1, the company name:
Malaysia company name needs to be the English name or other letters (need to explain each letter in detail), can also be accepted for registration in Malay, do not accept the Chinese name registration.
The company name ends with Sendirian Berhad", abbreviation SDN.BHD or S/B (meaning private limited company) single BHD generally refers to "public limited company"
2, registered capital:
Malaysia company registered capital of at least 10,000,000 dollars. Malaysian company registered capital of at least RM100,000, registered capital is not required to be in place, but only to pay not less than RM2 paid-up registered capital.
3, shareholders, directors requirements:
Shareholders: Malaysian companies need at least 2 shareholders, as many as 50 shareholders, shareholders can also serve as a director, there is no restriction on nationality.
Directors: Malaysian companies need to be 18 years of age or older to serve as a director, there is no restriction on nationality.
4, business scope:
Malaysia company business scope of up to three business projects, different business scope may be required to funds in place.
5, registered address:
Malaysian companies need to maintain a registered office in Malaysia, as the preservation of all documents under this Act.