(ii) Olympic franchise merchandise sales: Hebei Xuan Gong, North Star Industry, Xianhe Environmental Protection, Changbaishan, Pathfinder, Beijing Urban Construction, Shoukai shares, Huaxia Happiness, Jinyi Culture, Shouyou Hotel.
(3) Layout of ice and snow sports projects: CITS United, Changbaishan.
Beijing local stocks: Quanjude, Shouyou Hotel (tourism and mid- to high-end hotel operations in Beijing), CYTS (600138) (providing sports event consulting, exhibition business, etc.).
These concept stocks will also be affected by the uncertainty of the Winter Olympics event, which investors should be aware of.
Stock is a certificate of ownership issued by a joint-stock company. It is the joint-stock company to raise funds and issued to the shareholders as a certificate of ownership and to obtain dividends and bonuses by a kind of securities.
Stock is the main long-term credit instrument in the capital market, which can be transferred, bought and sold, and shareholders can share the profits of the company by virtue of it, but they also have to bear the risk of the company's operation errors.
The stock is a kind of securities, is a joint-stock company in raising capital issued to the investors of the share certificates, on behalf of its holders (i.e., shareholders) of the joint-stock company's ownership, the purchase of shares is to buy a part of the business of the enterprise, and can be and the enterprise *** with the growth and development.
This ownership is a combination of rights, such as attending shareholders' meetings, voting, participating in major decisions of the company, receiving dividends or sharing the difference in dividends, etc., but also *** with the company to bear the risks associated with operational errors. Obtaining recurring income is one of the most important reasons for investors to buy stocks, and dividend payout is the main source of recurring income for stock investors.
Shares are bought and sold with a commission (fee), the commission for buying and selling is set by the securities dealers themselves (up to three thousandths of the amount of the transaction, there is no restriction on the minimum, the lower the better.) The commission is generally 0.05% of the transaction amount, and the commission is less than 5 yuan charged at 5 yuan. Sell shares charged stamp duty: one thousandth of the transaction amount (formerly 3 ‰, 2008 stamp duty downward, unilateral collection of one thousandth).
August 1, 2015 onwards, the deep market, Shanghai stocks to buy and sell according to the transaction amount of 0.02 per thousand to collect the transfer fee
The above costs, less than 1 cent of the part of the rounded up to collect.
There is another fee that occurs very rarely: bulk interest to principal. It is equivalent to a stockholder giving his money to a broker, who returns a certain amount of call interest to the stockholder over a certain period of time.