Though the vagrant begging behavior, but does not have the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph, does not belong to the rescue object. Article 3 the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the leadership of the rescue of vagrants and beggars, establish and improve the rescue work coordination mechanism, take active measures to rescue vagrants and beggars in accordance with the law in a timely manner, and will be included in the rescue of the necessary funds in the financial budget to be safeguarded.
The government encourages and supports social organizations and individuals to rescue vagrant beggars. Social organizations and individuals to donate property for relief work, in accordance with the law to enjoy the relevant tax concessions.
Provincial Government Decree, Article 4 of the people's governments of cities at or above the county level shall, according to the need to set up rescue stations for vagrant and begging persons, and set up living quarters for minors within the rescue station; where possible, rescue and protection organizations for vagrant minors may be set up; where no rescue station is set up, there shall be a person in charge of the rescue work.
Rescue stations shall be set up in areas that are conveniently located, easy to find and far from danger, and equipped with facilities, equipment and personnel that meet the needs of rescue work. Article rescue stations for vagrant beggars rescue is a temporary social assistance measures, follow the principle of voluntary, gratuitous, but the civil behavior capacity and limit the civil behavior capacity of vagrant beggars, shall take the initiative to implement the rescue. Article 6 The civil affairs departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the relief of vagrant and begging persons within their administrative areas. The civil affairs department of the people's government that establishes the relief station shall also perform the following duties:
(1) directing and supervising the relief station in carrying out and implementing the laws, rules, regulations and policies relating to the work of providing relief;
(2) educating and training the staff of the relief station;
(3) investigating and dealing with the problems of violation of laws and disciplinary matters by the rescue station and its staff;
(4) coordinating the rescue station's cooperation with other departments. (D) coordinating the work of relief stations with other departments and units, and helping to solve difficulties and problems in relief work;
(E) other duties that should be performed in accordance with the law. Article 7: The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall perform their duties of rescuing vagrant and begging persons in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) The public security, urban management and other relevant administrative organs shall, in respect of the vagrant and begging persons they find, inform them to seek help from the rescue stations; in respect of the handicapped, minors, the elderly and other persons with mobility disabilities, they shall be guided and escorted to the rescue stations; in respect of the critically ill or mentally ill, they shall be sent to the local health center for help. For the critically ill and mentally ill, they shall be sent to the designated medical institutions determined by the local health department for treatment or notify the local emergency center to send them to the designated medical institutions for treatment, and inform the local civil affairs department or rescue station. The public security organs shall educate and discourage repeated pestering, forcible begging or other nuisance begging behavior.
(2) the financial sector is responsible for the implementation of vagrant beggar relief work funds, and adjusted according to the actual situation of the year's relief work, and at the same time in accordance with the law on the use of relief funds to supervise.
(3) health departments are responsible for identifying designated medical institutions for the rescue of vagrant beggars, and guiding them to do a good job of rescuing and treating vagrant beggars.
(d) transportation, railway and other departments shall facilitate the rescue station or civil affairs department for the vagrant beggars to buy vouchers for the bus (boat), transport vagrant beggars in and out of the station.
(E) development and reform, education, labor security, judicial administration and disability and other relevant departments and units should be in their respective areas of responsibility, do a good job related to the rescue of vagrant beggars. Article 8 The staff of urban street offices and community neighborhood committees who find vagrant beggars within their jurisdiction shall inform or guide them to the rescue station for help. Article 9 The management units of piers, stations and other public ****ing places where vagrant and beggar activities are more frequent shall assist the rescue stations to set up guide boards in prominent positions, indicating the location of the rescue stations and their contact telephone numbers. The contact telephone number of the rescue station shall be answered 24 hours a day. Article 10 vagrant beggars to the rescue station for help, shall truthfully provide the following information:
(a) name, age, the location of his domicile, place of residence;
(b) vagrant begging reasons, time, through;
(c) close relatives or other close relatives of the name, address, contact details;
(d) The items carried with them.
For those who are unable to provide personal information due to old age, youth, disability, etc., the rescue station shall first provide assistance and then ascertain the situation.
If a person refuses to provide or fails to provide truthful information, he shall not be rescued. Article 11 The rescue station shall inform the person seeking assistance of the scope of the assistance and the implementation of the content of the assistance, and ask about the situation related to the need for assistance, and their personal situation to be registered.
The screening of persons seeking help meets the conditions of assistance, should be handled in the station procedures. Help seekers carry goods in addition to the necessities of life are carried by the rescue station for safekeeping, return when leaving the station; help seekers carry explosive, poisonous, radioactive, corrosive and other hazardous substances, or control instruments, banned publications, etc., the rescue station should be promptly transferred to the relevant departments to deal with.
The screening does not meet the conditions of the rescue of the person in need of help, it should be explained to the reasons, issued a "notice of non-rescue".