Class 10 Trademark Transfer Price? Class 10 Trademark Classification Details

When registering a trademark, the applicant is free to choose the type of trademark combination, such as Chinese + graphics, Chinese + graphics... For different needs, we need different results to fulfill them. Class 10 trademark transfer price? Class 10 Trademark Classification Details

What is Class 10 of the trademark classification?

According to the trademark classification information table query, these 10 classes of trademarks are mainly medical device trademarks, mainly including medical devices, electrotherapy X-ray equipment, pacifiers, sexual products, suture materials, etc. The specific similar classes are as follows:

[1001]-Surgical, medical and veterinary instruments, apparatus and appliances (other than electronic, nuclear, electrotherapy, medical X-ray equipment, apparatus and appliances)

[1002]-Dental equipment and appliances

[1003]-Medical electronic, nuclear, therapeutic, and X-ray equipment

[1004]-Medical aids, equipment, and supplies

[1005]-Pacifiers, bottles

[1006]-Sexual products

[1007]-Prostheses, wigs and organs

[1008]-Orthopedic instruments

[1009]-Suture materials

Knowing the contents of the trademark assignment in advance will provide a good foundation for the development of your company. Of course, when looking for a trademark agency, it is important to plan and arrange in advance to avoid the problem of disputes over rights and interests. It is recommended that entrepreneurs can be from the eight quit know-how trademark transfer network on the 10th class of trademark transfer to understand the relevant content, trademark transfer agent details please consult eight quit know-how trademark transfer network!