How is a satisfaction questionnaire conducted?

Satisfaction questionnaires, first of all, are specifically designed to ask several questions, each of which gives a different score to represent a different level of satisfaction

Generally 0-5 means dissatisfied to very satisfied.

The total score is the sum of the scores from these questions.

Percentage system general formula:

Satisfaction score = very satisfied percentage * 100 + satisfied percentage * 80 + basically satisfied percentage * 60 + less satisfied percentage * 30 + dissatisfied percentage * 0, out of 100 points.

Expanded Information:

Satisfaction Calculation:

"Satisfaction" is an index concept that measures the degree (depth) of satisfaction through the weighted calculation of evaluation scores. The internationally recognized standard of measurement is CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index).

The purpose of the assessment:

To grasp the current situation of satisfaction: to help customers focus their limited resources on the most important aspects of the customer, so as to establish and enhance customer loyalty and customer retention.

Sub-brand and customer group research to provide a basis for stratification, streaming and differentiated services to understand and measure customer needs.

Identify service shortcomings, analyze customer value, and prioritize limited resources to the most valuable customers.

Study the gap between service standards, service processes and service delivery and customer expectations, identify customer concerns and service shortcomings, and make recommendations for improvement.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - Satisfaction