World of Warcraft damage skills.

Storm M8 ni0n/j

The explanation of the skill is: summon a huge flame and cause long-term damage to enemy infantry in the target area. I: Oh dear 73

The damage of a single unit is 15/26.67/36.67. The damage interval is 0.33, and the duration is 1 sec. T * k & gt,V! Y

Because the burning time is 3 seconds, the damage interval is 1 sec ib]pg7G.

The actual damage of each unit is: 45/80/110td] xhh1.

Then there is the question of the number of injured people. The upper limit of the injury of severe inflammatory storm in WE is 90/ 160/220 points. 5_9J|fN

Note: The upper limit of 90/ 160/220 refers to the damage value 15/26.67/36.67. E9~3,

In other words: Fierce inflammation can cause 6 units of total damage. J#E? 9 liters

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This skill also has the additional damage of burning. 4/6/8 per second. YhEA}n

The duration is 2.67 seconds. M & gt}n7 dollars

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Note: If there are more than 6 units in the range, the damage will be evenly distributed to each unit! In terms of data, assuming that there are 6 units within the range that completely resist the severe critical violence skill of 1, the HP loss should be 45 points of main damage *3+ 4*3-* * 147 points of damage. Assuming that 12 units are fully responsible, the lost HP should be 22.5*3+ 12 additional damage and1* * 79.5 damage. & gty[Z


Because there is no upper limit for extra damage, it will cause all damage to all units in the range. l; eO: 1T


This is why the flame rain looks as harmful as a blizzard, but the effect will be better than a blizzard. Oq7


Gorgeous department. 7H_wWm5m

Important: Every range damage skill with the maximum damage limit has the same damage effect on the arm as a storm. ,y$(m^<; x

-Y) percentage

The most damaging skill: Do)TjM # W>;;


The upper limit of snowstorm 30/40/50 is 150/200/250 (snowstorm can only cause all damage to 5 units,) lil) 2D # I O.

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Shock wave 75/ 130/200, upper limit 900/ 1540/2400 (although the action unit is only the ground and buildings, not in the air and in a straight line, this skill is the most damaging skill in all ranges. Can reach 12). R> Israel ..

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Medical wave and lightning training are two special decreasing effects of shooting range skills (even if there is no limit on the number of people, it is useless to have more than 6 people). "-9

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Worst range damage skill-rotten bee colony 75/ 125/200, upper limit difference 300/600/ 1000. P 'pPy {& gtjohn John


Second, the range damage skill of garbage-75/125/190, the upper limit is only 300/625/950. %n:zR {。 & gt


Medical aerosol 40/55/70 upper limit 280/385/490, wave number amplification 3/4/5 jW8 1)(q J

In other words, each wave can simultaneously treat 40 HP units and 7 HP. ]! 04wmZ & gto

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Another most discussed skill: flame breathing 65/125/170 520/1000/1360. It seems that this skill can play many, many units, but in fact there are only 8 units. But the effect BT, the reason has been said before. There is no upper limit to the additional burning damage caused by adding wine. Therefore, the combo of wine and fire is the range damage skill TrHZzH^ej with the strongest killing effect and the largest scope of action.


Other fire, rain and missile skills need hardly be introduced. & gt^-/X2K3t

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Gorgeous department.

Range damage skill without upper damage limit: V44UT9 &;

That is, a skill that can cause total damage to all units in the range? *-0Mt[

Thunder strikes 60/ 120/ 180 with extremely high damage, but each level increases the damage range, with a 5-second deceleration time. Unit volume Jr. is a super killer (special G). ID 1 ~ _ m Source: Wang Xue (, original address:/game/200712/28866.html.