Circuit board component symbols are on behalf of what components?

The following is a list of common electronic component symbols on circuit boards:

1, B: battery (battery).

2, C: capacitor.

3, D or CR: diode.

3, F: Fuse.

4, IC: integrated circuit.

5, L: inductor.

6, LED: light emitting diode (light emitting diode).

7, Q: triode (transistor).

8, R: resistor.

9, T: transformer.

10, TP: test point.

11, VR: variable resistor (variable resistor).

12, X: crystal oscillator, ceramic resonator (crystal, ceramic resonator).

Expanded Information:


Resistor Classification:

1, Resistor: A fixed value of resistance.

2, Resistor Network.

3, Trimmers: small variable resistors.

4, Variable Resistor: variable resistance value.

5, Heater: electric heating element (Heating Element).

6, electric hot wire (Resistance Wire): high resistance material wire, close to the heating element.

7, Thermistor (Thermistor): temperature changes the resistance value.

8, Varistor: Variable voltage resistance.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Electronic Yuan