Where does NetEase Werewolf Kill usually brush the car

Netease Werewolf Kill Brush Up is about finding a game room or joining the game. You can do it through the following ways:

1, search in the game platform: NetEase Werewolf Kill is offered on the NetEase game platform, you can search for Werewolf Kill related rooms or game modes within the platform.

2. Social platforms or forums: You can join Werewolf Kill related communities, forums or groups, and learn about other players' room numbers or invitation links by communicating with them in order to join their games.

3. Invite friends: you have familiar friends or players, you can invite them to play werewolf kill together and create a private room. So, NetEase Werewolf Kill swiping can be done through the above ways. NetEase Werewolf Kill is an online social game that players can play through devices such as cell phones or computers. In the game, players take on different roles, reason and communicate to reveal hidden werewolves and protect the village.