1, municipal roads, sidewalks, slow lanes, road railings, bridge railings cleaning. High-pressure water sweeper using fan-shaped water column to rinse the ground clean, is generally difficult to achieve the effect of cleaning tools, and then use the back box configuration of the water gun will be the teeth, dead ends and other difficult to clean easily solved, which is the embodiment of the excellent performance of high-pressure water sweeper.
2, open-air plaza, pedestrian streets, urban sculpture rinse. The use of high-pressure water sweeper to clean these places, high efficiency, will not cause damage to these places, and clean up convenient, flexible.
3, urban lamp posts, poles, billboards, bus stops, telephone booths and other places of small ads cleaning and being scribbled on the wall of the powerful rinse. High-pressure water sweeper has very good flexibility, able to maneuver the operation, very suitable for use in the removal of urban moss advertising.
4, garbage transfer station, landfill rinsing, incineration equipment and sewer cleaning, large stalls oil rinsing, garbage cans stains residue cleanup, these are high pressure flushing trucks. High-pressure water sweeper using imported AR pumps, the pressure reaches 280 kilograms, without any chemical and biological agents can be the above types of stains present in high-pressure rinsing clean.
5, construction sites, urban road enclosure dust reduction and haze treatment. City management for the construction environment is becoming more and more stringent requirements, in the dusty construction site, whether it is the air flying dust or ground accumulation of dust, high-pressure water sweeper is a targeted dust reduction device, can quickly and efficiently clean up the site's dust, so that the workers have a good operating environment, but also to make the urban environment a little less haze.
6, scenic areas, parks and other road surface cleaning. High-pressure water sweeper applied to the roads in scenic areas and parks is highly recommended. Because after the rain, the ground in these places tend to stick with a lot of dirt sand, and through the high-pressure water sweeper flushing, the ground condition can be very good governance, but also scenic areas, parks a beautiful. Similarly, in the long sunny weather, the ground dust, through the high-pressure water sweeper of the dust removal, these scenic areas and parks and other leisure places, can create a very good environment, so that people and tourists have a good rest environment.
7, rural town streets sanitation cleaning. Rural sanitation cleaning may be relatively lax for the city, the cost is also more stringent control, generally rarely use sprinklers and sweepers, and then the high-pressure water sweeper can solve the problem of both, to achieve the function of washing and sweeping, in the cost is also has the absolute advantage.
The above is for the application of high-pressure water sweeper place of elaboration, with the high-pressure water sweeper high performance show, more and more customers choose high-pressure water sweeper, I believe, you must have can be used to high-pressure water sweeper place.