What is the phone number of the sales office of Maple Leaf Zhenghong in Heze?

Heze Maple Leaf Zhenghong Jiyu sales and consulting phone number: 4006581350 turn 39529.

Maple Leaf Zhenghong real estate project current basic information:

Location area: development zone

Property address: development zone is located in 220 national highway China peony garden is directly opposite

Reference price: 6,000 yuan / square meter

Opening time:2018-8-5

Delivery time:2019-10-31

Property type:villa

Decoration status:Gross

Property rights:Duplex 70 years

Property features:Large-scale community,Shopping malls and supermarkets,Early childhood education institutions,Medical facilities,Small-sized homes,Low-density community,Livable ecological

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Click to view: Maple Leaf Red's historical transaction price