Qt was used to develop the Linux desktop environment KDE with great success, making Qt the de facto standard for developing C++ GUI programs in the Linux environment. The following programs are developed using Qt: WPS, YY Voice, Skype, Douban Radio, Shrimp Music, Taobao Assistant, Thousand Cows, Blizzard's Battle.net client, Virtual Box, Opera, Migu Music, Google Maps, Adobe Photoshop Album, etc. Linux is also the mainstay of the embedded world, and is widely used in consumer electronics, industrial control, military electronics, and military electronics. electronics, industrial control, military electronics, telecom/network/communications, aerospace, automotive electronics, medical equipment, instrumentation and other related industries.
qt is a cross-platform C++ graphical user interface application development framework developed by the Qt Company in 1991. It can be used to develop both GUI programs and non-GUI programs. qt is an object-oriented framework that uses special code generation extensions as well as a number of macros.