Bair Hugger Meaning

Bair Hugger is a medical device!

One of the models is: Bair Hugger model 505 WarmingUnit/Bair Hugger blankets

English name: Bair Hugger model 505 WarmingUnit/Bair Hugger blankets

Approval date: 2004-08-31

Effective Date: 2008-08-30

Change Date: 0000-00-00

Product Description: Registered No. State Food and Drug Administration Measures (into) No. 2004 No. 2681698

Manufactured in the United States of America 10393 West 70th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA

Manufacturer Arizant Healthcare Inc.

Scope of ApplicationThis product is used for warming and cooling of patients.

Performance and CompositionThe therapeutic instrument consists of a main body, a stand, a hose, and an inflatable thermal blanket. Main performance: spherical and capillary thermostat with overheating alarm and high temperature adjustment. Blanket models 522, 525, 540, 610, 300, 305, 310, 315, 555, 530, 536, 537, 570, 630, 645, 560, 110.

Specifications Model Bair Hugger 505

Product standard YZB/USA 260-68 "Bair Hugger 505 warming instrument and warming/cooling blanket"

After-sales service organization Huaxingdong Medical Equipment (Beijing) Co.

Registered agent Beijing Haijingmaike Medical Equipment Co.


There are also some other meanings as if it also has a kind of medicine

You can go to Youtou and Google to search for there are a lot of stuff on this! But most of them are in English, I'm not good at English, so you can see for yourself!