What are the main applications of sand blasting machine?

1, pretreatment:

Electroplating, painting, spraying and all other covered processing before sandblasting, the surface is absolutely clean, and at the same time greatly improve the covering layer adhesion and corrosion resistance.

2, cleanup:

Casting parts, stamping parts, welding parts, heat treatment parts and other metal workpieces to remove oxidized skin, residue, dirt; non-metallic products surface cleanup, ceramic embryo pieces of the surface of the black spot removal and reduction of paint pattern.

3, old parts renovation:

Automobiles, motorcycles, electromechanical equipment and other all moving parts of the renovation cleaning. At the same time to eliminate fatigue stress, extend the service life.

4, light decoration:

All metal products and non-metallic products (plastic, crystal, glass, etc.) to eliminate surface traces of matte matte surface treatment, so that the product surface to enhance the grade.

Main application

Sand blasting machine after heat treatment of oxide skin, residual salt, residual oil, etc.; black (with) color casting parts of the oxide skin, sand, etc.; no residual processing of precision castings, oxide skin, sand, etc.; machining parts of the residue, micro burrs, etc.; welding parts of the oxide skin, weld slag, etc.; cold and hot rolled steel plate (section) of the oxide skin, rust layer, etc.; all kinds of mold cavities of the mold release agent, deposits, etc.; sintering residues on the surface of ceramic components.

Flying edge of plastic molding parts; radioactive elements on the surface of the object; bridges, hydroelectric power station gates, ships, buildings; rubber adhesion layer of the airport runway; train carriages; a variety of pipelines and containers tanks; the old machine parts of the oil stains, adhesions, etc.; the container residual paint, rust layer and adhesions, etc.; porcelain on the wrong sintering layer; decorative surface scratches, and so on.