Hangzhou Wuzhou can buy PD-1 inhibitors (Opdivo and Keytruda) that are already available in Hong Kong and prescribed by regular hospitals. They will first arrange a remote consultation with a Hong Kong expert, and after the consultation, the staff will deliver the medication and the hospital's prescription to the patient's home in a thermos box by plane, so that the customer can buy PD-1 with peace of mind and safety without having to leave the house. (The PD-1 (Opedivo and Keytruda) is available to customers who want to buy safe and secure PD-1 without having to leave their homes.
Hangzhou? Zhou ? WUZHOU t e l : ( 4 0 0 -- 1 5 0 -- 8 0 8 9 )
What is a cache disk:?
In a computer system, the speed of hardware operation is basically determined by the cache, the larger the cache, the faster the corresponding hardware operation. Cache is used in almost all hardware, such as CPUs, hard disks, burners, etc. Even software has a cache. What is a cache? Simply put, a cache is a buffer for data exchange (called Cache). When a hardware wants to read data, it will first look for the data it needs from the cache, and if it finds it, it will execute it directly, and if it doesn't find it, it will look for it in memory. Because the cache runs much faster than memory, the role of the cache is to help the hardware run faster, so we have to make every effort to increase the hardware cache, so that the machine "fly" up, the following on the introduction of several ways to increase the cache.
CPU cache?
The CPU's cache is divided into two levels: L1 (Level 1) and L2 (Level 2). When the processor wants to read data, it first has to look for it in the L1 cache, then in the L2 cache, and finally in the system memory. If one day you find that your computer is much slower, and it takes a few minutes to get to the Windows desktop, it is time to check if the CPU's first and second level caches are open. In the BIOS settings in the Standard CMOS Setup (Standard CMOS Settings) there are two is used to open or close the cache: CPUInternal Cache set to Enable when the CPU internal first-level buffer, if set to Disabl is closed, then the system performance will be greatly reduced; ExternalCache The ExternalCache option controls the secondary buffer on the motherboard, and should be set to Enable if there is a secondary buffer on the motherboard.
Hard disk caching?
Click "Start"/"Run" on your desktop, type "Msconfig" to start the "System Configuration Utility", followed by selecting the "system.ini" tag under the "Vcache" item, you can according to the actual situation of the system to adjust the hard disk cache. In this option, there are generally three lines: ChunkSize = 1024, MaxFileCache = 10240 and MinFileCache = 10240; the first line of which is the buffer read/write unit value, the second and third lines of the hard disk's maximum and minimum buffer value, the value of the equals sign can be modified, as long as the right-click to select any one of the lines can be modified. Modify it. If your RAM is 128MB, the values in the above three rows are reasonable, but of course you can customize them. If you do not know how to set the appropriate buffer value, please "Windows Optimizer" to help, this software has a "disk cache optimization" item, with the mouse can easily set the cache; or let the "Windows Optimizer" will help you to optimize the settings automatically. When the hard drive's cache is large enough, the hard drive won't have to read and write to the disk as often, which can extend the hard drive's lifespan and improve data transfer speeds.
Additionally, setting your hard drive's "File System Cache" to "Web Server" can speed up access to your hard drive because the file system cache stores the names and paths of the most recently accessed files on your hard drive, and the larger the cache, the more content you can store. The larger the cache, the more content it can store. If you click on Control Panel/System/Performance/File System/Hard Disk, you will be able to access the hard disk more quickly because the file system cache holds the names and paths of the most recently accessed files on the hard disk. "Hard Disk", change the "Primary Use of this Computer" from "Desktop" to "Web Server". You can increase the cache from about 10K to nearly 50K.
Cache for floppy and optical drives?
Generally speaking, the speed of floppy drive read/write data is relatively slow, which is because the speed of the disk can not be too high, but we can improve the read/write cache of the floppy drive, so that the floppy drive reads and writes more data at a time. Method is: on the desktop "Start" / "Run" box type "Regedit" to run the registry editor, in turn, enter HKEY -LOCAL-MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\FDC\0000, create a new "DWORD value" for ForeFifo, and set its value to "ForeFifo".
Many people know that right-clicking on the desktop "My Computer" icon, selecting "Properties" / "Performance" / "File System" / "Filesystems" / "Filesystems" / "Filesystems" / "Filesystems" / "Filesystems" are the most important and most important of all. "/" CD-ROM "the best way to access set to" four times or more high-speed "will be added to the cache size slider drag to the maximum, you can significantly increase the optical drive Read disk speed. In addition to this method, we can also set the cache value in the registry by going to the registry, under HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\CDFS, and set the CacheSize (the cache value) to "4x or higher". CacheSize (the size of the cache value) and Prefetch (the size of the pre-read file) are manually adjusted, just right-click on the item you want to select to modify it.?
To the computer to redo the system a **** there are six methods: for example, divided into: CD-ROM method (divided into the original disk and GHOST disk two kinds), U disk method, hard disk method (also known as the one-key restore method) or hard disk copy method, download the operating system on the Internet method, and now I'd like to introduce you to one of the most practical re-installation of the system method: (this method is simple, easy to learn,)
The failure of the hard disk can be divided into hard Failure and soft failure of two categories, the soft failure of the hard disk that is non-physical failure, such as the main boot record, partition table, boot file is damaged and lead to the system can not start, the hard disk is infected by a virus caused by the inability to run, as well as illegal operation, improper maintenance and so on. These types of failures can generally be solved by the software itself. Hard failure, i.e. physical failure, is caused by physical damage to the mechanical parts or electronic components of the hard disk. The most common hard disk failure that can be handled by yourself is the appearance of bad sectors, of which the most serious exception is the zero-channel damage. Other aspects of the hard disk failure is basically beyond our ability to do-it-yourself repair. The categorization and detection of faults and repairs we describe below are all based on the above problems that are not beyond our ability to do-it-yourself repairs. General Signs of Hard Drive Problems If your hard drive is failing, it is best to detect it as early as possible and take the right steps in a timely manner. If you wait until you are seriously ill, the valuable data in the hard disk will not be spared. Generally speaking, hard disk failure will be preceded by the following manifestations: 1. The appearance of S.M.A.R.T fault prompt. This is the hard disk manufacturer itself built in the hard disk automatic detection function at work, appear this kind of prompt indicates that your hard disk has a potential physical failure, will soon appear irregularly can not run normally. 2. Crashing during Windows initialization. This is a more complicated situation. First, you should rule out the possibility of problems with other components, such as poor quality memory, a fan that stops working and causes the system to overheat, or a virus that destroys the system, and then deal with it separately if you are sure that the hard disk is the cause of the problem. 3. can enter the Windows system, but run the program error, while running a disk scan can not pass, often slow in the scanning time stagnation or even crash. This phenomenon may be a hard disk problem, it may also be a Windows day-long soft failure, if you exclude the possibility of software setup problems, you can be sure that the hard disk has a physical failure. 4. can enter Windows, run a disk scanning program directly found errors and even bad sectors, which I do not need to say more, the Windows inspection program will report the situation in detail. 5. Suddenly the hard disk is not recognized in the BIOS at all, or even if it is recognized, the hard disk cannot be found by the operating system, this is the most serious failure. At a time to say so many signs of possible occurrence is not to give people a very dizzy feeling, the following we will be all the above failures into four categories, respectively, the four types of symptoms and detection of categorized methods are summarized below. When you determine the type of your fault through our summarized methods, you can continue to look at the second part of our topic "fault repair countermeasures. First of all, we should make sure that the hard disk power connector and data cable is not off, and then enter the BIOS, use the "HDD Auto Detect" to detect the hard disk. If the BIOS at this time can correctly identify the hard disk, then at least your hard disk there is hope for salvation; otherwise, I think we do not have to blindly busy, because with our ordinary DIYer tools at hand is basically unable to help. (1) the main boot area failure due to virus damage or operational errors, so that the hard disk master boot record damage, the hard disk will not be able to start. After booting the system prompts "Diskbootfailure,Insertsystemdiskandpressenter", tell you can not find the boot partition hard disk or hard disk without startup files, please insert the boot disk and press the "Enter" key. Press "Enter" after inserting the boot disk. If the hard disk settings in the BIOS are correct, and you can boot from a floppy disk or CD-ROM and find your hard disk, then your machine is just because the Windows startup file or the hard disk's master boot sector is destroyed. The main boot sector of the hard disk is the most sensitive part of the hard disk, in which the main boot program is used to detect the correctness of the hard disk partition and determine the active partition, is responsible for handing over the right to boot to the active partition of the DOS or other operating systems, this section of the program is damaged will not be able to boot from the hard disk. (2) hard disk is "logic lock" lock "hard disk logic lock" is a very common means of mischief. Logic lock, no matter what equipment can not be used to guide the system normally, and even floppy disks, CD-ROM drives, hanging double hard disk are the same without any effect, if your hard disk has the above symptoms, it is quite possible that the "logic lock". "Logic lock" principle of locking: computer in the boot DOS system will search for all logical disk order, when DOS is guided, the first to find the main boot sector partition table information, and then look for the expansion of the partition of the logical disk. "Logic Lock" modifies the normal master boot partition records, the first logical disk of the extended partition to point to itself, so that DOS in the boot to find the first logical disk, find the next logical disk always find themselves, so the formation of a dead cycle. 3) Partition table is damaged Partition table error is one of the most serious hard disk errors, partition table data damage will cause the partition of the confusion or loss. With a CD-ROM or floppy disk to boot the system, you can try to enter the C disk symbol, if the prompt at this time can not find the C disk, then it should be a partition table error. This is likely to be the hard disk partition table information has been damaged, or by some kind of virus attack. (4) bad sectors Bad sectors show the following symptoms: 1. read a file or run a software often error, or need a long time to operate successfully, during which the hard disk constantly read the disk and make a harsh noise, this phenomenon means that the hard disk contains data on some sectors is bad. 2. when the system can not pass through the system at boot time, then it should be a partition table error. 2. boot system can not boot through the hard disk, floppy diskette boot can be transferred to the hard disk drive, but can not enter the SYS command to conduct the system can not be successful. This situation is more serious, because it is likely that the hard disk boot sector problems. 3. Frequent and unexplained blue screens when using the computer normally. 4. If the system prompts "Track 0 Bad" when formatting the hard disk, it means that the hard disk's track 0 is damaged. In fact, track 0 damage is also a problem of bad sectors, only the critical track 0 also has bad sectors.
A computer hardware failure caused by the black screen failure
By computer hardware failure caused by the black screen failure can be divided into the following two categories:
1, the computer host failure caused by the black screen failure?
a, the host power supply failure
The host power supply damage or host power supply quality caused by the black screen failure is very common. For example, when adding some new equipment, the monitor has a black screen failure, after excluding the hardware quality and compatibility issues after the power supply quality is not good enough power is the main cause of the failure, replace the large rate of high-quality power supply or the use of voltage stabilized power supply is the best way to solve this type of failure.
b, the quality of accessories caused by the failure
Computer accessories poor quality or damage, is the main cause of the monitor black screen failure. Such as memory, graphics cards, motherboards, CPU and other problems may certainly cause the appearance of black screen failure. The fault manifested itself in the monitor light is orange, this time the replacement method can be used to replace the display card, memory, CPU, motherboard and other components to try, this is the most simple and fast solution.
c, the quality of the connection between the accessories
memory, graphics card and the motherboard between the insertion is not correct or loose, dust and other causes of poor contact is the main reason for the failure of the black screen. And the display card and monitor connection problem, or drive data line reversal may also trigger the black screen failure.
d, black screen failure caused by overclocking
Overclocking or overclocking parts that are not suitable for overclocking will not only cause a black screen failure, but also cause serious damage to accessories. If overclocking or overclocking parts that are not suitable for overclocking is not good for heat dissipation, or if the fan is damaged during normal use and cannot dissipate the heat for the CPU, it will cause the system to self-protect and crash on the black screen.
2, the monitor itself failure caused by the black screen failure
a, AC power supply power
External power supply power, resulting in some of the old monitor or some of the power-consuming power of the monitor can not be started normally, the monitor itself failure caused by one of the causes of the black screen failure. Or the external power supply voltage is not stable, the voltage is too high or too low may cause the monitor work is not stable, or even does not work.
b, power circuit failure
The monitor's switching circuit as well as other circuit failures is the main cause of the monitor black screen failure. Such as fuse blown, rectifier bridge switching tube is broken, current-limiting protection resistor burned out and other faults lead to the display does not work.
c, picture tube, line output circuit damage
Picture tube or line output circuit failure will also trigger the monitor power no raster black screen failure, is also the main cause of the monitor black screen failure.
2, computer software failure caused by black screen failure
such as software conflicts, improper installation of drivers, BIOS refresh error, CMOS settings are incorrect, etc. can cause black screen failure. In addition, such as malignant viruses caused by hardware damage (such as CIH) and so on may cause the monitor black screen failure. To this type of failure, if you can consider the causes of the failure, to do to solve the problem know what to do with half the effort.
3, the monitor black screen fault solution ideas
a, check the host power supply, whether the work is normal. First of all, the host chassis panel power indicator is bright, and the power supply fan is rotating to determine whether the host system has not been supplied with power. Secondly, with a multimeter to check whether the external voltage meets the requirements, the voltage is too high or too low may cause the host power supply over-voltage or under-voltage circuit of the automatic shutdown protection. In addition, focus on checking the quality of the power switch and reset button and their connection with the motherboard on the correct or not are very important, because many poor-quality chassis on the power switch and reset button often occurs after a few times after the use of damage, resulting in black screen of the whole machine is not any display. If the power supply is damaged, replace the power supply can be solved.
b, check the monitor power supply is connected. When the monitor is powered on, there is a "ch" sound, and the monitor's power indicator is on, the user moves to the monitor screen, there is a "hissing" sound, the back of the hand hairs stand up.
c, check the monitor signal line with the display card contact is good. If the interface has a lot of dirt, broken pins and other damage will lead to poor contact, the monitor black screen.
d, check whether the display card and motherboard contact is good. If the monitor black screen and host speakers issued a long and two short beeps, it shows that the connection between the graphics card and the motherboard has a problem, or graphics card and the display of this connection between the problem, you can focus on checking whether the slot contact is good groove whether there is a foreign body, the graphics card to change the motherboard slot for a test, in order to determine whether there is a problem with the slot.
e, check whether the graphics card can work properly. Check whether the chip on the display card can be burnt, cracked traces as well as the display card on the cooling fan is working, whether the cooling performance is good. A normal working graphics card can be used to rule out whether the graphics card is damaged.
f, check whether the contact between the memory stick and the motherboard is good, whether the quality of the memory stick is good. If the computer starts up a black screen and the host continuous beeping, it is most likely to indicate that there is a problem with the memory stick, you can focus on checking the memory and the memory slot of the installation of the contact situation, the memory stick to re-plugging a time, or replace the new memory stick.
g, check whether the chassis fan rotation. If the chassis cooling fan is damaged, it will cause poor heat dissipation, and in serious cases, it will cause damage to the CPU and other components or the computer will automatically shut down to protect and sound an alarm.
h, check whether other boards (such as sound cards, decompression cards, video, capture cards) and motherboard slots are good and whether the driver signal lines are connected correctly. This is often easy for many people to ignore. Generally believe that the computer black screen is the monitor part of the problem, and other equipment has nothing to do. In fact, because of the sound card and other equipment is not installed correctly, resulting in the system initialization is difficult to complete, especially the hard disk data line interface, but also easy to cause the failure of no display.
i, check whether the CPU is overclocked, whether the contact between the CPU and the motherboard is good, and whether the CPU cooling fan is intact. If the overclocking use leads to a black screen, then the CPU jumps back to the original frequency can be. If the contact is poor, then remove the CPU must be reinstalled, and the use of high-quality high-power fan to the CPU cooling.
j, check the parameter settings. Check whether the CMOS parameters are set correctly, if the CMOS parameters are not set properly and cause a black screen, the computer does not start, it is necessary to open the chassis, hands to restore the CMOS default settings.
k, check whether the virus triggered the monitor black screen. If the virus caused by the monitor black screen, this time the latest version of anti-virus software to deal with, sometimes need to rewrite the BIOS program.
l, if the internal circuitry of the monitor failure caused by the black screen or tube damage, you should ask a professional repair.
I. Problems with network settings?
This reason is more often found in the need to manually specify the IP, gateway, DNS server networking mode, and the use of proxy servers to access the Internet. Check your computer's network settings carefully.
The problem with DNS servers?
When IE can not browse the Web, you can first try to access the IP address, if you can access, then it should be a DNS problem, resulting in DNS problems may be connected to the network to obtain DNS error or DNS server itself, then you can manually specify the DNS service (the address can be your local ISP to provide the DNS server address, but also can be used elsewhere can be used) DNS server address can also be used elsewhere.) Do this in the properties of the network, (Control Panel - Network and Unplugged Connections - Local Connections - Right-click Properties - TCP/IP Protocol - Properties - Use the following DNS server address). Different ISPs have different DNS addresses. Sometimes it is a problem with your router or network card that prevents you from connecting to your ISP's DNS service, in which case you can either turn your router off for a while and then back on again, or reset your router.
There is also a possibility that there is a problem with the local DNS cache. In order to increase the speed of access to websites, the system will automatically store websites that have already been accessed with an IP address in the local DNS cache, so that once the website is accessed again, it will no longer be accessed through a DNS server, but will be accessed directly from the local DNS cache with the IP address of the website. Therefore, if there is a problem with the local DNS cache, the website will be inaccessible. You can rebuild the local DNS cache by running ipconfig /flushdns in Run.
Three: Problems with Internet Explorer itself?
When the IE browser itself fails, it will naturally affect the browsing; or IE has been maliciously modified to destroy it will also lead to the inability to browse the web. At this point you can try to use the "Huangshan IE repair expert" to repair (recommended to the safe mode repair), or re-IE (such as reinstallation of IE encountered can not be re-problems, you can refer to: attached to a solution can not be reinstalled IE)?
Four, network firewall problems?
If the network firewall settings are not appropriate, such as security level is too high, accidentally put the IE blocked access to the list, the wrong firewall policy, etc., you can try to check the policy, reduce the firewall security level or directly turn off to try to return to normal.
Fifth, the network protocol and network card driver problems?
IE can't browse, it may be the network protocol (especially the TCP/IP protocol) or network card driver is damaged, you can try to re-network card driver and network protocol.
Sixth, the problem of HOSTS file?
The HOSTS file has been modified, which can also lead to abnormal browsing, and the solution is of course to empty the contents of the HOSTS file.
Seven system file problems?
When the system files related to IE is replaced or damaged, it will affect the normal use of IE, this time you can use the SFC command to repair, WIN98 system can be in the "Run" in the implementation of the SFC, and then perform a scan; WIN2000/XP/2003 in the "Run" in the implementation of the SFC, and then perform a scan; WIN2000/XP/2003 in the WIN98 systems can run SFC in "Run" and then perform a scan; WIN2000/XP/2003 will try to fix it by executing sfc /scannow in "Run".
When only IE can not browse the web, and QQ can be on, it is often due to winsock.dll, wsock32.dll or wsock.vxd (VXD only exists in the WIN9X system) and other files are damaged or missing caused by the Winsock is an important part of the composition of the TCP / IP protocol, generally to reinstall the TCP / IP protocol. IP protocol. However, XP began to integrate the TCP/IP protocol, so it can not be simply uninstalled and reinstalled like 98, you can use the netsh command to reset the TCP/IP protocol, so that it is restored to the state of the initial installation of the operating system. The specific operation is as follows:?
Click on "Start Run" and type "CMD" in the Run dialog box to bring up a command prompt window, then type "netsh int ip reset c:\ \ resetlog.txt" command will return to the car, which "resetlog.txt" file is used to record the results of the command execution log file, the parameter option must be specified, the complete path of the log file specified here is The full path of the log file specified here is "c:\resetlog.txt". The result of executing this command is the same as removing and reinstalling the TCP/IP protocol.?
Tip: The netsh command is a command-line based scripting tool that you can use to configure and monitor your Windows system, and it also provides an interactive network shell program interface. The format of the netsh command can be found in the help file (type "netsh/?" at the prompt). " in the prompt window).
The second solution is to repair the above files, WIN9X use SFC to re-extract the above files, WIN2000/XP/2003 use sfc /scannow command to repair the file, when sfc /scannow can not be repaired, you can try to publish online repair tool WinSockFix specifically for this problem, you can search for downloads on the Internet. The first step is to search the Internet and download it.
Eight, antivirus real-time monitoring problems?
This is not often seen, but sometimes it does have to do with real-time monitoring, because now the real-time monitoring of antivirus software are added to the monitoring of web content. To give an example: KV2005 will be in the individual machine will lead to IE can not browse the web (many friends have encountered), its specific performance is as long as the opening of the web page monitor, a boot online about 20 minutes after the IE will not be able to browse the web page, at this time, if the web page monitor KV2005 off, everything is back to normal; after a thorough reinstallation of KV2005 can not be resolved. Although not every machine with KV2005 installed will have this problem, after all, the system of each machine is different, and the installed programs are not the same. However, if it appears that IE cannot browse the web, you should also pay attention to check the antivirus program.?
Nine, Application Management service problems?
The situation where you can only go to QQ and can't open a web page, it's fine after restarting. The company's website has been updated with the latest version of the website, which is available on the Internet and on the web. The reason for this is unknown.
Ten, infected with a virus?
This situation is often manifested in the opening of IE, IE interface in the lower left box prompt: is opening the page, but the old half-day no response. In the task manager to see the process, (into the method, put the mouse on the taskbar, press the right button - task manager - process) to see how the CPU occupancy rate, if it is 100%, you can be sure, is infected with a virus, this time you want to run the other programs are simply suffering. This is to find out which process is greedily occupying the CPU resources. Find, it is best to record the name, and then click on the end, if you can not end, it is necessary to start to the safe mode to delete the thing, but also into the registry, (method: start - run, enter regedit) in the registry dialog box, point edit - find, enter the program name, find, point the mouse! right-click to delete, and then a few more searches, often can be completely removed cleanly.?
There are a lot of viruses out there that antivirus software can't do anything about, and the only way to get rid of them is manually.
Eleven, can not open the secondary links?
There is also a phenomenon that requires special attention: is able to open the home page of the site, but can not open the second link, if so, the way to deal with the re-registration of the following DLL file:?
In Start-Run, type: ?
Note: For each entry, press Enter. You can leave the second command alone, restart windows after entering these commands, and if you find that it doesn't work, enter it again, this time entering the second command.
I, BIOS optimization settings?
In the BIOS setup home page we enter the "Advanced BIOS Features" option, move the cursor to the "Frist Boot Device" option, press the "PageUP" button. "PageUP" and "PageDOWN" to select, the default value is "Floppy", which means that the system will first read the boot information from the floppy drive when booting. This will lengthen the boot time of the machine and shorten the life of the floppy drive. So we need to select "HDD-0" to boot directly from the hard disk, so that the startup is several seconds faster. In addition, for the "Above 1MbMemoryTest" in the BIOS setup, it is recommended to choose "Disabled", for the "QuickPowerOnSelftest Enabled" is recommended for "QuickPowerOnSelftest".
The settings in "Advanced Chipset Features" have a significant impact on the acceleration of your PC, so please pay close attention to them. Change the "Bank 0/1 DRAM Timing" from "8ns/10ns" to "Fast" or "Turbo". "Turbo". "Turbo" is faster than "Fast", but less stable, so "Fast" is recommended. If the memory quality is good, you can try "Turbo", but if it's not stable, you can change it back to "Fast".
For good quality memory sticks, we recommend setting the "SDRAM CAS Latency" option to "2" to speed things up.
Newer motherboards support AGP4X, so if you have a graphics card that supports AGP4X, you should activate this option in the "AGP-4XMode" field, which is "Enabled", to better utilize your graphics card's capabilities and speed up system startup.
The DMA method is used to increase the speed of the hard disk.
Using UDMA/33, 66, 100 technology, the maximum transfer rate of the hard disk is 33MB/s, 66MB/s, 100MB/s, theoretically it is the IDE hard disk (here refers to the PIO MODE4 mode, its transfer rate is 16.6MB/s) transfer rate of 3 to 6 times, but in the default settings of Windows, DMA is disabled. But in Windows, DMA is disabled by default, so we have to turn it on.
The specific method is: open the "Control Panel ?ú System ?ú Device Manager" window, expand the "Disk Drive" branch, double-click the icon of the UDMA hard disk, enter the "Properties ?ú Settings ?ú Options", in the "Disk Drive" branch, double-click the icon of the UDMA hard disk, enter the "Properties ?ú Settings ?ú Options". "In front of the "DMA" item "√", and then press OK, close all dialog boxes, restart the computer can be.
Three, remove the Windows boot logo.?
First you have to open the "Start" → "Settings" → "Folder Options" from the "View" tab in the "View" tab. You need to check "Show all files" in the "Advanced Settings" list box in the "View" tab. Then open C disk, find Msdos.sys file, and cancel its "read-only" attribute, open it, in the "Option" paragraph, add a line statement: LOGO = 0, so that the Windows boot pattern will not be loaded to run, boot time This way, the Windows boot logo will not be loaded and the boot time will be reduced by 3 seconds.