How to repair missing teeth

There are four ways

Firstly, removable denture is cheap and less teeth grinding but troublesome

Secondly, there are many kinds of fixed denture with different prices, but it is good but more teeth grinding and sometimes it will expose the nerve

Thirdly, implant prosthesis does not damage both sides of the teeth and it is good but it is expensive and there is no guarantee of 100% success

Fourthly, removable and fixed prosthesis has high price and high requirements

There are several ways to restore missing teeth after missing a tooth. p>Methods of restoration of missing teethThere are several methods of restoration of missing teeth?

From the restoration method can be divided into four categories: fixed prosthesis restoration, movable prosthesis restoration, fixed movable joint restoration, implant restoration.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. You may be suitable for all of them, or you may be suitable for only one or two of them. You can make your choice based on your situation, the results of your doctor's examination, and what is important to you.

Fixed dentures are the proverbial dead teeth, where the dentures are cemented in place in the mouth and do not need to be taken in and out of the mouth every day. Fixed prosthetics can be made of different materials, such as metal, porcelain, all-ceramic and so on. The advantages of fixed restorations are: comfort, no foreign body sensation, efficient chewing, and aesthetics (in the case of porcelain or all-ceramic).

The disadvantage is: need to grind the teeth on both sides of the missing teeth. The prerequisite for choosing fixed restorations is that the teeth on both sides of the missing tooth site are strong enough.

Active prosthetic restoration is to say that a denture can be removed, with a bracket, professionally known as abutment, used to increase the force area, stabilize the denture, etc.; also with a few hooks, professionally known as the ring, used to fix the denture in the oral cavity. Active restorations are the most widely used and can be considered when other methods cannot be used. There are also different types of abutments available for removable prostheses, including resin abutments, cobalt chromium abutments, pure titanium abutments, and so on. Advantages of removable restorations: only a small amount of adjacent teeth need to be removed, no surgery is required, and the relative price is generally cheaper. Disadvantages of removable prosthesis: not comfortable enough, large foreign body sensation; chewing efficiency is relatively low; inconvenient, need to be removed every day for cleaning, often lost after removal; unattractive, in many cases will expose the metal ring. Fixed activity joint restoration of dentures also has a bracket, but it will use some of the remaining teeth or roots in the mouth to make some special devices, similar to hidden buttons, magnets and so on, used to fix the dentures. By using this method, teeth or roots that could only be extracted in the past can be fully utilized, and the number of clasps can be reduced or eliminated to ensure aesthetics.

Dental implants are known as the third set of teeth. When we restore teeth, the more bionic the better. Dental implants are the most similar to natural teeth of all restorative methods available. Its advantages are: comfort, high chewing efficiency, no need to grind adjacent teeth. Disadvantages: the price is relatively high, nowadays a tooth is usually more than 10,000 dollars; requires surgery, in fact, implant surgery is usually a very small surgery, but some patients are afraid of hearing about surgery.

These four categories of restoration methods, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, first of all, to see which one is suitable for you to use, for example, you want to implant, but your physical condition simply can not tolerate the operation, there is no way. If three of the four methods are available to you, then it depends on what you focus on, whether it is aesthetically pleasing or economically practical.