Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb - Weapons Introduction
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons are known as the "second atomic bomb", the world's military powers EMP weapons are beginning to move towards the pragmatic use of electronic information systems and command and control systems and networks, etc. pose a great threat. Conventional type of electromagnetic pulse bomb has exploded, and nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb - "the second atomic bomb" is approaching the human race.
The U.S. "Popular Mechanics" magazine reported that the next time the world disaster, can not see the mushroom cloud, just a loud bang and a lightning bolt, can make all the data of the computer is baked, in addition to diesel, all electrified engines can not start, the world will be set back 200 years ...... This is not sensationalism, the Pentagon believes that a new generation of electronic bombs, EMP bombs - "second atomic bomb" is approaching the human race. The Pentagon believes the world will look like this when a new generation of electronic bombs explodes.
Electromagnetic pulse bomb - no mushroom cloud of human catastrophe
Electromagnetic pulse, is a brief transient electromagnetic phenomenon, which spreads in the form of radiation in space, through the electromagnetic wave, can be electronic, information, electricity, photoelectricity, microwave and other facilities caused by the destruction of the electronic equipment, semiconductor insulation or integrated circuits can be burned, and even the equipment failure or permanent damage.
Electromagnetic pulse bomb has a "second atomic bomb" title
We have seen the atomic bomb explosion of very few people, but almost everyone has seen the "second atomic bomb" explosion. This explosion is the natural phenomenon of lightning and static electricity. Lightning, electrostatic formation of electromagnetic radiation and the sun, interstellar electromagnetic radiation, as well as the Earth's magnetic field and the electromagnetic field in the atmosphere, the resulting explosion is only the size of the difference, the principle is the same. In addition, the "second atomic bomb" explosion there are man-made phenomena, that is, man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation generated by electromagnetic radiation.
With the development of science and technology, society as a whole, a large number of popular electrical equipment, such as television transmitters, radio transmitters, radio stations, aviation navigation systems, radar systems, mobile communication systems, high-voltage transmission systems, high-current industrial frequency equipment and light rail, mainline electrified railroad systems. In short, all the electromagnetic energy applications to work on industrial, scientific, medical, military electromagnetic radiation equipment, as well as electric spark ignition internal combustion engine-powered machines, vehicles, ships, household appliances, office equipment, power tools, etc., will produce different frequencies, different intensity of electromagnetic radiation. Among them, most are electromagnetic pulse radiation.
Modern battlefield electromagnetic environment is a variety of electromagnetic energy *** with the role of the composite environment, both natural electromagnetic interference sources, such as lightning, static electricity, etc., but also a strong man-made sources of interference, such as a variety of power radar, radio communications, navigation, computers, as well as with the confrontation of electronic warfare equipment, new concepts of electromagnetic weapons. Therefore, the battlefield electromagnetic environment is much more complex than usual, and the battlefield electromagnetic environmental effects under high-tech conditions are mainly composed of various types of electromagnetic pulse fields.
In this way, there is no mushroom cloud of human catastrophe - EMP disaster, there are natural and man-made two categories. In peacetime, all kinds of natural and man-made EMP hazards occur from time to time. Every year, accidents such as paralysis of information systems due to lightning EMP occur frequently around the world, from satellite communications, navigation, computer networks and even household appliances are subject to the serious threat of lightning disasters. In 1999, Shanghai alone suffered losses of more than 200 million yuan due to lightning.
Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a strong electromagnetic radiation generated by nuclear explosions, the destructive power of nuclear EMP is very huge. Some countries in the nuclear test, nuclear electromagnetic pulse energy invasion of electronic and electrical systems, burned off the cable, burned electronic equipment cases are not uncommon. High-altitude nuclear explosions generated by the electromagnetic pulse harm than the ground and underground nuclear explosions, nuclear electromagnetic pulse intensity, covering a wide area.
Because of the attenuation of the atmosphere, high-altitude nuclear explosions produce heat, shock waves, radiation and other effects, the hazardous range of ground facilities are not as large as the effect of electromagnetic pulse, 1 million tons of nuclear weapons in the high-altitude explosion, the total energy of about three-tenths of a million in the form of electromagnetic pulse radiation out. With the development of nuclear technology, developed countries have developed a nuclear EMP bomb, enhanced the EMP effect, while weakening the shockwave, nuclear radiation effect, the destructive power of the EMP increased significantly.
Electromagnetic pulse bomb - the United States "second atomic bomb
Human development of electromagnetic pulse weapons began in the 1970s, to the 1990s into the practical stage.
In 1985, the United States in the development of the "Strategic Defense Initiative" program, high-power microwave weapons as its space weapons as the main project, focusing on the study of its killing mechanism. 1987, the U.S. Department of Defense put forward the "Balanced Technology Initiative" program, high-power microwave weapons are the main focus of the program, the U.S. "second atomic bomb". Program, high-power microwave weapons is one of its five key technologies.
During the 1991 Gulf War, the U.S. military carried and used electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons in the E-8 "United Star" aircraft. The United States and Russia miniaturized electromagnetic jamming machine, can be conventional weapons thrown to the enemy, not only can damage the enemy command and control system, but also directly affect the precision-guided weapons and information technology warfighting effectiveness of individual soldiers. 1992 July, the U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office of the House Armed Services Committee submitted to the "basic defense technology, military special technology dependence on the risk of foreign countries," a report on the future of the advanced weapons of the most critical six technologies, including high In July 1992, the General Accounting Office of the U.S. Congress submitted a report to the House Armed Services Committee on "Risks Associated with Dependence on Foreign Countries for Defense-Based Technologies and Military Special Technologies", proposing the most critical six technologies for future advanced weapons, including high-power microwave weapons. The U.S. Navy, Army and Air Force also formulated a high-power microwave weapons development program.
In 1993, the U.S. conducted an electromagnetic pulse weapon experiments code-named "Harp", antennae group to the ionosphere to launch electromagnetic pulse, blocking communications and destroy incoming missiles. 1996, a U.S. National Laboratory developed a suitcase-sized high-energy electromagnetic pulse weapon, as well as cruise missiles can be equipped with electromagnetic pulse weapon, its effective combat effectiveness. EMP weapon, its effective combat radius of 10 kilometers.
In 1998, Russia invented a small 8 kilograms of strong current electron gas pedal, the explosion emitted X-rays, high-power microwave, can destroy electronic equipment.
In March 1999, the U.S. used microwave weapons, which were still being tested, in its bombing of the FRY, paralyzing communication facilities in parts of the FRY for more than three hours. In the Iraq War, U.S. forces used electromagnetic pulse bombs in an airstrike on Iraqi state television on March 26, 2003, causing the disruption of its broadcast signal.
In addition to Russia and the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Japan, among other countries, are also engaged in the development of high-power microwave weapons. Some international military experts analyze that the important reason why Iraq was passively beaten in the Gulf War was the destruction of the command and control system and air defense facilities and the loss of control of the electromagnetic environment.
A reporter asked why the U.S. military only occasionally uses EMP weapons, and a spokesman for the U.S. military said we save more powerful EMP weapons to deal with more powerful enemies.
Some analysts have suggested that the U.S. military's more powerful enemies allude to Russia and China. However, it may also refer to all potential enemies, including Russia and China, like the United States was the first to develop the atomic bomb, they want to deter all opponents, which is the United States in the new century, want to maintain their own long-term super-hegemony of another "killer app".
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb - no electromagnetic protection is equal to the bare chest
The target of the EMP bomb is very different from the traditional atomic bomb. It attacks three types of targets: first, military and civilian electronic communications and financial centers, such as command headquarters, warships, communications buildings and government sites; second, air defense and early warning systems; third, all types of missiles and missile protection systems.
The United States and the former Soviet Union in the research and development of electromagnetic pulse weapons, all attach great importance to the electromagnetic environmental effects of weapons and equipment and protection and reinforcement technology research. 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter issued a decree to emphasize the serious threat of nuclear electromagnetic pulse, requiring each development of a weapon, must consider the ability of electromagnetic pulse protection. To this end, the United States in Cortland, New Mexico, Arizona and other places, the establishment of more than a dozen EMP field simulator.
In recent years, Taiwan's military has emphasized EMP protection research when strengthening its electronic warfare attack capabilities. According to Taiwan media disclosure, Taiwan's "Ministry of National Defense" in 2001, invested NT $ 780 million for "electronic warfare and information warfare equipment" planning, including "information security plan" and "pulse protection plan". and "pulse protection program". "Pulse protection program" mainly against electromagnetic pulse weapons from the opponent's "hard kill", protection of important military facilities of the Taiwan army, strategic civilian facilities and "government" key building facilities.
According to an authoritative source in Taiwan's military, Taiwan's "pulse protection program" is being carried out at the Hengshan command post. Its program consists of countermeasure pulse effect, electronic countermeasure protection network and other seven parts, in order to prevent electromagnetic pulse weapons attacks, to maintain the operation of the computer network, to protect the computer combat command system and the safety of the database. Responsible for this plan, "Zhongshan Institute of Science," said the official in charge of the "pulse protection program" to achieve, the Taiwan military combat command system is equal to "put on a top anti-electromagnetic interference protection hat "
From the 1960s, a number of countries began to nuclear electromagnetic pulse characteristics research, one after another to make some progress. However, the study of electromagnetic protection, basically stay in the category of electromagnetic compatibility, did not pay attention to electromagnetic pulse protection. So far, the vast majority of military and civilian electronic equipment in these countries have not taken EMP protection measures, and some even without any mandatory factory inspection standards and facilities, the overall level of at least 20 years behind the United States and Russia.
This means that these countries have already opened their chests in front of the EMP weapon strikes of the military powers. Once these countries' government agencies, financial centers, communication networks, radio and television broadcasting and other important systems and military facilities that have a bearing on the nation's economy and people's livelihoods are struck by a strong EMP, it is inevitable that there will be widespread paralysis or damage, and it will be difficult for the national economy and the social order to operate normally.
October 31, 1961, the Soviet Union in the 35 kilometers above the island of Xindi airburst nuclear test, it is not expected that the hydrogen bomb not only destroy everything near the heart of the explosion, but also thousands of kilometers within the scope of the impact of the electronic system, the Soviet Army ground anti-aircraft radar was burned out, unable to detect the airborne flying targets; thousands of kilometers long communication interruption, the troops more than one hour in a state of command. Not coincidentally, on July 9, 1963, the United States in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston Island, 40 kilometers above the air explosion nuclear test, 1,400 kilometers away from Johnston Island, Honolulu, but into a state of chaos. Burglar alarms went off nonstop, streetlights went out, and relays on power equipment burned out one by one ......
At the time, people weren't able to solve the mystery. It was only later, after several years of research, that it was discovered to be the ill effects of the electromagnetic pulse created by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. Atomic bomb explosions produce four effects: shock waves, optical radiation, early nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination, while hydrogen bomb explosions add another effect, the electromagnetic pulse.
Hydrogen bomb explosion, early nuclear radiation in the alpha ray will interact with the surrounding medium of molecules, atoms, excitation and produce high-speed movement of electrons (Compton effect), a large number of high-speed movement of electrons to form a very strong electric field. In the heart of the explosion within a few kilometers of the electric field strength can reach a few thousand volts per meter to tens of thousands of volts, and to the speed of light to the surrounding propagation. Its scope of action with the increase in blast height and expand. The equivalent of 1,000 tons of hydrogen bombs, such as 40 kilometers high altitude explosion, can affect the whole of Europe.
U.S. military experts see the military value of this instantaneous electromagnetic pulse generated by nuclear explosions, began to spare no effort to study how to enhance the electromagnetic pulse effect generated by nuclear explosions and inhibit the effect of several other kinds of effects, they can produce a powerful electromagnetic pulse of this weapon called electromagnetic pulse bomb.
The EMP bomb enhances the EMP effect and reduces the other four effects, and is a "clean" nuclear weapon, which belongs to the third generation of nuclear weapons. Compared with radar or lightning electromagnetic pulse, nuclear electromagnetic pulse has a wide range of action, high electric field strength, wide frequency range and short action time and other characteristics. EMP bomb on personnel and non-electronic weapons and equipment does not have any harm and destructive effect, only on electronic equipment, lines and electronic components to destroy and interfere, so it is a kind of non-lethal weapons to destroy things without injuring people. The powerful pulse it generates can enter electronic equipment through antennas, power lines, telecommunication lines and metal pipes and other channels, rendering unprotected electronic components temporarily ineffective or completely damaged, causing the memory in computers to lose its ability to memorize, and rendering the entire network incapable of continuing to work, thus paralyzing the entire combat system and dealing a fatal blow to the enemy. Nuclear electromagnetic pulse occupies a very wide range of frequencies, from low frequency to ultra-high frequency, can cover all the working frequency bands used by modern electronic equipment, so that communication is interrupted, or cause work disorders, control failure. This kind of EMP bomb specializing in destroying computer networks and electronic warfare equipment will be devastating to computer networks, communication command systems and radar systems.
According to relevant information reports, the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, developed a successful device the size of a suitcase, which can produce a powerful electromagnetic pulse. The U.S. military envisioned that commandos sneak into enemy countries and put this device in buildings, which will be remotely detonated to destroy all electronic equipment, causing chaos. This can also be used as a weapon to shoot to the enemy country to destroy its electronic warfare systems, destroy communications facilities and affect the launch of precision-guided weapons.
The application of information technology in the military field is causing a profound military revolution, computer networks and other electronic equipment in the modern military machine injected a strong vitality at the same time, but also to make itself an important target of attack. In the future information war, the fight for the right to control electromagnetism and the right to control networks will be extremely fierce, and the protection of computer networks and electronic equipment will become one of the focal points of military confrontation in the 21st century. Electromagnetic pulse bomb as a simple to use, effective "hard" killing weapons, will become the future of information warfare blade.
Shockwave bomb: it is a small hydrogen bomb, the use of slow absorption of neutron technology, reducing the neutron activation to weaken the role of radiation, its explosion, the troops can quickly enter the blast zone into battle. Shockwave bomb is a special performance hydrogen bomb with shockwave effect as the main killing and destroying factors, also known as weak residual radiation bomb. Contrary to the neutron bomb, shock wave bomb is to enhance its shock wave effect in the nuclear explosion, while weakening the nuclear radiation effect. Shockwave Bomb - Weapon Introduction
Special performance hydrogen bomb with shockwave effect as the main killing and destroying factor. Compared with the three-phase bomb, its distinctive feature is that it reduces the generation of residual radioactive fallout. Its exact name should be Reduced Residual Radioactivity Round or RRR Round for short.
The U.S. conducted a hydrogen bomb test in 1956 aimed at reducing radioactive fallout, and in 1980, announced the successful development of a shockwave bomb, and said that the radioactive fallout of such a bomb should be reduced by more than an order of magnitude compared with pure fission weapons of the same power and the destructive effect of light radiation effect is also significantly reduced. Shock wave bomb belongs to tactical nuclear weapons, its killing and destructive effect is similar to that of conventional weapons, it can destroy the enemy's fortified military targets by nuclear explosion on or near the ground, and it produces less radioactive fallout, and soon after the explosion, the troops of its own side can enter the blast zone. Therefore, suitable for use on the battlefield.
Shockwave bomb - the effect of the explosion
Shockwave 40%-60%
Thermal radiation 30%-50%
Primary particle radiation 4.9%
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) 0.1%
Residual radioactivity (radioactive fallout) 5%-10%
What form the energy is released in depends on the design of the weapon and the environment at the time of the explosion. The form in which the energy is released depends on the design of the weapon and the circumstances of the explosion. The release of energy from radioactive fallout is continuous, whereas the other three are immediate short bursts.
The energy released by these first three mechanisms varies depending on the size of the bomb. The thermal radiation mechanism decays most slowly relative to distance, so the larger the yield of the bomb, the more important this mechanism becomes. Particle radiation is strongly absorbed by the atmosphere, so he is only important in small-yield explosions. The attenuation of the shock wave effect, on the other hand, is somewhere in between the two mentioned above. At the moment of the explosion, the nuclear charge reaches equilibrium temperature within a microsecond. At this moment, about 75% of the energy is in the form of thermal radiation, particularly in the form of soft X-rays, while all the other residual energy manifests itself as the kinetic energy of the weapon fragments. How these soft X-rays and fragments interact with the surrounding medium is then the determining factor in how the energy is apportioned between the shock wave and the light and particles. In general, if the material around the center of the blast is dense, it will absorb the energy very efficiently, and the strength of the shockwave will be enhanced.
When an eruption takes place in the atmosphere near sea level, the vast majority of soft X-rays will be absorbed within a few feet. Some of the energy is diverted to form radiation in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelengths, but more is used to heat the air and form a fireball. In high-altitude outbursts, soft X-rays tend to travel longer distances due to the reduced density of the air, and after they are finally absorbed, only a smaller amount of energy is used to propel the shockwave (50% or less of sea level), while the rest is converted into other forms of thermal radiation.
Equivalent: the effects caused by the primary mechanisms of a nuclear weapon's detonation (shock waves and radiation) can be compared to those caused by conventional explosives. The main difference is that the energy release of nuclear weapons is more rapid and intense. For this reason, it is common to measure the mass of a yellow explosive (TNT/TNT) of equivalent explosive power.
Shockwave bomb - killing
Shockwave bomb core (trigger) is a low-yield small atomic bombs, the shell of boron or hydrogen-containing materials as a reflective damping layer, so that the fission reaction of atomic bombs released neutrons decelerate and be absorbed by the boron or hydrogen and converted into a shockwave and light radiation, so that the shockwave (overpressure) to become the main killing and destroying factors. Its yield is generally below 1,000 tons of TNT. The United States announced in 1980 that it had successfully developed a shockwave bomb with a yield as small as 10 tons and as large as 1,000 tons. In the U.S. nuclear arsenal, has been equipped with a certain number of shockwave bombs.
Shockwave bomb killing and destructive effect with conventional weapons is similar to the ground or close to the ground nuclear explosions to destroy the enemy's more solid military targets, and produce less radioactive fallout, nuclear explosions after the troops can enter the nuclear blast zone, and thus combat is very convenient to use. It is a battle tactical nuclear weapons, used to attack the battle, tactical depth within the important targets, such as ground armored convoys, assembly units, aircraft runways, ports, communication hubs, electronic facilities, but also can be blown up into a large crater or to destroy the important passes in order to prevent the enemy from advancing.
To kill and maim personnel, for example, the shockwave effect is mainly overpressure of the squeeze and dynamic pressure of the impact, so that the personnel by the squeeze, fall and throw and damage to internal organs or cause trauma, fractures, concussion, etc.. A 1,000-ton equivalent nuclear warhead explosion at low altitude (60 to 120 meters), personnel fatal and serious injuries and immediate incapacitation range of 260 meters and 340 meters, respectively.
Neutron bomb (neutron bomb) neutron bomb is a kind of high-energy neutron radiation as the main killing force of low-yield small hydrogen bomb. Only kill and injure enemy personnel, damage to buildings and facilities is very small, and will not bring long-term radioactive contamination, although never used in actual combat, but the military will still be called the battlefield "God of War" - a nuclear weapon with the power but also available tactical weapons. General hydrogen bomb (three-phase bomb) due to the addition of a layer of depleted uranium (uranium-238) shell, hydrogen fusion neutrons produced by this layer of shell is absorbed by a large number of radioactive contaminants. The neutron bomb removed the shell, a large number of neutrons produced by nuclear fusion may be unhindered by a large number of radiation out, at the same time, but reduces the light radiation, shock waves and radioactive contamination and other factors.