The centrifugal force calculation formula is F=mv2/r, where m represents mass in kilograms, v represents speed in meters per second, r represents the radius of centrifugal motion in meters, and F is centrifugal force. The unit is Newton. Centrifugal force is a virtual force and a manifestation of inertia. In order for an object to move in a circle, the object needs to receive a force directed toward the center of the circle, that is, centripetal force. Its function is only to enable Newton's laws of motion to still apply in a rotating reference system. , there is no centrifugal force in the inertial reference frame, and inertial force is only needed in the non-inertial reference frame, otherwise Newton's law of motion cannot be used. The centrifugal phenomenon means that when the force supporting an object in circular motion weakens or disappears, the object gradually moves away from the center of the circle. This phenomenon can be observed in the motion of a hammer, the turning of vehicles, and the circular motion of celestial bodies. The application of centrifugal force in daily life is common in washing machines. Water takes away dirt from clothes under the action of centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is often used in industrial equipment to create mechanical equipment that separates liquid heterogeneous mixtures. In aerospace, centrifugal force is used to create "artificial gravity" for astronauts. Centrifugal force is used in the medical field to separate platelets.