projects subject to approval by law, with a business license to independently carry out business activities in accordance with the law)
E-commerce company's business scope: general items: Internet sales (except for the sale of goods needing licensing); the first class of medical equipment sales; daily necessities sales; arts and crafts and ceremonial supplies sales (except ivory and its products); household appliances sales; hardware products retail; edible agricultural products Retail; computer hardware and software and auxiliary equipment retail; jewelry retail; computer hardware and software and auxiliary equipment wholesale; hardware products wholesale; jewelry wholesale; technical services, technology development, technology consulting, technology exchanges, technology transfer, technology promotion (in addition to projects subject to approval by law, with a business license to carry out business activities independently according to law).
E-commerce company's scope of business: general items: Internet sales (except for the sale of goods requiring licensing); supply chain management services; petroleum products sales (excluding hazardous chemicals); non-metallic minerals and products sales; metal ore sales; metal materials sales; construction and decoration materials sales; coal and products sales; chemical products sales (excluding licensed chemical products); home furnishings sales Wholesale of cosmetic products; retail of cosmetic products; sale of daily necessities; sale of maternal and child products; retail of arts and crafts and collectibles (except ivory and its products); wholesale of arts and crafts and collectibles (except ivory and its products); sale of needlework and raw materials; sale of needlework and textiles; wholesale of hardware; retail of hardware; sale of electronic special-purpose equipment; wholesale of stationery; retail of stationery; wholesale of sporting goods and equipment; retail of sporting goods and equipment; sale of non-metallic minerals and products Wholesale of stationery; retail of stationery; retail of sporting goods and equipment; wholesale of clothing and apparel; retail of clothing and apparel; sale of bags; wholesale of shoes and hats; retail of shoes and hats; sale of cameras and equipment; sale of household electrical appliances; wholesale of agricultural products; retail of agricultural products; wholesale of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; retail of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; sale of network equipment; repair of computers and office equipment; information system integration services Advertising design and agency; advertising production; advertising release; general cargo warehousing services (excluding hazardous chemicals and other projects that require licensing approval); domestic cargo transportation agency; import and export of goods; import and export of technology. (In addition to projects subject to approval by law, with a business license to carry out business activities independently according to law)
E-commerce company's business scope: general items: Internet sales (except for the sale of goods needing permits); machinery and equipment sales; wholesale of hardware products; wholesale of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment; molds and dies sales; sales of intelligent robots; sales of office equipment; sales of electronic products; optoelectronic devices Sales; power electronic components sales; information technology consulting services; data processing and storage support services (in addition to projects subject to approval by law, with a business license to carry out business activities independently according to law).
E-commerce company's business scope:/article-13684-1.html