Doctors selling smuggled drugs

Generally, because of the benign tumors of the stomach in the clinic rarely have symptoms, once the symptoms appear, most of the growth of the tumor larger complications or malignant changes have occurred. So once the diagnosis is confirmed, often have to consider surgical treatment. The resected specimen must be sent to pathology for histological examination, so as not to mistakenly treat benign tumors as malignant or inappropriate malignant tumors. The specific treatment needs to be based on the results of the patient's examination in the regular hospital, in order to listen to the attending physician's opinion shall prevail.

Individual doctors to buy smuggled drugs is illegal, is it true or false are not recommended to use, life is not to be taken lightly, unauthorized use of the problem who is responsible for it?

It is recommended that family members take patients to regular hospitals, hospitals, regular way of treatment, the economy, after all, there is health insurance as a guarantee.